Buchanan: If we erase our HISTORY who are we?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
BUCHANAN: If We Erase Our History, Who Are We?

When the Dodge Charger of 20-year-old Nazi sympathizer James Alex Fields Jr., plunged into that crowd of protesters Saturday, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer, Fields put Charlottesville on the map of modernity alongside Ferguson.

Well there isn't much more to say to this , If you are a full blown American than you understand this 100%
if you are ANTI AMERICAN, you will fight it on every angle you can , because it makes sense to you and it makes sense to you because you've been indoctrinated into believing that is so.

COLLEGE is used to make you USEFUL IDIOTS, and if you can't figure out what that means well take a look at the very anti american terrorist group ANTIFA, BLM, KKK, radical feminist.........................they've all been indoctrinated by a plan set up via SAUL ALINSKY, and BILL AYRES.............it's easy to set this up in schools

How, because most schools are based of " FEDERAL FUNDING" by accepting federa grans , they must abide by Feearl law in order to get those grants. If they don't comply they won' get the money.

It iblackmail via the Government, and those who have been in the Government for the past few decades have engineered this ................... it's been trailing for a long, long time and most people plowed through life not realizing this and how on earth it can even occur.
BTW, after the coup in Ukraine (2014) Official Kiev has been rewriting the history to suit its anti-Russian propaganda. Now poor children at schools are learning that "Russians have been killing Ukrainians during WW2" instead of learning that German Nazis have been killing Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, Belorussians, Armenians, Georgians, and so on. And Ukrainian Nazis also ruined lots of monuments in Ukraine.

And the coup there has been inspirited and sponsored by Soros as well. Same people have been provoking same destructive actions. Only the names of the countries are different .
BTW, after the coup in Ukraine (2014) Official Kiev has been rewriting the history to suit its anti-Russian propaganda. Now poor children at schools are learning that "Russians have been killing Ukrainians during WW2" instead of learning that German Nazis have been killing Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, Belorussians, Armenians, Georgians, and so on. And Ukrainian Nazis also ruined lots of monuments in Ukraine.

And the coup there has been inspirited and sponsored by Soros as well. Same people have been provoking same destructive actions. Only the names of the countries are different .

Now poor children at schools are learning that "Russians have been killing Ukrainians during WW2"

They aren't learning that Russians killed millions of Ukrainians well before WW2?

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