Politico: ‘He’s Barack Obama, but white’: Beto O’Rourke blows up the 2020 Democratic primary

When I see thread after thread at this forum, started by people like the OP of this one....I can't help but wonder where all the intelligent people have gone.
And why so many lost Leftists have no life outside this forum. So sad.
Beto's face is as fresh as the morning and his heart is as brave as the dawn. WE'RE GOING WITH HIM ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE!
He actually is white.

There are white Mexicans, you know. It's a real thing in Mexico. White Mexicans versus darker Mexicans.

Google "gachupine".

O'Rourke is not Mexican. He's Irish and culturally appropriate a Mexican sounding nickname.
His father gave him that name on the day he was born, so he didn't all of a sudden choose it. There are photos of him as a baby with a shirt that had that name on it.
He actually is white.

There are white Mexicans, you know. It's a real thing in Mexico. White Mexicans versus darker Mexicans.

Google "gachupine".

O'Rourke is not Mexican. He's Irish and culturally appropriate a Mexican sounding nickname.
His father gave him that name on the day he was born, so he didn't all of a sudden choose it. There are photos of him as a baby with a shirt that had that name on it.

That doesn't transform a 4th Generation Irish guy into a Mexican.

Just sayin'.

Yeah, put the boy out there, he couldn't buy his own state with all his lies and dark money. Let him force all the other commies to spend an extra 10s of millions, it ought to be a hell of a show.


Yeah but cruz had to grovel before trump to have him come to texas to campaign for him even after trump insulted ted's wife. Link below showing tough guy cruz calling out trump.

He actually is white.

There are white Mexicans, you know. It's a real thing in Mexico. White Mexicans versus darker Mexicans.

Google "gachupine".

O'Rourke is not Mexican. He's Irish and culturally appropriate a Mexican sounding nickname.
His father gave him that name on the day he was born, so he didn't all of a sudden choose it. There are photos of him as a baby with a shirt that had that name on it.

That doesn't transform a 4th Generation Irish guy into a Mexican.

Just sayin'.
Please show me where he ever tried to say he was Mexican. He was raised in a border town and speaks fluent Spanish, but he's never claimed to be Mexican. Ted Cruz...a.k.a.......Rafael Edward Cruz IS of Latino heritage but he is trying to pass himself off as a white anglo but that's okay since he's a Republican, huh? Oh, and he was born in CANADA whereas Beto was born in TEXAS!!
He actually is white.

There are white Mexicans, you know. It's a real thing in Mexico. White Mexicans versus darker Mexicans.

Google "gachupine".

O'Rourke is not Mexican. He's Irish and culturally appropriate a Mexican sounding nickname.
His father gave him that name on the day he was born, so he didn't all of a sudden choose it. There are photos of him as a baby with a shirt that had that name on it.

That doesn't transform a 4th Generation Irish guy into a Mexican.

Just sayin'.
Please show me where he ever tried to say he was Mexican. He was raised in a border town and speaks fluent Spanish, but he's never claimed to be Mexican. Ted Cruz...a.k.a.......Rafael Edward Cruz IS of Latino heritage but he is trying to pass himself off as a white anglo but that's okay since he's a Republican, huh? Oh, and he was born in CANADA whereas Beto was born in TEXAS!!

You may have just fallen off the turnip truck, but normal people recognize the cynical manipulation of Robert Francis O'Rourke promoting himself as "Beto" in an area fully of hispanics.
When I see thread after thread at this forum, started by people like the OP of this one....I can't help but wonder where all the intelligent people have gone.
And why so many lost Leftists have no life outside this forum. So sad.

So....you a leftist? Must be cuz they're the only ones posting here according to you.

Yeah, put the boy out there, he couldn't buy his own state with all his lies and dark money. Let him force all the other commies to spend an extra 10s of millions, it ought to be a hell of a show.

Dude...he came a lot closer to beating a Republican in blood red Texas than any Dem in a long time

Yep, he spent more than twice as much to lose, sound familiar. Texans weren't buying his moderate act, neither will the country. BTW, close only counts in hand grenades, horseshoes and atom bombs.

He actually is white.

There are white Mexicans, you know. It's a real thing in Mexico. White Mexicans versus darker Mexicans.

Google "gachupine".

O'Rourke is not Mexican. He's Irish and culturally appropriate a Mexican sounding nickname.
His father gave him that name on the day he was born, so he didn't all of a sudden choose it. There are photos of him as a baby with a shirt that had that name on it.

That doesn't transform a 4th Generation Irish guy into a Mexican.

Just sayin'.
Please show me where he ever tried to say he was Mexican. He was raised in a border town and speaks fluent Spanish, but he's never claimed to be Mexican. Ted Cruz...a.k.a.......Rafael Edward Cruz IS of Latino heritage but he is trying to pass himself off as a white anglo but that's okay since he's a Republican, huh? Oh, and he was born in CANADA whereas Beto was born in TEXAS!!

You may have just fallen off the turnip truck, but normal people recognize the cynical manipulation of Robert Francis O'Rourke promoting himself as "Beto" in an area fully of hispanics.
Are you really that dense? His FATHER gave him that name when he was born! He wasn't trying to pass himself off as anything other than he was but for some reason people such as yourself are blind to actual facts.


Yeah, put the boy out there, he couldn't buy his own state with all his lies and dark money. Let him force all the other commies to spend an extra 10s of millions, it ought to be a hell of a show.


Yeah but cruz had to grovel before trump to have him come to texas to campaign for him even after trump insulted ted's wife. Link below showing tough guy cruz calling out trump.

Wow, that was so 2015, a life time ago in politics. You snowflakes are sooooooo sensitive. Politics, like football, is a contact sport.

He's an interesting guy but I don't see him as Presidential material at this point.

Of course I said the same about Obama and was wrong there so...

No no you were right
You are demonstrably wrong..but then you almost always are so....nothin new there honey

No I'm not and don't honey me ya creepy old fck
SO what is it you don't like about Beto..."sweetie"?

They dont call him Open Borders Beto for nothing.

Yeah, put the boy out there, he couldn't buy his own state with all his lies and dark money. Let him force all the other commies to spend an extra 10s of millions, it ought to be a hell of a show.

Dude...he came a lot closer to beating a Republican in blood red Texas than any Dem in a long time

After spending 40 million......:auiqs.jpg:
O'Rourke is not Mexican. He's Irish and culturally appropriate a Mexican sounding nickname.
His father gave him that name on the day he was born, so he didn't all of a sudden choose it. There are photos of him as a baby with a shirt that had that name on it.

That doesn't transform a 4th Generation Irish guy into a Mexican.

Just sayin'.
Please show me where he ever tried to say he was Mexican. He was raised in a border town and speaks fluent Spanish, but he's never claimed to be Mexican. Ted Cruz...a.k.a.......Rafael Edward Cruz IS of Latino heritage but he is trying to pass himself off as a white anglo but that's okay since he's a Republican, huh? Oh, and he was born in CANADA whereas Beto was born in TEXAS!!

You may have just fallen off the turnip truck, but normal people recognize the cynical manipulation of Robert Francis O'Rourke promoting himself as "Beto" in an area fully of hispanics.
Are you really that dense? His FATHER gave him that name when he was born! He wasn't trying to pass himself off as anything other than he was but for some reason people such as yourself are blind to actual facts.


He called himself Robert Francis O'Rourke when he was stopped from Drunk Driving. He uses Beto to manipulate gullible fools for political purposes.
He actually is white.

There are white Mexicans, you know. It's a real thing in Mexico. White Mexicans versus darker Mexicans.

Google "gachupine".

O'Rourke is not Mexican. He's Irish and culturally appropriate a Mexican sounding nickname.
His father gave him that name on the day he was born, so he didn't all of a sudden choose it. There are photos of him as a baby with a shirt that had that name on it.

And you're full of shit.

His real name: Robert Francis O'Rourke.

Beto is a spanish term. He was pandering to mexicans.

Yeah, put the boy out there, he couldn't buy his own state with all his lies and dark money. Let him force all the other commies to spend an extra 10s of millions, it ought to be a hell of a show.

Dude...he came a lot closer to beating a Republican in blood red Texas than any Dem in a long time

After spending 40 million......:auiqs.jpg:

Nope, it was about 83 million. And that didn't include millions of pac spending.


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