Politics: We won't know for awhile


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Conservatives and Liberals: I know you both want your side to win, but there is something you're going to have to warm up to: We won't know for awhile. It's going to take until at least 4th of July and maybe Labor Day before the political and economic chips fall, so you might as well ease up a bit. Few people are paying attention to what Biden and Bernie have to say, anymore than they're listening to Trump. America has never dealt with a pandemic like this, so for the next few months we're headed into the unknown. In the meantime...

....use common sense, stay safe and rediscover the sanctity of solitude. :2cents:

Conservatives and Liberals: I know you both want your side to win, but there is something you're going to have to warm up to: We won't know for awhile. It's going to take until at least 4th of July and maybe Labor Day before the political and economic chips fall, so you might as well ease up a bit. Few people are paying attention to what Biden and Bernie have to say, anymore than they're listening to Trump. America has never dealt with a pandemic like this, so for the next few months we're headed into the unknown. In the meantime...

....use common sense, stay safe and rediscover the sanctity of solitude. :2cents:
If markets get enough decent news on virus containment, soon enough, we could pretty easily come roaring back and Trump will be in the drivers' seat.

The problem is that if this drags on too long, there's a tipping point, and one or two bad GDP quarters could throw us in the tank for a while. Full-blown recession through the elections. Whoever wins, of course, will take full credit for the recovery.

Yeah, no way to know right now.

Conservatives and Liberals: I know you both want your side to win, but there is something you're going to have to warm up to: We won't know for awhile. It's going to take until at least 4th of July and maybe Labor Day before the political and economic chips fall, so you might as well ease up a bit. Few people are paying attention to what Biden and Bernie have to say, anymore than they're listening to Trump. America has never dealt with a pandemic like this, so for the next few months we're headed into the unknown. In the meantime...

....use common sense, stay safe and rediscover the sanctity of solitude. :2cents:
If markets get enough decent news on virus containment, soon enough, we could pretty easily come roaring back and Trump will be in the drivers' seat.

The problem is that if this drags on too long, there's a tipping point, and one or two bad GDP quarters could throw us in the tank for a while. Full-blown recession through the elections. Whoever wins, of course, will take full credit for the recovery.

Yeah, no way to know right now.

This is why I question the timing of this virus. China sees their own ambitions being squashed by Trump with a revitalized America and the global socialists are the creepiest in my lifetime. There is a great benefit to them to have the U.S go in a different direction Just watch the MSNBC/CNN reporting. They've tried everything, they are excited to lay blame to Trump, even as the U.S has been hit minimally compared to other, much smaller nations.

Many with deep pockets have been operating to undermine the U.S. You can be sure they want to replace Trump with a weak, patsy puppet who will just allow America to bend over for China.

I hope Trump has his boldest, most aggressive debate come the General Election. Policies matter to me, and we need 4 more year with Trump-like policies to reverse much of the damage done to the West.

Conservatives and Liberals: I know you both want your side to win, but there is something you're going to have to warm up to: We won't know for awhile. It's going to take until at least 4th of July and maybe Labor Day before the political and economic chips fall, so you might as well ease up a bit. Few people are paying attention to what Biden and Bernie have to say, anymore than they're listening to Trump. America has never dealt with a pandemic like this, so for the next few months we're headed into the unknown. In the meantime...

....use common sense, stay safe and rediscover the sanctity of solitude. :2cents:
If markets get enough decent news on virus containment, soon enough, we could pretty easily come roaring back and Trump will be in the drivers' seat.

The problem is that if this drags on too long, there's a tipping point, and one or two bad GDP quarters could throw us in the tank for a while. Full-blown recession through the elections. Whoever wins, of course, will take full credit for the recovery.

Yeah, no way to know right now.

This is why I question the timing of this virus. China sees their own ambitions being squashed by Trump with a revitalized America and the global socialists are the creepiest in my lifetime. There is a great benefit to them to have the U.S go in a different direction Just watch the MSNBC/CNN reporting. They've tried everything, they are excited to lay blame to Trump, even as the U.S has been hit minimally compared to other, much smaller nations.

Many with deep pockets have been operating to undermine the U.S. You can be sure they want to replace Trump with a weak, patsy puppet who will just allow America to bend over for China.

I hope Trump has his boldest, most aggressive debate come the General Election. Policies matter to me, and we need 4 more year with Trump-like policies to reverse much of the damage done to the West.

Thank you for those insights, I just happen to agree with most of them.
If you saw any of the Biden-Sanders debate last night you would have seen two 80 year olds who should be in a home and not on a debate stage.

Conservatives and Liberals: I know you both want your side to win, but there is something you're going to have to warm up to: We won't know for awhile. It's going to take until at least 4th of July and maybe Labor Day before the political and economic chips fall, so you might as well ease up a bit. Few people are paying attention to what Biden and Bernie have to say, anymore than they're listening to Trump. America has never dealt with a pandemic like this, so for the next few months we're headed into the unknown. In the meantime...

....use common sense, stay safe and rediscover the sanctity of solitude. :2cents:
If markets get enough decent news on virus containment, soon enough, we could pretty easily come roaring back and Trump will be in the drivers' seat.

The problem is that if this drags on too long, there's a tipping point, and one or two bad GDP quarters could throw us in the tank for a while. Full-blown recession through the elections. Whoever wins, of course, will take full credit for the recovery.

Yeah, no way to know right now.

This is why I question the timing of this virus. China sees their own ambitions being squashed by Trump with a revitalized America and the global socialists are the creepiest in my lifetime. There is a great benefit to them to have the U.S go in a different direction Just watch the MSNBC/CNN reporting. They've tried everything, they are excited to lay blame to Trump, even as the U.S has been hit minimally compared to other, much smaller nations.

Many with deep pockets have been operating to undermine the U.S. You can be sure they want to replace Trump with a weak, patsy puppet who will just allow America to bend over for China.

I hope Trump has his boldest, most aggressive debate come the General Election. Policies matter to me, and we need 4 more year with Trump-like policies to reverse much of the damage done to the West.

Thank you for those insights, I just happen to agree with most of them.
If you saw any of the Biden-Sanders debate last night you would have seen two 80 year olds who should be in a home and not on a debate stage.

I'm usually not a conspiracy guy, but watching the MSM actually lay blame on Trump and seem to be excited by promoting fear and exaggerating , is not only irresponsible, it illustrates their agenda.

After 3 years of crying wolf against Trump for everything, this is just the evolution of their desires. They don't care about people dying or lives thrown into poverty when the economy collapses, they just want him gone. Consider, they are actually repeating the communist line that calling it Wuhan Virus, or from China is "racist".

They want people to deny reality and harm their own interests by supporting the communists. They are hellbent on this power and it's frightening to watch. Worse than the virus itself in many cases. These people are sick in their efforts to obtain power, it's so transparent in their language.

Only one nation truly benefits from Trump losing in 2020 and it isn't America.

Conservatives and Liberals: I know you both want your side to win, but there is something you're going to have to warm up to: We won't know for awhile. It's going to take until at least 4th of July and maybe Labor Day before the political and economic chips fall, so you might as well ease up a bit. Few people are paying attention to what Biden and Bernie have to say, anymore than they're listening to Trump. America has never dealt with a pandemic like this, so for the next few months we're headed into the unknown. In the meantime...

....use common sense, stay safe and rediscover the sanctity of solitude. :2cents:
If markets get enough decent news on virus containment, soon enough, we could pretty easily come roaring back and Trump will be in the drivers' seat.

The problem is that if this drags on too long, there's a tipping point, and one or two bad GDP quarters could throw us in the tank for a while. Full-blown recession through the elections. Whoever wins, of course, will take full credit for the recovery.

Yeah, no way to know right now.

This is why I question the timing of this virus. China sees their own ambitions being squashed by Trump with a revitalized America and the global socialists are the creepiest in my lifetime. There is a great benefit to them to have the U.S go in a different direction Just watch the MSNBC/CNN reporting. They've tried everything, they are excited to lay blame to Trump, even as the U.S has been hit minimally compared to other, much smaller nations.

Many with deep pockets have been operating to undermine the U.S. You can be sure they want to replace Trump with a weak, patsy puppet who will just allow America to bend over for China.

I hope Trump has his boldest, most aggressive debate come the General Election. Policies matter to me, and we need 4 more year with Trump-like policies to reverse much of the damage done to the West.

Thank you for those insights, I just happen to agree with most of them.
If you saw any of the Biden-Sanders debate last night you would have seen two 80 year olds who should be in a home and not on a debate stage.

Yet it was the most intelligent debate , I suspect you long for the days of the 2015-2016 republican debate where tramp was calling others names and then it was back and forth name calling. Do you remember that??

Conservatives and Liberals: I know you both want your side to win, but there is something you're going to have to warm up to: We won't know for awhile. It's going to take until at least 4th of July and maybe Labor Day before the political and economic chips fall, so you might as well ease up a bit. Few people are paying attention to what Biden and Bernie have to say, anymore than they're listening to Trump. America has never dealt with a pandemic like this, so for the next few months we're headed into the unknown. In the meantime...

....use common sense, stay safe and rediscover the sanctity of solitude. :2cents:
If markets get enough decent news on virus containment, soon enough, we could pretty easily come roaring back and Trump will be in the drivers' seat.

The problem is that if this drags on too long, there's a tipping point, and one or two bad GDP quarters could throw us in the tank for a while. Full-blown recession through the elections. Whoever wins, of course, will take full credit for the recovery.

Yeah, no way to know right now.

This is why I question the timing of this virus. China sees their own ambitions being squashed by Trump with a revitalized America and the global socialists are the creepiest in my lifetime. There is a great benefit to them to have the U.S go in a different direction Just watch the MSNBC/CNN reporting. They've tried everything, they are excited to lay blame to Trump, even as the U.S has been hit minimally compared to other, much smaller nations.

Many with deep pockets have been operating to undermine the U.S. You can be sure they want to replace Trump with a weak, patsy puppet who will just allow America to bend over for China.

I hope Trump has his boldest, most aggressive debate come the General Election. Policies matter to me, and we need 4 more year with Trump-like policies to reverse much of the damage done to the West.

Thank you for those insights, I just happen to agree with most of them.
If you saw any of the Biden-Sanders debate last night you would have seen two 80 year olds who should be in a home and not on a debate stage.

I'm usually not a conspiracy guy, but watching the MSM actually lay blame on Trump and seem to be excited by promoting fear and exaggerating , is not only irresponsible, it illustrates their agenda.

After 3 years of crying wolf against Trump for everything, this is just the evolution of their desires. They don't care about people dying or lives thrown into poverty when the economy collapses, they just want him gone. Consider, they are actually repeating the communist line that calling it Wuhan Virus, or from China is "racist".

They want people to deny reality and harm their own interests by supporting the communists. They are hellbent on this power and it's frightening to watch. Worse than the virus itself in many cases. These people are sick in their efforts to obtain power, it's so transparent in their language.

Only one nation truly benefits from Trump losing in 2020 and it isn't America.

Only one nation truly benefits from tramp losing in 2020 and its the USA.

Conservatives and Liberals: I know you both want your side to win, but there is something you're going to have to warm up to: We won't know for awhile. It's going to take until at least 4th of July and maybe Labor Day before the political and economic chips fall, so you might as well ease up a bit. Few people are paying attention to what Biden and Bernie have to say, anymore than they're listening to Trump. America has never dealt with a pandemic like this, so for the next few months we're headed into the unknown. In the meantime...

....use common sense, stay safe and rediscover the sanctity of solitude. :2cents:
If markets get enough decent news on virus containment, soon enough, we could pretty easily come roaring back and Trump will be in the drivers' seat.

The problem is that if this drags on too long, there's a tipping point, and one or two bad GDP quarters could throw us in the tank for a while. Full-blown recession through the elections. Whoever wins, of course, will take full credit for the recovery.

Yeah, no way to know right now.

This is why I question the timing of this virus. China sees their own ambitions being squashed by Trump with a revitalized America and the global socialists are the creepiest in my lifetime. There is a great benefit to them to have the U.S go in a different direction Just watch the MSNBC/CNN reporting. They've tried everything, they are excited to lay blame to Trump, even as the U.S has been hit minimally compared to other, much smaller nations.

Many with deep pockets have been operating to undermine the U.S. You can be sure they want to replace Trump with a weak, patsy puppet who will just allow America to bend over for China.

I hope Trump has his boldest, most aggressive debate come the General Election. Policies matter to me, and we need 4 more year with Trump-like policies to reverse much of the damage done to the West.

Thank you for those insights, I just happen to agree with most of them.
If you saw any of the Biden-Sanders debate last night you would have seen two 80 year olds who should be in a home and not on a debate stage.

Yet it was the most intelligent debate , I suspect you long for the days of the 2015-2016 republican debate where tramp was calling others names and then it was back and forth name calling. Do you remember that??

Yes, I remember the GOP debate and the name calling. The 2020 version should be a walkover. Trump won on his populist policies, not his name calling skills. The wall, China, energy policy, trade deals, Iran, AFG, ISIS, the economy, Obamacare, USSC justices, tax policy, immigration, etc. Don't make me post the 2020 democrat policies. Even you would not be able to support most of them.

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