Poll on tax cuts: for everyone or for under $250k only

Do you vote with the GOP or tell the GOP to pound sand?

  • YES. I vote to extend ALL tax cuts for 2-years

    Votes: 33 67.3%
  • NO. I vote to kill all tax cuts and blame the GOP obstructionists.

    Votes: 16 32.7%

  • Total voters
So, if I understand this predicament, everyone wants the economy chugging along again. The American consumer and his spending drives the economy. Some folks still push the tired old trickle down argument that cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires will stimulate the economy. Why? Because those millionaires and billionaires create jobs.

But then wasn't it consumer spending that drives the economy? Will those millionaires and billionaires spend their tax cuts and thus stimulate the economy? And those jobs the rich create, why haven't they created them in America instead of China?

If the consumer drives the economy, wouldn't putting as much money in the hands of the most people do the most good?

Are Conservatives convinced that if they kowtow to the rich, maybe they too can become rich? Why can't Conservatives admit what is so apparent? Consumer spending is what makes the economy go round. The flow of capital from one hand to another is what grows the economy. The rich can't possibly spend the way the middle class can. Why? Because there aren't as many rich as there are middle class consumers.
How about the amazingly simple answer is that it's their money in the first place?

Screw the rich....
Now, we cut to the nut of the matter...You're just covetous.

Thanks for that brief moment of unintentional candor.
So, if I understand this predicament, everyone wants the economy chugging along again. The American consumer and his spending drives the economy. Some folks still push the tired old trickle down argument that cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires will stimulate the economy. Why? Because those millionaires and billionaires create jobs.

But then wasn't it consumer spending that drives the economy? Will those millionaires and billionaires spend their tax cuts and thus stimulate the economy? And those jobs the rich create, why haven't they created them in America instead of China?

If the consumer drives the economy, wouldn't putting as much money in the hands of the most people do the most good?

Are Conservatives convinced that if they kowtow to the rich, maybe they too can become rich? Why can't Conservatives admit what is so apparent? Consumer spending is what makes the economy go round. The flow of capital from one hand to another is what grows the economy. The rich can't possibly spend the way the middle class can. Why? Because there aren't as many rich as there are middle class consumers.
How about the amazingly simple answer is that it's their money in the first place?

Screw the rich....
Now, we cut to the nut of the matter...You're just covetous.

Thanks for that brief moment of unintentional candor.
is taxation necessary?
asslick,.The tax is deducted with EVERY PAYCHECK..at the percentage of the expected total yearly income.
A $1000 weekly paycheck has deducted from it the tax as though the worker is earning $52,000 per year. Dummy.
You show me where the IRS Tax Code graduates rates.
Let me make sure I have this correct. 28% bracket Filing single... You say on the first $35,019 is taxed at 15% then each dollar up to $84,872 is taxed at 28%?
Now, you go ahead and show factual data the truth of this.
Good luck. Cuz you won't.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


So you really don't know!

Here google is your friend.

And one more.

Try squinting when you read about it and just maybe a light will go off.

Holy shit Art, another one!

How many of you dimwits are out there?

EVERYONE'S subject to the same tax table, whether you make a dollar a year or a billion! The lower brackets are taxed at their respective rates! The withholdings from your employer are only an estimate. If you owe less or more, it's reconciled at the end of the year via a tax bill or return.

C'mon, really spoon? Did you believe that the moment you earn a dollar over any bracket, your entire income is taxed at that bracket? Is that what you thought?

If the Bush tax cuts expire, how much more will you have to pay? The Bone Architect

Tax rates change as your income increase b. Just look at this link
So, if I understand this predicament, everyone wants the economy chugging along again. The American consumer and his spending drives the economy. Some folks still push the tired old trickle down argument that cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires will stimulate the economy. Why? Because those millionaires and billionaires create jobs.

But then wasn't it consumer spending that drives the economy? Will those millionaires and billionaires spend their tax cuts and thus stimulate the economy? And those jobs the rich create, why haven't they created them in America instead of China?

If the consumer drives the economy, wouldn't putting as much money in the hands of the most people do the most good?

Are Conservatives convinced that if they kowtow to the rich, maybe they too can become rich? Why can't Conservatives admit what is so apparent? Consumer spending is what makes the economy go round. The flow of capital from one hand to another is what grows the economy. The rich can't possibly spend the way the middle class can. Why? Because there aren't as many rich as there are middle class consumers.
How about the amazingly simple answer is that it's their money in the first place?

Screw the rich....
Now, we cut to the nut of the matter...You're just covetous.

Thanks for that brief moment of unintentional candor.
is taxation necessary?
Constitutionally lawful imposts excises and duties (i.e. fuel taxes to pay for roads and bridges)?..Yes.

Direct taxes on incomes?...No.

Well, not necessary for funding basic constitutional federal functions, anyways...But absolutely vital for the envy baiting and class warfare tactics of authoritarian political hacks.
The correct response is to make the wealthy pay taxes for the people whose jobs they moved overseas. They moved 14,000 factories and built or expanded thousands more, jobs that used to be here in the US.

Making tax cuts permanent would make the US go bankrupt, not the answer, not even close. I can't believe the whining by the GOP and the wealthy for a few percent increase in taxes. Maybe they should picture a failed US economy and a real depression when the economy crashes permanently.


The above is a classic Pea Green With Envy Class Warfare Rant.

It's also incredibly ignorant. In major metro areas, a couple making a combined income of $250,000 can be a nurse married to a marketing director living in a 3 bedroom 2 bath tract home in Sunnyvale. Hardly the Wealthy Elite.

And you want to tax any extra bit of income they make at a marginal rate of over 50% (including state taxes).

The couple making 250,000 taxable is not in the top bracket.

Their marginal tax rate will increase to 36% for Federal, and if in CA, at 10% if the tax cuts expire.

Factor in the loss of deductions from AMT, and they can easily creep up to an marginal combined tax rate of 50%+
California has the highest aggregate state tax rate in the nation combining income, property, gasoline & sales taxes. Yet California has the nations largest debt/deficit problem by a magnitude multiple times that of the next worst state.

In sharp contrast Texas has one of the lowest aggregate state tax rate in the nation combining income, property, gasoline & sales taxes. Yet Texas has the nations lowest debt/deficit problem by a mile compared to the next worst state.

This proves that raising taxes does not decrease debts/deficits & that the Laffer curve has merit.
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


So you really don't know!

Here google is your friend.

And one more.

Try squinting when you read about it and just maybe a light will go off.

Holy shit Art, another one!

How many of you dimwits are out there?

EVERYONE'S subject to the same tax table, whether you make a dollar a year or a billion! The lower brackets are taxed at their respective rates! The withholdings from your employer are only an estimate. If you owe less or more, it's reconciled at the end of the year via a tax bill or return.

C'mon, really spoon? Did you believe that the moment you earn a dollar over any bracket, your entire income is taxed at that bracket? Is that what you thought?

If the Bush tax cuts expire, how much more will you have to pay? The Bone Architect

Tax rates change as your income increase b. Just look at this link
So, someone making $500,000 per year only has to pay an additional $7,187?

Bunch of greedy whiners.
So, if I understand this predicament, everyone wants the economy chugging along again. The American consumer and his spending drives the economy. Some folks still push the tired old trickle down argument that cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires will stimulate the economy. Why? Because those millionaires and billionaires create jobs.

But then wasn't it consumer spending that drives the economy? Will those millionaires and billionaires spend their tax cuts and thus stimulate the economy? And those jobs the rich create, why haven't they created them in America instead of China?

If the consumer drives the economy, wouldn't putting as much money in the hands of the most people do the most good?

Are Conservatives convinced that if they kowtow to the rich, maybe they too can become rich? Why can't Conservatives admit what is so apparent? Consumer spending is what makes the economy go round. The flow of capital from one hand to another is what grows the economy. The rich can't possibly spend the way the middle class can. Why? Because there aren't as many rich as there are middle class consumers.
How about the amazingly simple answer is that it's their money in the first place?

Screw the rich....
Now, we cut to the nut of the matter...You're just covetous.

Thanks for that brief moment of unintentional candor.

Shooting fish in a barrel.
The entire "tax the rich" agenda of the libs is focused on jealousy. Period.
"Screw the rich"....Ask them any question as to why they despise those who they view has "having more than the libs feel is a fair share" and you'll get nothing in substance.
You'll get the tired lib talking points about federal deficits, how the wealthy "hoard" their money, how it is unfair that poor people are remaining poor while the rich continue to find ways to increase their revenue flow( read rich getting richer....so WHAT!)
No I don't find it alarming that wealthy people are earning more. Nor do I find it alarming that poor people remain poor.
At the end of the day, the Left sees what others have and they want it. They want it now. This is especially prevalent among younger people. They are not taught the value of hard work. They are taught to complain about that which they do not have and are taught that hard work will get them nowhere. They are taught that those who have success have simply "won the lottery of life"...
Finally the left believes in the zero sum game. Simply put, that there exists in some far off place a magic pile of money. A pie. A place from where the wealthy have unfairly grabbed more than they deserve. That if one has more then another MUST have less.
It's all horse shit.
Holy shit Art, another one!

How many of you dimwits are out there?

EVERYONE'S subject to the same tax table, whether you make a dollar a year or a billion! The lower brackets are taxed at their respective rates! The withholdings from your employer are only an estimate. If you owe less or more, it's reconciled at the end of the year via a tax bill or return.

C'mon, really spoon? Did you believe that the moment you earn a dollar over any bracket, your entire income is taxed at that bracket? Is that what you thought?

If the Bush tax cuts expire, how much more will you have to pay? The Bone Architect

Tax rates change as your income increase b. Just look at this link
So, someone making $500,000 per year only has to pay an additional $7,187?

Bunch of greedy whiners.

That's hardly the point. The issue is, when does it end. How much does government need before they tap out everyone?
I submit that people like you, the ones who demand the largesse of others through political fiat and the threat of government sanctions are the greedy ones.
It is you who are demanding.
To you and those like you, I say go earn your own money. Get away from the idea that other people's money is your money.
Liberals: "What's mine is mine and what isn't should be."
Oh, as far as your question is concerned...At the end of the year, one winds up paying the US Tax Code mandated percentage of their total income for the year.
This is a bullshit obfuscation argument.
If one's income puts them in the 35% bracket, at the end of the year, they will pay 35% of their total income for that year. DONE!
Now cut the bullshit.
No need to compromise with losers who were swept out of power.

Uhh, fraid you might hafta. The "losers" are still in charge of an overwhelming majority of the government.
Really? Show us where. Your side LOST the US House. Your side has a slim but not filibuster proof majority in the Senate. That means our side in effect owns the Senate as well because any bullshit the dems try to scam through will be blocked. And before your knee jerks and hits you in the jaw here's the thing. The Founders set up our government this way on purpose. To limit the power of the federal government. Ever wonder why the Upper Chamber has each state EQUALLY represented? Sheesh. You people have no clue or maybe you do. However, you are pros at bitching and whining when things don't go in your favor..Deal with it.
Have you asked yourself why the media and the DC democrat establishment has been bellyaching about bi-partisanship?
Not this time. The GOP tried playing nice nice with the democrats and they got stabbed in the back.
So now you people will just have to step aside. Tough shit.
No need to compromise with losers who were swept out of power.

Uhh, fraid you might hafta. The "losers" are still in charge of an overwhelming majority of the government.
Really? Show us where. Your side LOST the US House. Your side has a slim but not filibuster proof majority in the Senate. That means our side in effect owns the Senate as well because any bullshit the dems try to scam through will be blocked. And before your knee jerks and hits you in the jaw here's the thing. The Founders set up our government this way on purpose. To limit the power of the federal government. Ever wonder why the Upper Chamber has each state EQUALLY represented? Sheesh. You people have no clue or maybe you do. However, you are pros at bitching and whining when things don't go in your favor..Deal with it.
Have you asked yourself why the media and the DC democrat establishment has been bellyaching about bi-partisanship?
Not this time. The GOP tried playing nice nice with the democrats and they got stabbed in the back.
So now you people will just have to step aside. Tough shit.

so youre taking the obstructionist role again. if we dont get what we want, you cant get anything either? and you wonder why our government if so messed up right now. this is like a two year throwing a tantrum because they didnt get what they wanted. now im not saying that the dems ideas are full proof or perfect. but what is the rebuttal from the repubs, well i dont like it so we all vote no, no matter what.

why cant you offer solutions instead of simply no's?

why couldnt they vote on the tax cuts individually instead of holding everyone hostage. simply hold a vote for the tax cuts on everyone who makes below $250k and then hold a subsequent vote on the cuts for everyone making above $250k. thats a compromise, let the house hold a vote and the senate. what passes passes, and what doesnt doesnt. thats a good bi-partisan agreement. the vote may not be bi-partisan but an agreement to vote on them individually would force the hand of people on both sides of the isle to see whom them really represent and really support.

this bullshit of Mitch McConnell saying that he will hold up every piece of legislation until the tax cuts is resolved is also akin to a child throwing a tantrum. youre suppose to be an adult, so start acting like one.

this is whats wrong with the people we send to washington. they dont necessarily represent the people anymore. this is a great reason why we need term limits. we limit the president to a maximum of 2 - 4 years terms. but a senator can be in govt for as long as they get re-elected. that could be upwards of 20-30 years.
"Our side", the GOP, is still the minority in the government.

Any other statement is simply stupid.

The GOP wants to keep the rich richer. The Dems will do that in return for an extension of unemployment benefits and the extension of the nuke treaty.

Who wants to bet that will happen: tit for tat.
"Our side", the GOP, is still the minority in the government.

Any other statement is simply stupid.

The GOP wants to keep the rich richer.

can you link to that please?

The Dems will do that in return for an extension of unemployment benefits and the extension of the nuke treaty.

Who wants to bet that will happen: tit for tat.

sure thats possible...
"Our side", the GOP, is still the minority in the government.

Any other statement is simply stupid.

The GOP wants to keep the rich richer. The Dems will do that in return for an extension of unemployment benefits and the extension of the nuke treaty.

Who wants to bet that will happen: tit for tat.

Oh Yea, I am betting big money on it. I am loaded with gold & silver betting their inability to stop the spiraling deficit spending will further trash the dollar. Weakening the dollar is their goal. They believe it will make our goods cheaper overseas to improve our exports. Of course our government is seriously mis-guided. Japan managed to dominate the USA auto manufacturing sector even as the Japanese Yen strengthened 400% against the dollar.
If one's income puts them in the 35% bracket, at the end of the year, they will pay 35% of their total income for that year. DONE!
Now cut the bullshit.
Simply NOT TRUE, spoon. that is NOT how our tax structure works. We have a graduated system of income taxes, and after all of your deductions, you pay the income tax rate for your income that falls in to EACH SPECIFIC BRACKET....the first $8300 in taxable income of yours, you pay the 10% rate, for the next amount of income that you make that falls in to the 15% bracket, that is what tax rate you pay for that income, and so on and so forth.

IF you did your own income taxes, you would KNOW this....so I suppose you have either never made enough income to pay and file for your own income taxes or you pay an accountant to do them, either way, your presumption that those that fall in to the 35% tax bracket pay 35% tax on their entire taxable income is FALSE, WRONG, NOT TRUE....the 35% tax rate is paid on ONLY the income made that falls in to that particular tax bracket rate.

So, those couples that make 251,000 bucks of taxable income, they will have a 3.5% tax increase on ONE DOLLAR....so their tax hike will be 3.5 CENTS, if the Bush tax cuts are not let to expire for those couples making $250k or LESS.
Care4all, you are correct, of course. So let the Dems make the Pubs give in on unemployment extensions and nuclear treaty talks in return for extensions of the current tax rate. That's joint governance, and I am all for it.
California has the highest aggregate state tax rate in the nation combining income, property, gasoline & sales taxes. Yet California has the nations largest debt/deficit problem by a magnitude multiple times that of the next worst state.

In sharp contrast Texas has one of the lowest aggregate state tax rate in the nation combining income, property, gasoline & sales taxes. Yet Texas has the nations lowest debt/deficit problem by a mile compared to the next worst state.

This proves that raising taxes does not decrease debts/deficits & that the Laffer curve has merit.

Total bullshit. CA is a basket case because of all the socialist spending programs, not because of the tax rates. If you tax at 1X and spend at 2X like free college tuition, free everything for illegals, etc it does NOT prove that high taxes don't work.

I can point to the Clinton years as the tax rates that are needed to stop deficit spending. Not the artificially low rates we have now.
California has the highest aggregate state tax rate in the nation combining income, property, gasoline & sales taxes. Yet California has the nations largest debt/deficit problem by a magnitude multiple times that of the next worst state.

In sharp contrast Texas has one of the lowest aggregate state tax rate in the nation combining income, property, gasoline & sales taxes. Yet Texas has the nations lowest debt/deficit problem by a mile compared to the next worst state.

This proves that raising taxes does not decrease debts/deficits & that the Laffer curve has merit.

Total bullshit. CA is a basket case because of all the socialist spending programs, not because of the tax rates. If you tax at 1X and spend at 2X like free college tuition, free everything for illegals, etc it does NOT prove that high taxes don't work.

I can point to the Clinton years as the tax rates that are needed to stop deficit spending. Not the artificially low rates we have now.

I t wasnt th4 tax rates that controlled spending. Enough about the cuts, perhaps you need to reminded that the reason for the dem opposition was because they wanted to spend it.

Even absent that fact the government was still spending SS. So your observation missed a few points.
It wasn't the tax rates that controlled spending. Enough about the cuts, perhaps you need to be reminded that the reason for the dem opposition was because they wanted to spend it.

Even absent that fact, the government was still spending SS. So your observation missed a few points.

IMHO the Clinton tax rates and the Newt Congress combination was a great combo, just look at the economy during those years compared to the Bush tax-cut years. Obama's spending needs to be stopped, but if the GOP cuts taxes, cutting spending to just slow the deficit is still a lose-lose option.

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