Politico: ‘He’s Barack Obama, but white’: Beto O’Rourke blows up the 2020 Democratic primary

Your asshole Hispanic Boy lost and our White guy won.

Annnnnd there ya have it

Shhhhh...you're supposed to whisper your racism and bigotry...

That Beto asshole was the one that was pretending to be a minority. If that isn't racist I don't know what is.

If you want racism how about that Obama piece of shit that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews?
Another feel good look good charmer with no factual accomplishments but just chock full of good Feelings.
from Politico:

Beto O’Rourke has changed his mind: He’s not ruling out a 2020 presidential run anymore.

“Running for Senate, I was 100 percent focused on our campaign, winning that race and then serving the next six years in the United States Senate,” the Texas congressman said today at his first public event since the midterm election. “Now that that is no longer possible, you know, we’re thinking through a number of things.”

O'Rourke said he won't make an official decision after he leaves Congress in early January. But during his town hall today he gave a lengthy rebuke of Trump on issues ranging from immigration to taxes and military spending, suggesting the early formation of a platform.
Beto doesn't strike me as anyone who could win a primary, never mind the Presidency.

Of course I had never heard of Obama and he won the Presidency twice.

You never know.
Thats his actual name.
Unlike Beto's fake name.


That's a diminutive of his MIDDLE name.

His real name is Rafael

Why would he be trying to hide his heritage?

He isnt. He shares a name with his father, and as is quite common the son goes by his middle name to avoid confusion between the two.

So please stop with the dishonest partisan b.s.
He's an interesting guy but I don't see him as Presidential material at this point.

Of course I said the same about Obama and was wrong there so...

No no you were right
You are demonstrably wrong..but then you almost always are so....nothin new there honey
so she agrees with you that beto is not presidential material and then you tell her how wrong she is.

you can't make this up, this "reality".
Thats his actual name.
Unlike Beto's fake name.


That's a diminutive of his MIDDLE name.

His real name is Rafael

Why would he be trying to hide his heritage?

He isnt. He shares a name with his father, and as is quite common the son goes by his middle name to avoid confusion between the two.

So please stop with the dishonest partisan b.s.

Actually once past early childhood, whether one goes by one's first or middle name is up to the person himself, not other people. I go by my middle name, as did my mother and at least four of her siblings, plus a couple of my cousins. However the son of my Uncle Dick, who named his son after himself (hence "Big Dick" and "Little Dick") was not one of them. He did drop the "Little" though.

So if Cruz goes by "Ted", it's because he prefers it to "Rafael" and makes that choice. But when he's sitting in the welfare office waiting to be called they'll say, "Rafael?" until he corrects them, if he does.
"In Texas, cotton is king. About half of our nation’s cotton production comes out of Texas" - Eloquent Beto

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