Politico "caucus" to Trump: enough already, get away from the immigration stuff

The GOP controls the majority of governoships, the majority of state houses, the House and the Senate.

Viewing several recent polls the GOP favorable ratings have taken a serious hit to lows not seen in well over a decade.
The reasons are that they accomplished very little because all that was on their minds was to retread all the nothings they did before. Also they ran hard on saying they were going to boost the middle class. Which in the end they did nothing. Over 76% of the public wanted an increase of the minimum wage, the GOP's response, blocking the increase of the minimum wage. But they did find it in their heart to help 0.02% of the population (and the wealthiest) by voting to cancel the death tax. Now that shows exactly where the GOP priorities are.
So in response to your statement,, for now, for now.

Right! :disagree:
And next? I'll have a cheeseburger and a Tecate.
Classless beer for a classless boob.
The GOP has been winning elections left and right. Wth the Democrats' front runner probably facing jail time they'll sweep 2016 as well.

Yes, indeed. You claimed in 2012 that because of the 2010 mid-terms, Obama was doomed.

You were oh, so wrong.

I just read some of your golden stuff from 2012 and got a good chuckle out of it. Thanks for the funnies!

Now you are claiming that because of the 2014 mid-terms, Hillary is doomed.

Once again, you are oh so wrong.

Apparently, you are just too stupid to know that that after +160 years of electoral history, since the GOP was included on the ballot in mid-term and presidential elections, there is absolutely NO correlation between a mid-term and the following presidential GE.
Yeah Obama's re-election was a fluke, caused by unprecedented black turnout. We've been over this before.
BUt not a fluke is the fact that the majority of governorships etc are held by the GOP. ANd the Democrats have an 8+ year record in office and that record has produced one of the worst economies in post war history. The fact that we will likely hit a recession in the coming 9 months will not help them either. The fact that the Dem front runner is currently under investigation by the FBI and Justice Dept and numerous Congressional Committees is not a positive.

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