Politico: ‘He’s Barack Obama, but white’: Beto O’Rourke blows up the 2020 Democratic primary

He's an interesting guy but I don't see him as Presidential material at this point.

Of course I said the same about Obama and was wrong there so...

No no you were right
You are demonstrably wrong..but then you almost always are so....nothin new there honey

No I'm not and don't honey me ya creepy old fck
SO what is it you don't like about Beto..."sweetie"?

He's faggity...like you, Gramps
Beto ain't White. He is Hispanic. If you don't believe me just ask him.
Please tell me you're not that damn dumb. Show me where he has EVER claimed to be Hispanic. He NEVER has you ass!

He's pandering to mexicans using a spanish name for Robert.
And Ted (Rafael) is pandering to the anglo whites using a white name! Oh, and for the millionth time, Beto is the nickname his father gave him as a baby. And I'm sure his dad didn't tell him that God said he was going to be president one day like Rafael's dad told him. AND, Beto was born in TEXAS. Cruz was born in CANADA!! They can't even find where his mother registered him as a citizen of the US when he was born, which would allow him duel citizenship. Also, she might have renounced her US citizenship to be Canadian, which would mean that Rafael isn't even a US citizen.
It's really funny that all of you are frothing at the mouth for Cruz when tramp trashed him, his father and his wife, then he came back and kissed tramp's ass. His wife should have left his sorry ass when that happened because no respectable man would ever crawl up to a man who disrespected his wife in such a manner.
Beto ain't White. He is Hispanic. If you don't believe me just ask him.
Please tell me you're not that damn dumb. Show me where he has EVER claimed to be Hispanic. He NEVER has you ass!

He's pandering to mexicans using a spanish name for Robert.
And Ted (Rafael) is pandering to the anglo whites using a white name! Oh, and for the millionth time, Beto is the nickname his father gave him as a baby. And I'm sure his dad didn't tell him that God said he was going to be president one day like Rafael's dad told him. AND, Beto was born in TEXAS. Cruz was born in CANADA!! They can't even find where his mother registered him as a citizen of the US when he was born, which would allow him duel citizenship. Also, she might have renounced her US citizenship to be Canadian, which would mean that Rafael isn't even a US citizen.
It's really funny that all of you are frothing at the mouth for Cruz when tramp trashed him, his father and his wife, then he came back and kissed tramp's ass. His wife should have left his sorry ass when that happened because no respectable man would ever crawl up to a man who disrespected his wife in such a manner.

Thats his actual name.
Unlike Beto's fake name.
Beto ain't White. He is Hispanic. If you don't believe me just ask him.
Please tell me you're not that damn dumb. Show me where he has EVER claimed to be Hispanic. He NEVER has you ass!

He's pandering to mexicans using a spanish name for Robert.
And Ted (Rafael) is pandering to the anglo whites using a white name! Oh, and for the millionth time, Beto is the nickname his father gave him as a baby. And I'm sure his dad didn't tell him that God said he was going to be president one day like Rafael's dad told him. AND, Beto was born in TEXAS. Cruz was born in CANADA!! They can't even find where his mother registered him as a citizen of the US when he was born, which would allow him duel citizenship. Also, she might have renounced her US citizenship to be Canadian, which would mean that Rafael isn't even a US citizen.
It's really funny that all of you are frothing at the mouth for Cruz when tramp trashed him, his father and his wife, then he came back and kissed tramp's ass. His wife should have left his sorry ass when that happened because no respectable man would ever crawl up to a man who disrespected his wife in such a manner.

Who gives a shit Moon Bat? Your asshole Hispanic Boy lost and our White guy won.
Beto ain't White. He is Hispanic. If you don't believe me just ask him.
Please tell me you're not that damn dumb. Show me where he has EVER claimed to be Hispanic. He NEVER has you ass!

He's pandering to mexicans using a spanish name for Robert.
And Ted (Rafael) is pandering to the anglo whites using a white name! Oh, and for the millionth time, Beto is the nickname his father gave him as a baby. And I'm sure his dad didn't tell him that God said he was going to be president one day like Rafael's dad told him. AND, Beto was born in TEXAS. Cruz was born in CANADA!! They can't even find where his mother registered him as a citizen of the US when he was born, which would allow him duel citizenship. Also, she might have renounced her US citizenship to be Canadian, which would mean that Rafael isn't even a US citizen.
It's really funny that all of you are frothing at the mouth for Cruz when tramp trashed him, his father and his wife, then he came back and kissed tramp's ass. His wife should have left his sorry ass when that happened because no respectable man would ever crawl up to a man who disrespected his wife in such a manner.

Who gives a shit Moon Bat? Your asshole Hispanic Boy lost and our White guy won.

Annnnnd there ya have it
Beto ain't White. He is Hispanic. If you don't believe me just ask him.
Please tell me you're not that damn dumb. Show me where he has EVER claimed to be Hispanic. He NEVER has you ass!

He's pandering to mexicans using a spanish name for Robert.
And Ted (Rafael) is pandering to the anglo whites using a white name! Oh, and for the millionth time, Beto is the nickname his father gave him as a baby. And I'm sure his dad didn't tell him that God said he was going to be president one day like Rafael's dad told him. AND, Beto was born in TEXAS. Cruz was born in CANADA!! They can't even find where his mother registered him as a citizen of the US when he was born, which would allow him duel citizenship. Also, she might have renounced her US citizenship to be Canadian, which would mean that Rafael isn't even a US citizen.
It's really funny that all of you are frothing at the mouth for Cruz when tramp trashed him, his father and his wife, then he came back and kissed tramp's ass. His wife should have left his sorry ass when that happened because no respectable man would ever crawl up to a man who disrespected his wife in such a manner.

Who gives a shit Moon Bat? Your asshole Hispanic Boy lost and our White guy won.
Reverse that....our WHITE guy lost and your HISPANIC guy won. JFC! Are all of you tramp ass lickers really that stupid?
He actually is white.

There are white Mexicans, you know. It's a real thing in Mexico. White Mexicans versus darker Mexicans.

Google "gachupine".

O'Rourke is not Mexican. He's Irish and culturally appropriate a Mexican sounding nickname.
His father gave him that name on the day he was born, so he didn't all of a sudden choose it. There are photos of him as a baby with a shirt that had that name on it.

That doesn't transform a 4th Generation Irish guy into a Mexican.

Just sayin'.
Please show me where he ever tried to say he was Mexican. He was raised in a border town and speaks fluent Spanish, but he's never claimed to be Mexican. Ted Cruz...a.k.a.......Rafael Edward Cruz IS of Latino heritage but he is trying to pass himself off as a white anglo but that's okay since he's a Republican, huh? Oh, and he was born in CANADA whereas Beto was born in TEXAS!!
I don’t let my Race do my thinking for me....
Old man give it a rest. I've been in forums for close to 15 years....your honey and sweetheart shit is rank amateur shit.

You're just another leftist clown spewing what your masters instruct you too.

Awww honey...take a breath. I didn't mean to trigger you

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