Political Cartoon

1st post
choice cartoon.jpg

LMAO.....All that matters is the child is born....after that its whatevs :rofl:

Oh, ClosedCaption I thought it referred to prolife legislation being pointless.
And similarly right to health care reforms.
That didn't do anything either side wanted, but just "represented" Obama getting health care passed.
That's all that mattered.
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5th post

Do you understand what a CARTOON is?

  1. a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way, especially a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine.
    synonyms: caricature · parody · lampoon · satire · takeoff · sendup
  2. a motion picture using animation techniques to photograph a sequence of drawings rather than real people or objects.
    synonyms: animated film · animation · toon
  3. a full-size drawing made by an artist as a preliminary design for a painting or other work of art.
  1. make a drawing of (someone) in a simplified or exaggerated way:
    "she has a face with enough character to be cartooned"
10th post

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