POLL: Is it time to separate?

Is it time to separate the country officially?

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No. This national flirtation with fascism will pass as the boomers die out. Hopefully they will not mess things up too much in the meantime. I have to have hope that the extremists are not going to win.
I do believe this is their final, ugly gasp. I suspect they know it too, which is why they're so crazed even with their hero strongman in office.

But this won't be pretty. It's already starting. But looking at history, other countries have survived it, and we will too.
No. This national flirtation with fascism will pass as the boomers die out. Hopefully they will not mess things up too much in the meantime. I have to have hope that the extremists are not going to win.
I do believe this is their final, ugly gasp. I suspect they know it too, which is why they're so crazed even with their hero strongman in office.

But this won't be pretty. It's already starting. But looking at history, other countries have survived it, and we will too.
Yes I feel we are entering an era when domestic terrorism may become more commonplace. Trumpism is not going away early next year. Thousands of potential McVeighs have been created by the right and they will be a problem going forward.
I do believe this is their final, ugly gasp. I suspect they know it too, which is why they're so crazed even with their hero strongman in office.

But this won't be pretty. It's already starting. But looking at history, other countries have survived it, and we will too.

Again, Mac, you were totally on the Trump Train of White Grievance politics when the economy was going well.
Yes it’s time to separate, but the powers-that-be will likely mass murder those who wish to peacefully separate.

Our government is much too corrupt and is a criminal enterprise that regularly ignores the constitution and the rights of the people. It needs termination before it kills everyone on the planet.
Every town has both Democrats and Republicans
There is no way to go street by street and “Seperate”
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!
/—-/ The divide and conquer libtards are in the minority, perhaps only 10 percent, but because they have the media’s support, folks think it’s a 50/50 split. It’s nowhere close to that.
No. This national flirtation with fascism will pass as the boomers die out. Hopefully they will not mess things up too much in the meantime. I have to have hope that the extremists are not going to win.
I do believe this is their final, ugly gasp. I suspect they know it too, which is why they're so crazed even with their hero strongman in office.

But this won't be pretty. It's already starting. But looking at history, other countries have survived it, and we will too.

It's starting? How?
No. This national flirtation with fascism will pass as the boomers die out. Hopefully they will not mess things up too much in the meantime. I have to have hope that the extremists are not going to win.
I do believe this is their final, ugly gasp. I suspect they know it too, which is why they're so crazed even with their hero strongman in office.

But this won't be pretty. It's already starting. But looking at history, other countries have survived it, and we will too.
Unfortunately for you, the young grow up to have their money confiscated for the ruling class. They come to the logical conclusion that the government does not have their best interests at heart, and voila, you end up with a new set of boomers. You guys are really trying hard to give Bernie and Nancy a new yacht.
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!
/—-/ The divide and conquer libtards are in the minority, perhaps only 10 percent, but because they have the media’s support, folks think it’s a 50/50 split. It’s nowhere close to that.
They are loud, but not numerous.
There are many countries with no gun rights and an all powerful center government. I think we should pay to relocate our unhappy Taliban to a country more in line with their philosophy
There are many countries with no gun rights and an all powerful center government. I think we should pay to relocate our unhappy Taliban to a country more in line with their philosophy

At least to get them halfway there. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes it’s time to separate, but the powers-that-be will likely mass murder those who wish to peacefully separate.

Our government is much too corrupt and is a criminal enterprise that regularly ignores the constitution and the rights of the people. It needs termination before it kills everyone on the planet.
Every town has both Democrats and Republicans
There is no way to go street by street and “Seperate”
That’s not how it works.
There are many countries with no gun rights and an all powerful center government. I think we should pay to relocate our unhappy Taliban to a country more in line with their philosophy

No need for them to move out of the country. We have places in the US that satisfy their desires.

We have places with free government healthcare, nobody has guns except for the government. Nobody has money except for the government. Working is an option. The government feeds you, provides clothing, education. There are no rich or poor to worry about. Everybody is equal.

We call these places prisons, and they are not hard to get into. They are full of Democrats already, so any Democrat wanting to live like that will be comfortable.
Yes it’s time to separate, but the powers-that-be will likely mass murder those who wish to peacefully separate.

Our government is much too corrupt and is a criminal enterprise that regularly ignores the constitution and the rights of the people. It needs termination before it kills everyone on the planet.
Every town has both Democrats and Republicans
There is no way to go street by street and “Seperate”
That’s not how it works.
Then tell me how a separation would work
Yes it’s time to separate, but the powers-that-be will likely mass murder those who wish to peacefully separate.

Our government is much too corrupt and is a criminal enterprise that regularly ignores the constitution and the rights of the people. It needs termination before it kills everyone on the planet.
Every town has both Democrats and Republicans
There is no way to go street by street and “Seperate”
That’s not how it works.
Then tell me how a separation would work
States leave the union. Easy peasy. Just like they joined.

Let’s say the Orange Menace gets re-elected. The western coastal states have a referendum on leaving the union. it’s likely the voters in those states vote to secede.

Now hopefully the Fat Orangeman doesn’t do like your beloved Lincoln, and massacre and destroy to prevent democracy.
The left really is pining to give full control to people who run cancer charity scams, raped Haiti, and say the world will end in thirteen years while they buy beachfront property. These people might as well replace the flag with a skull and crossbones, and call their yachts the USS Taxpayer. A minimally regulated market is the only thing that benefits all classes of people. It is common sense reality. I have no idea why the left thinks this is evil, or that we need to give what we earn to the crooks on both sides of the aisle.
"Sound Policy"

1. Defund the police and setup the Department of Social Intervention and Hope.
2. Tax everything that moves until all of the money is spent and wealth drained. Utilize the brand new Department of Social Encumbrance and Redistribution.
3. Free all prisoners and send them to mandatory rehabilitation at the Department of Re-education and branding.
4. Rewrite the constitution and declare the US a Democracy. Provide the Department of Re-education propaganda on the tyranny of a Republic.
5. De-level the playing field so there is equal outcome for all under the Department of Inequality. Their mission statement shall include the words "shared misery"

I could go on all day with this shit.
Yes it’s time to separate, but the powers-that-be will likely mass murder those who wish to peacefully separate.

Our government is much too corrupt and is a criminal enterprise that regularly ignores the constitution and the rights of the people. It needs termination before it kills everyone on the planet.
Every town has both Democrats and Republicans
There is no way to go street by street and “Seperate”
That’s not how it works.
Then tell me how a separation would work
States leave the union. Easy peasy. Just like they joined.

Let’s say the Orange Menace gets re-elected. The western coastal states have a referendum on leaving the union. it’s likely the voters in those states vote to secede.

Now hopefully the Fat Orangeman doesn’t do like your beloved Lincoln, and massacre and destroy to prevent democracy.
/—-/ More bizarre rants direct from LiberalPropagandaville.
"Sound Policy"

1. Defund the police and setup the Department of Social Intervention and Hope.
2. Tax everything that moves until all of the money is spent and wealth drained. Utilize the brand new Department of Social Encumbrance and Redistribution.
3. Free all prisoners and send them to mandatory rehabilitation at the Department of Re-education and branding.
4. Rewrite the constitution and declare the US a Democracy. Provide the Department of Re-education propaganda on the tyranny of a Republic.
5. De-level the playing field so there is equal outcome for all under the Department of Inequality. Their mission statement shall include the words "shared misery"

I could go on all day with this shit.
6. Establish under the new constitution protectionism for the new government to control and execute the constitution to ensure there are only two classes. Those that rule and those that drool. Rich and pheasant.

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