Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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We’ll you can have an opinion… but then opinions are like assholes

Everyone has one

Why are you asking me? Do you have a point to make? Okay, make it. Don't invent non sequiturs and try to put your words in my mouth. Thanks.

Hmm.... no indictment. Another lifetime achievement award. Still a global hero when it comes to deadly viruses. And Rand Paul is still an ineffectual little pest.

Seems about right.

That's not what I said, you embarrassing little liar.

What lies as Dr. Fauci been caught in? Rand Paul’s wet dreams?
The left just comes across so professionally in these forums ;).
Yes, Dr. F. seems to have been economical with the truth.

It is time that he retire -- with honors, of course, conferred on him by the Dem administration.

He has been in that position long enough. He's tired out.

Someone else should be given a chance to deal with this COVID tragedy,
Then you are an idiot. But we already knew that.

I dont believe that either. Thats why i posted what I posted.

Both SARS and MERS came out of Wuhan BEFORE that lab existed. It was built in 2017. The lab was constructed, BECAUSE so many virus were coming out of that area of unexplored jungle.

Yes, Dr. F. seems to have been economical with the truth.

It is time that he retire -- with honors, of course, conferred on him by the Dem administration.

He has been in that position long enough. He's tired out.

Someone else should be given a chance to deal with this COVID tragedy,

Faucci has not "been economical with the truth". For nearly a year, he was in the awkward position of countering everything stupid thing Donald Trump was saying without calling the President a liar or getting himself fired. A delicate balancing act.
So you have to be indicted for lying for it to actually be so? That is a new one. In that case I guess almost no political figures ever lie ;).

This may help you. Or maybe you would like to give him an award for this.

BTW....I never mentioned anything about Trump. You may want to look for a TDS vaccine instead of being worried about Covid.

Fau Chi tries to say they were accumulating information about the virus, when plenty was already known about transmission from the SARS-CoV outbreaks. There was cover-up when they pulled SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative out of the Mojiang mine when it killed the miners. We will cite the Indian report calling out Wuhan lab for this virus. Recall that Wuhan bat lady Zheng-Li Shi has co-authored papers with Daszak, whose Eco Health Alliance has also been monitoring Africa. Fau Chi has not been distant in these connections.

Mindwars, on 22 Feb 2019: A New Disturbing Ebola Related Virus Has Been Found in Bats in China
‘....a professor at the Duke-NUS Medical School....’

Obama-Biden administration funded Duke-NUS in Singapore.
Both SARS and MERS came out of Wuhan BEFORE that lab existed. It was built in 2017. The lab was constructed, BECAUSE so many virus were coming out of that area of unexplored jungle.

Faucci has not "been economical with the truth". For nearly a year, he was in the awkward position of countering everything stupid thing Donald Trump was saying without calling the President a liar or getting himself fired. A delicate balancing act.
Fau Chi tries to say they were accumulating information about the virus, when plenty was already known about transmission from the SARS-CoV outbreaks. There was cover-up when they pulled SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative out of the Mojiang mine when it killed the miners. We will cite the Indian report calling out Wuhan lab for this virus. Recall that Wuhan bat lady Zheng-Li Shi has co-authored papers with Daszak, whose Eco Health Alliance has also been monitoring Africa. Fau Chi has not been distant in these connections.

Mindwars, on 22 Feb 2019: A New Disturbing Ebola Related Virus Has Been Found in Bats in China
‘....a professor at the Duke-NUS Medical School....’

Obama-Biden administration funded Duke-NUS in Singapore.
More stupid shit from the right.
The reason Singapore is an interesting funding connection coming from the White House is because Duke-NUS’s adenovirus technology is the same as that used by the Russian military for their vaccine, and also due to the history of adenovirus outbreaks in Singapore.
Another Wuhan University to consider in these investigations was working on SARS-CoV-2. Note that the SARS-CoV-2 mutation Fau Chi gets backwards in his youtube video, D614G, the one that precisely links to ebola vaccine, is not far away in the sequence:

Jun 2021 Hubei Key Laboratory, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan
’....Mutating K537Q and E619D decreased their side-chain lengths and eliminated this pair of salt bridges.’
One must go back to the era that funding for Eco Health Alliance began: 2012-2014. SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative came from this copper mine:

Mojiang Pneumonia, 2012
For this stupid thread to mean anything you first have to prove that GoF research caused the pandemic

You haven’t even tried
Their testy exchange, where each accused the other of lying is here.

It would be helpful to watch the whole thing in order to cast an informed vote.

Basically, Rand Paul uses Fauci's own testimony, a paper from one of the Wuhan virologists stating that the research was being funded by NIH, and the NIH's own definition of "gain of function" to make the case that Fauci lied.

Fauci defended himself by saying that Dr. Paul does not know what he is talking about and he is the one who is lying (effectively, "nuh-uh").

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It really doesn't matter if anyone agrees or not - the latest batch of released documents PROVE he lied.

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