Political Cartoon

It takes a lot of guts to stand up to an angry mob when they are aggressively harassing you.

She wins.

I did read about a week ago that LA has already announced that traditional Halloween was canceled due to COVID. They want to replace it with virtual celebrations, LOL.

People should ignore it if they want. We have a right to pursue happiness, and children have a right to be kids.

That's just silly. Trump doesn't even consume alcohol, and he has never smoked a cigarette.

Obama on the other hand...

Also, why do you end each post with MAGA hat = KKK hood? Don't you realize how absurd that is? The Democrats were the party of the KKK, slavery, Jim Crow Laws, Affirmative Action and Welfare. Making America Great Again or Make America Even Greater, as I like to say, is about making it great for all Americans, just like you saw Trump's policies do until the pandemic lockdown hit. Biden/Obama have their own record to stand on. They send jobs to China, put millions out of work, and then convince everyone that it's just natural and those jobs will never be coming back. Well, Trump proved them wrong.

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