Politicians are not responsible for the actions of extremist "followers".

after losing at the polls,
The whole point of the events of January 6, 2021, was that there was (and still is) honest concern about the honesty of the 2020 presidential election. So many election laws were broken. Laws that, if observed, could have prevented bogus votes from being cast. Judges and justices who ruled on the issue can be compared to the "Hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil" monkeys.

I hope that you didn't think that I believed that all politicians are as innocent as the driven snow. Some of them probably agree with extremists. My issue is that no one should assume that these politicians agree with the extremists.

A whole lot of people testified to (and are responsible for) saying that illegal things happened. Are they all lying?
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There’s a clear difference between inciting a crowd and the actions of a lone wolf. Trump was involved in the former and, yes, responsible.
The Founding Fathers would have executed Garland and others. We have grown soft and weak. But are not alone in history. The agendas are not over and the decline and restrictions to us all are coming. We have seen some of it already.
The Founding Fathers would have executed Garland and others. We have grown soft and weak. But are not alone in history. The agendas are not over and the decline and restrictions to us all are coming. We have seen some of it already.
The Founding Fathers may have tried Trump for treason. Did you forget about Aaron Burr?
Politicians are not responsible for the actions of extremist "followers". This is true for all politicians. The most obvious one is that President Trump is not responsible for the people who invaded the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. Some of those people were probably just troublemakers.

Democrats can also be demonized by the actions of supporters. James Hodgkinson, who shot Congressman Steve Scalise on June 14, 2017, at a baseball practice was a supporter of Bernie Sanders. President Trump is not responsible for January 6, 2021, and Bernie Sanders is not responsible for June 14, 2017. All kinds of extremists can "support" politicians who would never approve of the actions that they took.

So, neither politicians or presidents are leaders.
The whole point of the events of January 6, 2021, was that there was (and still is) honest concern about the honesty of the 2020 presidential election. So many election laws were broken. Laws that, if observed, could have prevented bogus votes from being cast. Judges and justices who ruled on the issue can be compared to the "Hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil" monkeys.

I hope that you didn't think that I believed that all politicians are as innocent as the driven snow. Some of them probably agree with extremists. My issue is that no one should assume that these politicians agree with the extremists.

A whole lot of people testified to (and are responsible for) saying that illegal things happened. Are they all lying?
I can't see it being honest anymore. It was not honest on Trump's part on Jan 6, just wishful thinking and wondering if he could still pull it off.
When the ISIS threat started emerging globally in 2014-15, one of the first things governments did was to pressure YouTube, Google, Twitter, and others to take down their terroristic propaganda. Why? Because extremist thoughts and words presage extremist violence.

If Donald Trump knew that there were armed extremists at the Capitol on January 6th - and it seems plausible that he did - then he's very much responsible for encouraging them. That's not the same as saying he's responsible for their actions, but he's responsible for his actions.

People influence each other, for good and bad. If you have a friend who's planning to shoot up his office tomorrow morning because he's pissed off about his job, you have a moral and even a legal responsibility to intervene and either talk him out of it or go to the cops. You sure as hell shouldn't encourage him.
how many people did the armed supremist gun down...facts matter
Politicians are not responsible for the actions of extremist "followers". This is true for all politicians. The most obvious one is that President Trump is not responsible for the people who invaded the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. Some of those people were probably just troublemakers.

Democrats can also be demonized by the actions of supporters. James Hodgkinson, who shot Congressman Steve Scalise on June 14, 2017, at a baseball practice was a supporter of Bernie Sanders. President Trump is not responsible for January 6, 2021, and Bernie Sanders is not responsible for June 14, 2017. All kinds of extremists can "support" politicians who would never approve of the actions that they took.
Politicians are not responsible for the actions of extremist followers?

Maybe... sometimes...

Unless the politicians themselves were the ones summoning and egging-on and inciting those extremist followers...

Much like your Orange Baboon-God did on January 6, 2021...

A regular modern-day Benedict Arnold... or an Orange-colored Judas Iscariot, if you like...

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