POLITICS Hillary Clinton Will Interrupt Vacation to Campaign in Midwest


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2015
1. Does anyone besides me think she is toast?

2. Looking at the picture below, how can anyone go after Christie for his weight and not Hillary Clinton?

3. I for one have had enough of the drama associated with the Clintons and the Bush Family, it is time to move away from both.


Hillary Rodham Clinton had planned to spend the last two weeks of August on vacation, unwinding and fund-raising on the exclusive shores of Long Island. But, as it turns out, this is no time for a vacation.

Amid concerns about Mrs. Clinton’s softening poll numbers and her exclusive use of a personal email server as secretary of state, she will interrupt her Hamptons stay next week to travel to the Midwest and try to shift attention back to her campaign message by unveiling new policy positions.

The pundits on the Sunday morning teevee shows seem to think that even Biden's candidacy wouldn't stop her from getting the nomination.

Once she's in the general, she can win. It's all about electoral votes, and the Dems appear to have the advantage going in.

Everything else is, and will be, noise.
1. Does anyone besides me think she is toast?

2. Looking at the picture below, how can anyone go after Christie for his weight and not Hillary Clinton?

3. I for one have had enough of the drama associated with the Clintons and the Bush Family, it is time to move away from both.

View attachment 48105
Hillary Rodham Clinton had planned to spend the last two weeks of August on vacation, unwinding and fund-raising on the exclusive shores of Long Island. But, as it turns out, this is no time for a vacation.

Amid concerns about Mrs. Clinton’s softening poll numbers and her exclusive use of a personal email server as secretary of state, she will interrupt her Hamptons stay next week to travel to the Midwest and try to shift attention back to her campaign message by unveiling new policy positions.


try to shift attention back to her campaign message by unveiling new policy positions.

In other words come up with promises of more free stuff....lol
I expect her to have some sort of medical event which will leave her unable to continue campaigning...or answer questions about her illegal breach of national security safeguards.
1. Does anyone besides me think she is toast?

2. Looking at the picture below, how can anyone go after Christie for his weight and not Hillary Clinton?

3. I for one have had enough of the drama associated with the Clintons and the Bush Family, it is time to move away from both.

View attachment 48105
Hillary Rodham Clinton had planned to spend the last two weeks of August on vacation, unwinding and fund-raising on the exclusive shores of Long Island. But, as it turns out, this is no time for a vacation.

Amid concerns about Mrs. Clinton’s softening poll numbers and her exclusive use of a personal email server as secretary of state, she will interrupt her Hamptons stay next week to travel to the Midwest and try to shift attention back to her campaign message by unveiling new policy positions.


Can't talk about her weight...

She best get back lickity split.
Forces within her own party seem to be plotting against her...
But she will splain it away by saying that's happening as a result of the
vast right wing conspiracy...
I expect her to have some sort of medical event which will leave her unable to continue campaigning...or answer questions about her illegal breach of national security safeguards.


If she says she has health problems, it will be the first thing she has said in years that the American People can believe.

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