POLL: Politics and the DACA situation

You're King! What does immigration reform look like?

  • 1. If they're not legal citizens, they all go back, no exceptions, bye bye

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • 2. Dreamers can stay, everyone who's not here legally goes, bye bye

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • 3. If they're here, make them voting citizens immediately

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. They all stay, they're legal, put them at the end of the line for citizenship, seal the borders

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • 5. Borders are artificial and irrelevant, we are all citizens of the world

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • 6. Mango-flavored Guacamole

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Let's see how politics plays into immigration reform and the DACA situation.

I'm listening to a conservative talk show right now, saying that most Americans don't want to send the kids back to Mexico, and it does look some here would disagree with that.

So let's get some clarity on this.

What would immigration reform look like, if you were King? I voted for #4.
Let's see how politics plays into immigration reform and the DACA situation.

I'm listening to a conservative talk show right now, saying that most Americans don't want to send the kids back to Mexico, and it does look some here would disagree with that.

So let's get some clarity on this.

What would immigration reform look like, if you were King? I voted for #4.

1. Anyone with a criminal record goes
2. "Dreamers" get the choice of 4 years of National Service" or they can leave
3. Seal the borders. Rapid deportation for anyone caught crossing.
4. Gradual deportation through getting rid of anyone arrested while illegal
5. Self deportation will occur as well when the other steps are implemented.
Okay, so it wasn't an original idea, shit.

Let's see how politics plays into immigration reform and the DACA situation.

I'm listening to a conservative talk show right now, saying that most Americans don't want to send the kids back to Mexico, and it does look some here would disagree with that.

So let's get some clarity on this.

What would immigration reform look like, if you were King? I voted for #4.

1. Anyone with a criminal record goes
2. "Dreamers" get the choice of 4 years of National Service" or they can leave
3. Seal the borders. Rapid deportation for anyone caught crossing.
4. Gradual deportation through getting rid of anyone arrested while illegal
5. Self deportation will occur as well when the other steps are implemented.

I like your ideas except for the 4 years of mandatory national service by the Dreamers. If they must do national service 2 years at most but really, they're in the US through no fault of their own.
Let's see how politics plays into immigration reform and the DACA situation.

I'm listening to a conservative talk show right now, saying that most Americans don't want to send the kids back to Mexico, and it does look some here would disagree with that.

So let's get some clarity on this.

What would immigration reform look like, if you were King? I voted for #4.

1. Anyone with a criminal record goes
2. "Dreamers" get the choice of 4 years of National Service" or they can leave
3. Seal the borders. Rapid deportation for anyone caught crossing.
4. Gradual deportation through getting rid of anyone arrested while illegal
5. Self deportation will occur as well when the other steps are implemented.

I like your ideas except for the 4 years of mandatory national service by the Dreamers. If they must do national service 2 years at most but really, they're in the US through no fault of their own.

Actions have consequences, and 4 years to get your green card, in a country they proclaim they "love" is no sacrifice.
Deport all illegals without exception! That leaves us with 3000000 or so Native Americans to finally live in freedom.
I think it's far more likely they'll get signed up if this is law passed by Congress and they're not worried about getting arrested doing so.

They're already "signed up". There's 800,000 with temporary green cards. Those cards expire every two years. Those whose cards expire during the next 6 months can renew for a further 2 year period (less than 200,000), but for the 600,000 whose cards expire after March of 2018, they'll have to leave unless Congress passes a law.

Because of all of the hoops they had to jump through and all the paperwork they had to complete to get those DACA cards, ICE should have no trouble rounding them up.
Let's see how politics plays into immigration reform and the DACA situation.

I'm listening to a conservative talk show right now, saying that most Americans don't want to send the kids back to Mexico, and it does look some here would disagree with that.

So let's get some clarity on this.

What would immigration reform look like, if you were King? I voted for #4.

I didn't really see an option for my personal viewpoint.

I think "dreamers" who have been in this country for more than 10 years or have completed high school in America should be allowed to stay under the condition they apply for citizenship. If their parents are here illegally, they need to be deported. Those who meet the requirement but are still minors would need to have an adult guardian who has citizenship. Deported parents of remaining dreamers would be eligible to apply for citizenship on an expedited basis after 120 days.

Everybody else goes home.
Seems like military service would be a good trade for allowing them to stay

Or donating and helping with construction of the wall.
As long as the law is passed by congress and not executive order I can be flexible

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