POLL: Do you want to see race relations improve?

Do you want to see race relations improve in America?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 63.9%
  • No

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • I really don't give a shit. It's up to them.

    Votes: 10 27.8%

  • Total voters
I'm truly, seriously beginning to have my doubts. I think the division pimps on both ends of this are winning.
I voted yes, for what I used to think were obvious reasons.
Please respond and expand, thanks.
Nahh, the race pimps are not winning. C'mon, we just had 8 years of a president picking the scabs off of old racism wounds after 40 years of relative harmony. It's going to take a little while, but America will heal quickly. Give it another year or two.
Yeah, I'm doubtful. Trump's presence has emboldened some pretty nasty characters, at whom the Democrats can simply point and say, "See? What have we been telling you?"

Obama's inaction on race, no doubt politically driven, was my biggest disappointment of his administration, but what we're seeing from some of Trump's fans has only confirmed (some of, enough of) what minorities have been told. And even if minorities have been used and pandered to, that's enough to keep them away.
Yes...of Obama's numerous failures, his worst has to be his inflaming race relations. Many people voted for him primarily because they thought he would END racial divisions. They did not expect him to increase division, which is exactly what he did.

The thing is that now we have Trump, in part due to Obama's many failures, but the divisiveness continues. The D Party and it's many friends in the MSM will do all they can to promote racial division. So, anything Trump does or says is viewed as racist.

After all, aren't ALL Republicans racist?:confused:o_O:rolleyes::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
He increased racial division by lowering their unemployment numbers?

Besides the fact Trump didn't lower them the fact that black unemployment is double that of whites doesn't reduce racial division. Obama did not inflame racial divisions. Whites did because they didn't like a black man as president. It's really hard to debate people who are so willing to lie. Trump is a racist. He promotes that..
As a wee lad i would take some of the red ants ,and place them in a black ant nest

chaos ensued , while i wondered why they couldn't just get along.....?

one can learn a LOT from nature ....

If you have the mind on the level of an ant...yeah, you'll react that way.

If you are genus homo sapient, you can look past the difference.

Something we should probably all remember. Americans of all races, creeds, colors, religions, etc... all work together every day in nearly every community. Politics doesn't matter to half the nation.
We in this country were well down that road, then Obama arrived and put us back to the beginning again.

Not quite. He did do some some damage, I say 2 years and everything will be cool. Obama who?
I think you should do whatever you want.

You asked, I answered.

You posted those are the things the right needs to deal with to attract minorities.
What political policies does any of the garbage you posted represent?

If you think what I wrote is garbage, it doesn't matter.

I think you and IM2 are made for each other, opposite sides of the same coin.

It's all the other guy's fault. You two have fun.

Mac, you're an idiot arguing a false premise. You see junior, you've bought into the right wing republican narrative that tells you anyone who opposes their racism is full of hate. You bought up MLK but I was alive when he walked the earth, you apparent weren't around. Those like you would have called him a race pimp and divider. But like those you want to be like, you take one sentence he spoke in his life and you try making that his entire existence. His ideas were so unifying and popular among all races that he was murdered in cold blood by a white man. I have 20/20 vision junior, you are blind. I've stood in the rooms fighting republicans for things to help communities of color, you've done nothing but run your mouth.

You talk a lot of shit about both sides, but what just do you expect blacks to do? Forget everything? Ignore the racism by whites that still goes on? Blame ourselves for the problems in black communities while ignoring the policies that created them? What allows you to think people opposing racism are the same as people wanting to maintain it? Do you actually believe racism is over and that people are making it up now? What allows you to believe that?

The only policies that could have ”created them ” in black communities are five decades of handouts, special privilages, block voting for democrats and attacks on the rule of law.
Black communities are what they are because they are communities of blacks who have made choices.
The easy choices.

Like the easy choice whites here make to completely deny what they have done.
Yes...of Obama's numerous failures, his worst has to be his inflaming race relations. Many people voted for him primarily because they thought he would END racial divisions. They did not expect him to increase division, which is exactly what he did.

The thing is that now we have Trump, in part due to Obama's many failures, but the divisiveness continues. The D Party and it's many friends in the MSM will do all they can to promote racial division. So, anything Trump does or says is viewed as racist.

After all, aren't ALL Republicans racist?:confused:o_O:rolleyes::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
We can at least agree that racial divisions continue.

So, does the GOP want to do anything about that?

If so, what?
Fuck the GOP. They won't do shit. They likely want racial divisions just as much as the worthless D Party does.

Trump made overtures to the black community during the campaign. For this, he was ruthlessly attacked by the race hustlers, the Ds, and the MSM. I think it became clear to all black leaders who might side with Trump, they would quickly be labeled an Uncle Tom.
Okay, forget the party. Do Trump supporters want to improve race relations? Is that a priority on any level?

If so, how do they plan to accomplish this?
Well as has already been said, Trump's economic policies have helped blacks. Of course, he gets no credit for this.

Trump should continue to make overtures to leaders of the black community. Maybe he has tried, but they have refused him.
The GOP doesn't (or perhaps won't) understand that economics are not minorities' top priority. A much higher priority is not being hated in their own country. Of experiencing real, raw racism in their daily lives. Not being mocked and dismissed and insulted when they bring it up. Seeing people who'd like to see them dead supporting the current President
You may not agree with that, but that's their priority over any temporary economic conditions.
A tiny minority of whites are racists. Of course they get a lot of play and the black community is well aware of them (thanks to the divisive tactics of the MSM and DNC). Remember Charlottesville? In fact, blacks are inflamed by the few white racists so naturally they think a large percentage of whites are racists.

I'd like to think that before Obama took us back to square one on the racial divide, we were getting along well, but I suppose that is wishful thinking.

Many blacks carry a chip on their shoulder all day...every day. How do we alleviate this? I don't know.
. Trump is a racist. He promotes that..

I'm truly, seriously beginning to have my doubts. I think the division pimps on both ends of this are winning.
I voted yes, for what I used to think were obvious reasons.
Please respond and expand, thanks.
Nahh, the race pimps are not winning. C'mon, we just had 8 years of a president picking the scabs off of old racism wounds after 40 years of relative harmony. It's going to take a little while, but America will heal quickly. Give it another year or two.
Yeah, I'm doubtful. Trump's presence has emboldened some pretty nasty characters, at whom the Democrats can simply point and say, "See? What have we been telling you?"

Obama's inaction on race, no doubt politically driven, was my biggest disappointment of his administration, but what we're seeing from some of Trump's fans has only confirmed (some of, enough of) what minorities have been told. And even if minorities have been used and pandered to, that's enough to keep them away.
Yes...of Obama's numerous failures, his worst has to be his inflaming race relations. Many people voted for him primarily because they thought he would END racial divisions. They did not expect him to increase division, which is exactly what he did.

The thing is that now we have Trump, in part due to Obama's many failures, but the divisiveness continues. The D Party and it's many friends in the MSM will do all they can to promote racial division. So, anything Trump does or says is viewed as racist.

After all, aren't ALL Republicans racist?:confused:o_O:rolleyes::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
He increased racial division by lowering their unemployment numbers?

Besides the fact Trump didn't lower them the fact that black unemployment is double that of whites doesn't reduce racial division. Obama did not inflame racial divisions. Whites did because they didn't like a black man as president. It's really hard to debate people who are so willing to lie. Trump is a racist. He promotes that..

O bull fuckling shit Obama didn't inflame racial divisions, you myopic mental midget. He had Al "Race Pimp of the Year" Sharpton up in The White House all the time! Derp! There's were some racist white people that resented a black (half) man being in The White House, I'll give you that. There was far too much of that, IMO.
You posted those are the things the right needs to deal with to attract minorities.
What political policies does any of the garbage you posted represent?

If you think what I wrote is garbage, it doesn't matter.

I think you and IM2 are made for each other, opposite sides of the same coin.

It's all the other guy's fault. You two have fun.

Mac, you're an idiot arguing a false premise. You see junior, you've bought into the right wing republican narrative that tells you anyone who opposes their racism is full of hate. You bought up MLK but I was alive when he walked the earth, you apparent weren't around. Those like you would have called him a race pimp and divider. But like those you want to be like, you take one sentence he spoke in his life and you try making that his entire existence. His ideas were so unifying and popular among all races that he was murdered in cold blood by a white man. I have 20/20 vision junior, you are blind. I've stood in the rooms fighting republicans for things to help communities of color, you've done nothing but run your mouth.

You talk a lot of shit about both sides, but what just do you expect blacks to do? Forget everything? Ignore the racism by whites that still goes on? Blame ourselves for the problems in black communities while ignoring the policies that created them? What allows you to think people opposing racism are the same as people wanting to maintain it? Do you actually believe racism is over and that people are making it up now? What allows you to believe that?

The only policies that could have ”created them ” in black communities are five decades of handouts, special privilages, block voting for democrats and attacks on the rule of law.
Black communities are what they are because they are communities of blacks who have made choices.
The easy choices.

Like the easy choice whites here make to completely deny what they have done.
I completely deny it.

My ancestors fought and died to free yours, but you still hate me and want me to pay you...when you should be paying me.
I'm truly, seriously beginning to have my doubts. I think the division pimps on both ends of this are winning.
I voted yes, for what I used to think were obvious reasons.
Please respond and expand, thanks.
Nahh, the race pimps are not winning. C'mon, we just had 8 years of a president picking the scabs off of old racism wounds after 40 years of relative harmony. It's going to take a little while, but America will heal quickly. Give it another year or two.
Yeah, I'm doubtful. Trump's presence has emboldened some pretty nasty characters, at whom the Democrats can simply point and say, "See? What have we been telling you?"

Obama's inaction on race, no doubt politically driven, was my biggest disappointment of his administration, but what we're seeing from some of Trump's fans has only confirmed (some of, enough of) what minorities have been told. And even if minorities have been used and pandered to, that's enough to keep them away.
Yes...of Obama's numerous failures, his worst has to be his inflaming race relations. Many people voted for him primarily because they thought he would END racial divisions. They did not expect him to increase division, which is exactly what he did.

The thing is that now we have Trump, in part due to Obama's many failures, but the divisiveness continues. The D Party and it's many friends in the MSM will do all they can to promote racial division. So, anything Trump does or says is viewed as racist.

After all, aren't ALL Republicans racist?:confused:o_O:rolleyes::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
He increased racial division by lowering their unemployment numbers?

Besides the fact Trump didn't lower them the fact that black unemployment is double that of whites doesn't reduce racial division. Obama did not inflame racial divisions. Whites did because they didn't like a black man as president. It's really hard to debate people who are so willing to lie. Trump is a racist. He promotes that..
I would have no problem with a black man as president such as Herman Cain. The problem is Obama's an Muslim loving Socialist. Nothing to do with the color of his skin.
As a wee lad i would take some of the red ants ,and place them in a black ant nest

chaos ensued , while i wondered why they couldn't just get along.....?

one can learn a LOT from nature ....

If you have the mind on the level of an ant...yeah, you'll react that way.

If you are genus homo sapient, you can look past the difference.

Something we should probably all remember. Americans of all races, creeds, colors, religions, etc... all work together every day in nearly every community. Politics doesn't matter to half the nation.
We in this country were well down that road, then Obama arrived and put us back to the beginning again.

Not quite. He did do some some damage, I say 2 years and everything will be cool. Obama who?

We have never been down that road. Not even close. If we had so many whites would not be here lying about Obama
If you think what I wrote is garbage, it doesn't matter.

I think you and IM2 are made for each other, opposite sides of the same coin.

It's all the other guy's fault. You two have fun.

Mac, you're an idiot arguing a false premise. You see junior, you've bought into the right wing republican narrative that tells you anyone who opposes their racism is full of hate. You bought up MLK but I was alive when he walked the earth, you apparent weren't around. Those like you would have called him a race pimp and divider. But like those you want to be like, you take one sentence he spoke in his life and you try making that his entire existence. His ideas were so unifying and popular among all races that he was murdered in cold blood by a white man. I have 20/20 vision junior, you are blind. I've stood in the rooms fighting republicans for things to help communities of color, you've done nothing but run your mouth.

You talk a lot of shit about both sides, but what just do you expect blacks to do? Forget everything? Ignore the racism by whites that still goes on? Blame ourselves for the problems in black communities while ignoring the policies that created them? What allows you to think people opposing racism are the same as people wanting to maintain it? Do you actually believe racism is over and that people are making it up now? What allows you to believe that?

The only policies that could have ”created them ” in black communities are five decades of handouts, special privilages, block voting for democrats and attacks on the rule of law.
Black communities are what they are because they are communities of blacks who have made choices.
The easy choices.

Like the easy choice whites here make to completely deny what they have done.
I completely deny it.

My ancestors fought and died to free yours, but you still hate me and want me to pay you...when you should be paying me.

None of that happened so we'll just move on.
What "pretty nasty characters"? :rolleyes: I'll wait..
Here we go again.

Do I really need to provide a list of people and groups that support him?

Do you really think that minorities haven't noticed?

Have "we" done this before?
I don't remember. It's happened so many times I've lost count.

I can tell you that when you deny, or even downplay, the existence of something that cuts to the very core of a person, you're not going to win them over.

Wtf you want me to do?

Who the fuck are these "Nasty Characters"? The KKK? There's only 8000 in the whole country....next!

A few dumbass white supremacists? Irrelevant! Next!
There ya go. My point exactly.

Except there are more than 8,000 whites holding these views. And some of them are elected officials.
You mean give handouts out to buy friendships, HELL NO!
How about the lowest black unemployment rate since slavery.

But that's simply not true, either. One could argue that when WWII allowed blacks to get truly good jobs, because all the White dudes were off fighting the War, that gave them enough of the taste of what being in the Middle Class was like that it triggered the Civil Rights movement.

Look, buddy, if you are going to pin all your arguments on "What Trump is doing is okay because unemployment is low" then you have kind of a problem.

Only a matter of time before the next recession gets here. We are probably over due, the last one ended in 2009. So does Trump's racist rhetoric and his embrace of Nazis become okay when the Unemployment Rate shoots up over 6% and companies feel safe firing all those people they paid too much for?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
You posted those are the things the right needs to deal with to attract minorities.
What political policies does any of the garbage you posted represent?

If you think what I wrote is garbage, it doesn't matter.

I think you and IM2 are made for each other, opposite sides of the same coin.

It's all the other guy's fault. You two have fun.

Mac, you're an idiot arguing a false premise. You see junior, you've bought into the right wing republican narrative that tells you anyone who opposes their racism is full of hate. You bought up MLK but I was alive when he walked the earth, you apparent weren't around. Those like you would have called him a race pimp and divider. But like those you want to be like, you take one sentence he spoke in his life and you try making that his entire existence. His ideas were so unifying and popular among all races that he was murdered in cold blood by a white man. I have 20/20 vision junior, you are blind. I've stood in the rooms fighting republicans for things to help communities of color, you've done nothing but run your mouth.

You talk a lot of shit about both sides, but what just do you expect blacks to do? Forget everything? Ignore the racism by whites that still goes on? Blame ourselves for the problems in black communities while ignoring the policies that created them? What allows you to think people opposing racism are the same as people wanting to maintain it? Do you actually believe racism is over and that people are making it up now? What allows you to believe that?

The only policies that could have ”created them ” in black communities are five decades of handouts, special privilages, block voting for democrats and attacks on the rule of law.
Black communities are what they are because they are communities of blacks who have made choices.
The easy choices.

Like the easy choice whites here make to completely deny what they have done.

Like the choices that were made easier for them to make, intentionally.
You mean give handouts out to buy friendships, HELL NO!
How about the lowest black unemployment rate since slavery.

But that's simply not true, either. One could argue that when WWII allowed blacks to get truly good jobs, because all the White dudes were off fighting the War, that gave them enough of the taste of what being in the Middle Class was like that it triggered the Civil Rights movement.

Look, buddy, if you are going to pin all your arguments on "What Trump is doing is okay because unemployment is low" then you have kind of a problem.

Only a matter of time before the next recession gets here. We are probably over due, the last one ended in 2009. So does Trump's racist rhetoric and his embrace of Nazis become okay when the Unemployment Rate shoots up over 6% and companies feel safe firing all those people they paid too much for?
Democrats crying the sky is falling.
Start calling you Chicken Little.
I would have no problem with a black man as president such as Herman Cain.

As long as he was a patronizing Uncle Tom, you'd be okay with that? Got it.

The problem is Obama's an Muslim loving Socialist.

One who bombed numerous Islamic Countries and saved Wall Street with a bailout and didn't prosecute one wrongdoer on it?

Seriously, do you fucking people hear yourselves sometimes?

Nothing to do with the color of his skin.

The fact you are still this nuts about him two years after he left says otherwise.
Here we go again.

Do I really need to provide a list of people and groups that support him?

Do you really think that minorities haven't noticed?

Have "we" done this before?
I don't remember. It's happened so many times I've lost count.

I can tell you that when you deny, or even downplay, the existence of something that cuts to the very core of a person, you're not going to win them over.

Wtf you want me to do?

Who the fuck are these "Nasty Characters"? The KKK? There's only 8000 in the whole country....next!

A few dumbass white supremacists? Irrelevant! Next!
There ya go. My point exactly.

Except there are more than 8,000 whites holding these views. And some of them are elected officials.

Oh! Like there's no black racist elected officials? You're grasping at straws now. We just got rid of one being the head of the country. What about Michigan? What about Atlanta?

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