Political correctness in Charlottesville.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There is no denying that day-by-day, inch-by inch we are becoming Europe. Recent events in Charlottesville support this and we would do well to pay attention to the ramifications for the future of our way of life.

The lesson in Charlottesville is that the two sides are ideologically indistinguishable in their method of operation. Each is convinced of the righteousness of its cause and each will settle for nothing less than to stamp out the other side. Each carries its own flag proudly displaying its own brand of political correctness.

Political correctness is not new only its current name is recent. Political correctness was trademarked successfully with the epic film Birth of a Nation early in the last century with heroic vigilante figures donning sheets and riding horse-back ostensibly to defend the honor of its origins against interlopers. It was not a proud time for our people but it was nonetheless political correctness-We are good, you are bad-We are right, you are wrong.

Today political correctness has a new face but it’s no less dangerous and no less wrongheaded. It drives mobs into communities to blot out their cultural identity and local color if they don’t “play ball” with the narrative of contemporary political self-righteousness. So the hordes start toppling historic statues like invaders with ropes pulling down the likeness of Saddam Hussein.

Most people do not know that black slavery was not started by southern white Americans. It was initiated by black African tribal chiefs who were getting fabulously wealthy by netting their brethren and selling them to slave traders. But no one seems to be letting facts get in the way-We are good, you are bad-We are right, you are wrong.

Political correctness is a difficult animal to kill because its shape is circular. You can’t tell the front from the back or the head from the tail. When crusaders march into southern communities as counter-protesters they are essentially exercising a kind of ethnic cleansing because the vast majority of the community has no dog in the fight of white nationalism. The crusaders are really there to round up the locals and intimidate them to get in line.

How much like Europe are we willing to become?
Political correctness has been invented for only one reason: to cover the truth and to distract from the truth. And to keep the people from saying the truth too much. Seems like with Trump's appearance on political arena more and more people start understanding the danger of political correctness and the damage it has already done to a lot of brains. Look at liberals: they are the perfect example of brain damage.
"The campaign to Destroy the Four Olds and Cultivate the Four News (Chinese: 破四旧立四新; pinyin: Pò Sìjiù Lì Sìxīn) began in Beijing on August 19.[3] The first things to change were the names of streets and stores: "Blue Sky Clothes Store" to "Defending Mao Zedong Clothes Store", "Cai E Road" to "Red Guard Road", and so forth. Many people also changed their given names to revolutionary slogans, such as Zhihong (志红, "Determined Red") or Jige (继革, "Following the Revolution").[4]

"Other manifestations of the Red Guard campaign included giving speeches, posting big-character posters, and harassment of people, such as intellectuals,[7] who defiantly demonstrated the Four Olds.[3] In later stages of the campaign, examples of Chinese architecture were destroyed, classical literature and Chinese paintings were torn apart, and Chinese temples were desecrated.[4]

"The Cemetery of Confucius was attacked in November 1966, during the Cultural Revolution, when it was visited and vandalized by a team of Red Guards from Beijing Normal University, led by Tan Houlan.[8][9] The corpse of the 76th-generation Duke Yansheng was removed from its grave and hung naked from a tree in front of the palace during the desecration of the cemetery in the Cultural Revolution.[10]

"Red Guards broke into the homes of the bourgeois and destroyed paintings, books, and furniture; all were items that they viewed as part of the Four Olds.[11] Many families' long-kept genealogy books were burned to ashes.[citation needed] The Chinese government stopped short of endorsing the physical destruction of products. In fact, the government protected significant archaeological discoveries made during the Cultural Revolution, such as the Mawangdui and the Terracotta Army.[5]

"Many artists and other cultural professionals were persecuted by vigilantes, although some cultural advances came about because of the period, including the integration of "new" western instruments and ballet into Peking opera. Traditional Chinese medicine also advanced despite the Four Olds campaign, most significantly by the derivation of the anti-malarialdrug artemisinin from the qinghao plant.[5]"

This is what we are seeing in the US today.

Four Olds - Wikipedia
Fascism is "a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion." - Robert Paxton, 2004 (ret. American political scientist and expert on fascism at Berkley.)
That was just the first draft. Here's the finished piece:

There is no denying that day-by-day, inch-by inch we are becoming Europe. Recent events in Charlottesville support this and we would do well to pay attention to the ramifications for the future of our way of life.

The lesson in Charlottesville is that the adversaries are functionally indistinguishable in their method of operation. Each is convinced of the righteousness of its cause and each will settle for nothing less than to stamp out the other side. Each carries its own flag proudly displaying its own brand of political correctness.

Political correctness is not new only its current name is recent. Political correctness was trademarked successfully with an epic film, The Birth of a Nation early in the last century featuring heroic vigilante figures donning sheets astride horses ostensibly to defend the honor of its origins against interlopers. It was not a proud time for our people but it was political correctness nonetheless-fighting the good fight against inferior outlanders.

Today political correctness has a new face but it’s no less dangerous and no less wrongheaded. It drives mobs into communities to blot out cultural identity and local color if they don’t “play ball” with the narrative of contemporary philosophical self-righteousness. So the hordes start toppling historic statues like zealots destroying religious sites in a modern holy war.

Most people are unaware that black slavery was not started by southern white Americans. It was initiated by black African tribal chiefs who were getting fabulously wealthy by netting their brethren and selling them to slave traders. But there’s no need for an examination of actual history including white indentured servitude because it raises too many uncomfortable questions about how we got to this point.

Political correctness is a difficult animal to kill because its shape is circular. You can’t tell the front from the back or the head from the tail. When crusaders march into southern communities as counter-protesters they are essentially issuing a kind of threatening ultimatum because the vast majority of the community has no dog in the fight of white nationalism. The crusaders are really there to intimidate the locals and force them to choose their side.

Do we want to be like Europe? A ticking time bomb dispossessed of its cultural identity with festering hatred just under the surface? Or can we drain the swamp of our rotten political establishment and rebuild our unique democracy?

We can do this.
Granny says is just as well - dey nuttin' but a buncha wacko's anyways...

Online Companies Bar Far-Right Groups
August 18, 2017 — They are being booted off or locked out of their websites. Some can no longer blog. Their electronic payment systems are being canceled. Even their music can’t be heard.
For some white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups, operating online has become much harder in the wake of last week’s “Unite the Right” protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, that resulted in violent clashes between extremist groups and counterprotesters. On Thursday, the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi and white supremacist news site and one of the organizers of last weekend’s demonstrations, was reportedly ejected from a Russian internet domain provider that was hosting its site. Its removal came at the request of Russia’s internet watchdog, according to the French news agency. The Daily Stormer had recently turned to the Russian firm after being knocked offline by its U.S. providers, first GoDaddy, then Google. As of Thursday night, the Daily Stormer was not online.


Demonstrators decrying hatred and racism following a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, march in downtown Los Angeles, California​

Resisting the role of censor

While tech firms have been under government pressure to crack down on state-sponsored terrorist groups, they have mostly resisted efforts to play the censor when it comes to who uses their services. Their terms of use guidelines often outline restrictions, but they have traditionally declined to police offensive content. That laissez-faire approach appeared to be changing after last weekend’s demonstrations prompted by the rally’s violence and the recognition that extremist groups rely on a host of digital services to organize. But the shift comes with great ambivalence.

Potentially dangerous moves

CloudFlare, which makes websites secure and fast, decided to stop serving the Daily Stormer. But it wasn’t an easy decision, wrote Matthew Prince, the firm’s chief executive. “Someone on our team asked after I announced we were going to terminate the Daily Stormer: ‘Is this the day the internet dies?’”


Matthew Prince, chief executive at CloudFlare, in his office in San Francisco, Dec. 10, 2012. CloudFlare markets itself as an Internet intermediary that shields websites from distributed denial-of-service attacks.​

On Thursday, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a nonprofit that advocates for civil liberties in the digital world and one that has stood with tech companies in its battles with the U.S. government on surveillance, criticized the tech companies’ actions. “We strongly believe that what GoDaddy, Google and Cloudflare did here was dangerous,” the organization wrote in a statement on its blog.

Tech companies, with few competitors, increasingly have more power to control online speech, EFF wrote, and “the consequences of their decisions have far-reaching impacts on speech around the world.” “Every time a company throws a vile neo-Nazi site off the Net, thousands of less visible decisions are made by companies with little oversight or transparency,” EFF added.

Cutting off financial services

See also:

Internet Firms Flex Muscle to Exile White Supremacists
August 16, 2017 — Silicon Valley joined a swelling backlash against neo-Nazi groups in the United States on Wednesday as more technology companies removed white supremacists from their services in response to weekend violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Social media networks Twitter and LinkedIn, music service Spotify and security firm CloudFlare were among the companies cutting off services to hate groups or removing material that they said spread hate. Earlier in the week, Facebook, Alphabet and GoDaddy also took steps to block hate groups. The wave of internet crackdowns against white nationalists and neo-Nazis reflected a rapidly changing mindset among Silicon Valley firms on how far they are willing to go to police hate speech. Tech companies have taken down violent propaganda from Islamic State and other militant groups, in part in response to government pressure. But most internet companies have traditionally tried to steer clear of making judgments about content except in cases of illegal activity.


The home page of The Daily Stormer website, on which Andrew Anglin's blog appears.​

CloudFlare, which protects some 6 million websites from denial-of-service attacks and hacking, on Wednesday afternoon dropped coverage of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer. "I woke up this morning in a bad mood and decided to kick them off the internet," CloudFlare founder and Chief Executive Matthew Prince said in an email to employees. CloudFlare is well-known for defending even the most distasteful websites, and services like it are essential to the functioning of websites. Daily Stormer helped organize the weekend rally in Charlottesville where a 32-year-old woman was killed and 19 people were injured when a man plowed a car into a crowd protesting the white nationalist gathering. Daily Stormer has been accessible only intermittently the past few days after domain providers GoDaddy and Google Domains, a unit of Alphabet, said they would not serve the website.

By Wednesday, Daily Stormer had moved to a Russia-based internet domain, with an address ending in .ru. Later in the day, though, the site was no longer accessible at that address. Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin said on a social network used by many of his supporters, Gab, that his site would be back soon. "The CloudFlare betrayal adds another layer of super complexity. But we got this," he said. He could not immediately be reached for further comment. Prince, the CloudFlare chief executive, said in an interview that despite his decision he was conflicted, because it could become harder to resist pressure from governments to censor. "You don't have to play this game too many moves out to see how risky this is going to be," Prince said. "'What about this site? What about this site?'" Only the biggest companies will be able to navigate the varying laws in different countries, he added. "We've lost a lot of the fight for a free and open internet."



Internet Firms Move to Take Down Hate Speech, Violence
August 14, 2017 — The internet domain registration of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer was revoked twice in less than 24 hours in the wake of the weekend violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, part of a broad move by the tech industry in recent months to take a stronger hand in policing online hate speech and incitements to violence.
GoDaddy, which manages internet names and registrations, disclosed late Sunday via Twitter that it had given Daily Stormer 24 hours to move its domain to another provider, saying it had violated GoDaddy’s terms of service. The white supremacist website helped organize the weekend rally in Charlottesville where a 32-year-old woman was killed and 19 people were injured when a man plowed a car into a crowd protesting the white nationalist rally.

After GoDaddy revoked Daily Stormer’s registration, the website turned to Alphabet’s Google Domains. The Daily Stormer domain was registered with Google shortly before 8 a.m. Monday PDT (1500 GMT) and the company announced plans to revoke it at 10:56 a.m., according to a person familiar with the revocation. As of late Monday the site was still running on a Google-registered domain. Google issued a statement but did not say when the site would be taken down.

Caught in the middle

Internet companies have increasingly found themselves in the crosshairs over hate speech and other volatile social issues, with politicians and others calling on them to do more to police their networks while civil libertarians worry about the firms suppressing free speech. Twitter, Facebook, Google’s YouTube and other platforms have ramped up efforts to combat the social media efforts of Islamic militant groups, largely in response to pressure from European governments. Now they are facing similar pressures in the United States over white supremacist and neo-Nazi content.

Facebook confirmed Monday that it took down the event page that was used to promote and organize the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville. Facebook allows people to organize peaceful protests or rallies, but the social network said it would remove such pages when a threat of real-world harm and affiliation with hate organizations becomes clear. “Facebook does not allow hate speech or praise of terrorist acts or hate crimes, and we are actively removing any posts that glorify the horrendous act committed in Charlottesville,” the company said in a statement.

Several companies acted
Thank God for PC, it gave us Trump instead of the corrupt old hag
Goldman Sachs is always in your white house either way hon.
Well, as the old saying goes: "The business of America, is business." The freedom to pursue your dreams without government persecution and possibly get rich has drawn millions to this continent. Those corporations are what makes this nation the powerhouse it is. Corporations like Microsoft, Apple, Chevron, Mobil, General Electric, Kenmore, et cetera, provide jobs to people so that they may put food on their table. Our nation's history has had its dark side, but it still rises above the others for its freedoms via the U.S. Constitution. The far left's idea of what this nation should be, would be a socialist/communist nation whereby you can't live on private property, have only one political party, thus unable to put forth your own candidates, the freedoms listed in the Constitution removed and whites having little to no rights and just squat in their apartments doing nothing while the government gives them free everything for nothing in return.
A few days ago there was an appeal on Wikipedia for donations. Wikipedia is a fairly reliable research tool primarily because it does not use advertising which can subtly and subversively influence content. I made a generous donation which is not something I don't usually do. Information is vitally important in the technological age and that information needs to be trusted and free of extraneous, leveraged control. Fear of losing business is unleashing an information blockade on electronic media that hurts us all. This is not the way to deal with threats because the public needs to know what these extremists are up to. Neo Nazis using a public forum are much less of a danger than underground, secretive organizations launching surprise attacks. The people need to wake up and realize that you can't erase something just by silencing it in public media. Hate is a strong emotion; it will always find a way to strike. It's better to keep it in sight.
A few days ago there was an appeal on Wikipedia for donations. Wikipedia is a fairly reliable research tool primarily because it does not use advertising which can subtly and subversively influence content. I made a generous donation which is not something I don't usually do. Information is vitally important in the technological age and that information needs to be trusted and free of extraneous, leveraged control. Fear of losing business is unleashing an information blockade on electronic media that hurts us all. This is not the way to deal with threats because the public needs to know what these extremists are up to. Neo Nazis using a public forum are much less of a danger than underground, secretive organizations launching surprise attacks. The people need to wake up and realize that you can't erase something just by silencing it in public media. Hate is a strong emotion; it will always find a way to strike. It's better to keep it in sight.

Agreed, but it should be noted that Wikipedia is user written so not everything on there is true. They do amazingly well for that being the case though, which does give me faint hope for "awareness" in America - as did President Trump's election.
A few days ago there was an appeal on Wikipedia for donations. Wikipedia is a fairly reliable research tool primarily because it does not use advertising which can subtly and subversively influence content. I made a generous donation which is not something I don't usually do. Information is vitally important in the technological age and that information needs to be trusted and free of extraneous, leveraged control. Fear of losing business is unleashing an information blockade on electronic media that hurts us all. This is not the way to deal with threats because the public needs to know what these extremists are up to. Neo Nazis using a public forum are much less of a danger than underground, secretive organizations launching surprise attacks. The people need to wake up and realize that you can't erase something just by silencing it in public media. Hate is a strong emotion; it will always find a way to strike. It's better to keep it in sight.

Ugh. Wikipedia is a vehicle for leftists. It just plows into people looking for the truth. Anyone can write or change an article. Better to support an academic and impartial knowledge source like Britannica with your hard-earned money. Here's the truth about Wikipedia's founder Jimmy Wales.

1) Wikipedia claims to be run by "volunteers" but is actually edited by corporate-paid trolls on many topics such as GMOs, vaccines, chemotherapy and pharmaceuticals.
Jimmy Wales likes to fraudulently claim Wikipedia is run by "thousands of volunteers." What he leaves out is the fact that many of those "volunteers" are actually paid by drug companies, food giants and the biotech industry to exploit editing privileges in order to censor information they don't want the public to see. The fact that Wales continues to allow anonymous editing across Wikipedia means any corporate troll can alter information in Wikipedia pages to benefit the financial interests of that corporation (or government, or industry group, etc.).

"Wikipedia is 'anti-science' and not a quality reference for natural health topics, organic food research, infectious disease research, cancer research, holistic medicine research and knowledge," says the Jimmy Wales page on Truthwiki.org. Wikipedia is "...rife with error, bias, and omission of some of the most important facts in the realms of health, environmental safety and agricultural sustainability," adds the TruthWiki page on Wikipedia. "The information in Wikipedia is filtered to remove any talk of natural remedies, natural cures and organic medicine, referring to anything that is not lab-made as quack medicine, anti-science or even conspiracy theory."

2) Before launching Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales ran a porn site network called "Bomis" that featured "Bomis Babes."
Here's a picture of Jimmy Wales posing with a couple of porn stars in an ad to promote Bomis Babes:

Here are some of Jimmy Wales' porn offerings, which included "Russian Babes" and porn favorites like "Nikki Nova" and "Busty Blonde Babes":


5) Jimmy Wales is a key operator of the "Hillary Clinton protection network" that cleanses the Clinton entry of all facts about Hillary's crimes and acts of treason against America
As you've seen over and over again, Jimmy Wales goes to great lengths to alter or remove any negative information posted about him. It's also noteworthy that a shockingly large number of links across various online publishers -- such as WIRED -- have magically disappeared over the years, perhaps indicating Wales is strong-arming these publications into aligning with his own revisionist history.

Because Wales seems to go out of his way to attack and defame conservatives, it's not surprising to find a profile of Wales on Conservapedia.com, which offers this enlightening observation:

Wales describes himself as a communitarian (someone who could be said to be "radical center", meaning they agree with the left on issues relating to the economy, such as the need for environmental protection and public education, but not on cultural issues, but instead generally agree with the right or conservatives on cultural issues, such as support for character education and faith-based programs). The revisions have since been deleted by liberal Wikipedia administrators wishing to protect Jimmy's public image. Editors trying to make this point in Wikipedia are routinely profiled, stalked, harassed, slandered, and banned. An irony of internet history is that Jimmy Wales, despite being an atheist, refers to himself as Wikipedia's "spiritual leader."

10 shocking facts you never knew about Wikipedia and Jimmy Wales

Don't use Wikipedia articles unless it's for the links below the article or to get a quick rundown on sports and entertainment articles and never ever contribute any money.
There is no denying that day-by-day, inch-by inch we are becoming Europe. Recent events in Charlottesville support this and we would do well to pay attention to the ramifications for the future of our way of life.

The lesson in Charlottesville is that the two sides are ideologically indistinguishable in their method of operation. Each is convinced of the righteousness of its cause and each will settle for nothing less than to stamp out the other side. Each carries its own flag proudly displaying its own brand of political correctness.

Political correctness is not new only its current name is recent. Political correctness was trademarked successfully with the epic film Birth of a Nation early in the last century with heroic vigilante figures donning sheets and riding horse-back ostensibly to defend the honor of its origins against interlopers. It was not a proud time for our people but it was nonetheless political correctness-We are good, you are bad-We are right, you are wrong.

Today political correctness has a new face but it’s no less dangerous and no less wrongheaded. It drives mobs into communities to blot out their cultural identity and local color if they don’t “play ball” with the narrative of contemporary political self-righteousness. So the hordes start toppling historic statues like invaders with ropes pulling down the likeness of Saddam Hussein.

Most people do not know that black slavery was not started by southern white Americans. It was initiated by black African tribal chiefs who were getting fabulously wealthy by netting their brethren and selling them to slave traders. But no one seems to be letting facts get in the way-We are good, you are bad-We are right, you are wrong.

Political correctness is a difficult animal to kill because its shape is circular. You can’t tell the front from the back or the head from the tail. When crusaders march into southern communities as counter-protesters they are essentially exercising a kind of ethnic cleansing because the vast majority of the community has no dog in the fight of white nationalism. The crusaders are really there to round up the locals and intimidate them to get in line.

How much like Europe are we willing to become?

Note my signature..........and thankfully, tens of millions of Americans agree 100%!! Europe always leads the way in fuck-ups.........and the American people shall learn from them..........AGAIN!! When your population gets ghey, your country gets ghey. Soon, we will be seeing all kinds of shit on the streets of Europe that we never thought we'd see 3 or 4 decades ago. It will be instructive to America and will only strengthen the resolve of the tens of millions of Americans who think multiculturalism is ghey.
Funny how this thread predicts reality and goes mostly unrecognized by most of the users on this site.
A few days ago there was an appeal on Wikipedia for donations. Wikipedia is a fairly reliable research tool primarily because it does not use advertising which can subtly and subversively influence content. I made a generous donation which is not something I don't usually do. Information is vitally important in the technological age and that information needs to be trusted and free of extraneous, leveraged control. Fear of losing business is unleashing an information blockade on electronic media that hurts us all. This is not the way to deal with threats because the public needs to know what these extremists are up to. Neo Nazis using a public forum are much less of a danger than underground, secretive organizations launching surprise attacks. The people need to wake up and realize that you can't erase something just by silencing it in public media. Hate is a strong emotion; it will always find a way to strike. It's better to keep it in sight.

Agreed, but it should be noted that Wikipedia is user written so not everything on there is true. They do amazingly well for that being the case though, which does give me faint hope for "awareness" in America - as did President Trump's election.

I have had experience with Wikipedia, and can verify what you've posted.

Far more users are of the Leftist persuasion,and constantly remove what they don't like.
A few days ago there was an appeal on Wikipedia for donations. Wikipedia is a fairly reliable research tool primarily because it does not use advertising which can subtly and subversively influence content. I made a generous donation which is not something I don't usually do. Information is vitally important in the technological age and that information needs to be trusted and free of extraneous, leveraged control. Fear of losing business is unleashing an information blockade on electronic media that hurts us all. This is not the way to deal with threats because the public needs to know what these extremists are up to. Neo Nazis using a public forum are much less of a danger than underground, secretive organizations launching surprise attacks. The people need to wake up and realize that you can't erase something just by silencing it in public media. Hate is a strong emotion; it will always find a way to strike. It's better to keep it in sight.

Agreed, but it should be noted that Wikipedia is user written so not everything on there is true. They do amazingly well for that being the case though, which does give me faint hope for "awareness" in America - as did President Trump's election.

I have had experience with Wikipedia, and can verify what you've posted.

Far more users are of the Leftist persuasion,and constantly remove what they don't like.

Yeah, I've posted stuff when shit hit the fan somewhere and I'll go back and it'll be edited out to basically "re-frame" the facts to fit whatever bullshit narrative.

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