Political Cartoon

The premise is that Right-wingers blame George Floyd's death on the fact he had a lethal dose of Fentanyl in his system when he died.
Yes, I am up on that. The prosecution hires experts that say one thing, while the defense hires experts that say another.

If you think about your reply to my post about drugs and pre-existing conditions... All the things I mentioned can make one short of breath or unable to get sufficient oxygen, and contribute to the cause of death, just like Chauvin seems to have contributed to the cause of death by using a chock hold for so long.

The real cause of death is that Floyd violently resisted the police. When one does that, injuries are an expected outcome. If one is in bad shape and under the influence of drugs, and fights for an extended period, severe injuries may occur. Floyd caused his own death. Yes, there were contributing factors.

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The real cause of death is that Floyd violently resisted the police. When one does that, injuries are an expected outcome. If one is in bad shape and under the influence of drugs, and fights for an extended period, severe injuries may occur. Floyd caused his own death. Yes, there were contributing factors.
The question that needs to be answered is this.
Did Chauvin remove his knee from Floyds neck once he was no longer a threat?
The real cause of death is that Floyd violently resisted the police. When one does that, injuries are an expected outcome. If one is in bad shape and under the influence of drugs, and fights for an extended period, severe injuries may occur. Floyd caused his own death. Yes, there were contributing factors.
The question that needs to be answered is this.
Did Chauvin remove his knee from Floyds neck once he was no longer a threat?
>The question that needs to be answered is this.
>Did Chauvin remove his knee from Floyds neck once he was no longer a threat?

No, that's not correct. Knee on the neck is a proper restraint (at the time, anyway). Knee on neck does not necessarily indicate blocked airway.

Try this little exercise... Take both of you hands, and push on the sides of your neck as hard as you can. Wow, see that? You can still breathe. I wouldn't recommend doing it front to back, though.

But I recognize you have a valid point which needs to be considered along with all of the other evidence.

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