In Wisconsin, Hillary is kicking Trump’s ass in new poll

Walker would beat HRC in WI, I think. Be he won't be the nominee, imo.
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Walker hasnt done anything else in my lifelong state other than to ensure the millionaires and billionaires get his ear. The state is losing ground and seems headed backwards in many aspects. He should not be the nominee and in an election with high turnout I doubt he wins as his approval rate here in wisc keeps dropping. Not even closely ready for the white house.
Walker would beat HRC in WI, I think. Be he won't be the nominee, imo.
Is Walker part of the FAR RIGHT?
If you support Cruz or Santorum or Perry, he is not part of your FAR RIGHT, no. He is pretty far to the right for many, but he has won handily in WI.
I don't support those guys you mention. So does that mean Walker is part of your mythical Far Right?
You have admitted earlier that you are libertarian and now we see a real streak of Far Right. Just how far right are you: the Board wants to know.

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