Political billboard compares Obama to Hitler

Dunno if it has already been said, but nobody seems too shook up that he's compared with Lenin at the same time.

Flip Lenin with Stalin and you will see people get really pissed. Lenin just doesn't resonate because he doesn't have the whole killed millions of his own innocent countrymen going for him ... well not anywhere near the extent that Hitler or Stalin do.
I seriously doubt that.

For some reason or another, the mass murderers Stalin and Mao (dare I mention Che Guevara) seem to get a pass from the American intelligentsia.
See: Anita Dunn.

dud burps that hitler openly admired marx in "mein kampf"

Dunno if it has already been said, but nobody seems too shook up that he's compared with Lenin at the same time.

Flip Lenin with Stalin and you will see people get really pissed. Lenin just doesn't resonate because he doesn't have the whole killed millions of his own innocent countrymen going for him ... well not anywhere near the extent that Hitler or Stalin do.
I seriously doubt that.

For some reason or another, the mass murderers Stalin and Mao (dare I mention Che Guevara) seem to get a pass from the American intelligentsia.
See: Anita Dunn.

Well, Stalin was on the winning side of World War II. History is written by the victors.
Can't have it too widely known that progressive Fabian socialist icon FDR was hobnobbing and allied with one of the two of last century's most prolific mass murderers, can we? :lol:

Are you referring to WW2 or the 1930s?
Dunno if it has already been said, but nobody seems too shook up that he's compared with Lenin at the same time.

Flip Lenin with Stalin and you will see people get really pissed. Lenin just doesn't resonate because he doesn't have the whole killed millions of his own innocent countrymen going for him ... well not anywhere near the extent that Hitler or Stalin do.
I seriously doubt that.

For some reason or another, the mass murderers Stalin and Mao (dare I mention Che Guevara) seem to get a pass from the American intelligentsia.
See: Anita Dunn.

Anyone who even just casually looks into the Russian Revolution and Russian history since has to realize that Stalin and Hitler were in a class of evil by themselves. Lenin doesn't even rate, IMO, when put next to those two.
Flip Lenin with Stalin and you will see people get really pissed. Lenin just doesn't resonate because he doesn't have the whole killed millions of his own innocent countrymen going for him ... well not anywhere near the extent that Hitler or Stalin do.
I seriously doubt that.

For some reason or another, the mass murderers Stalin and Mao (dare I mention Che Guevara) seem to get a pass from the American intelligentsia.
See: Anita Dunn.

Anyone who even just casually looks into the Russian Revolution and Russian history since has to realize that Stalin and Hitler were in a class of evil by themselves. Lenin doesn't even rate, IMO, when put next to those two.

I wouldn't put Obama or Bush in Lenin's class, either, though.
I seriously doubt that.

For some reason or another, the mass murderers Stalin and Mao (dare I mention Che Guevara) seem to get a pass from the American intelligentsia.
See: Anita Dunn.

Anyone who even just casually looks into the Russian Revolution and Russian history since has to realize that Stalin and Hitler were in a class of evil by themselves. Lenin doesn't even rate, IMO, when put next to those two.

I wouldn't put Obama or Bush in Lenin's class, either, though.

Nor would I.
Anyone who even just casually looks into the Russian Revolution and Russian history since has to realize that Stalin and Hitler were in a class of evil by themselves. Lenin doesn't even rate, IMO, when put next to those two.
Lenin was Stalin's enabler....The kind of authoritarian central control that Lenin professed almost invariably attracts to it evil tyrants like Stalin.
Anyone who even just casually looks into the Russian Revolution and Russian history since has to realize that Stalin and Hitler were in a class of evil by themselves. Lenin doesn't even rate, IMO, when put next to those two.
Lenin was Stalin's enabler....The kind of authoritarian central control that Lenin professed almost invariably attracts to it evil tyrants like Stalin.

But Lenin wanted Trotsky to take over when he died. It was in his will.
I never said he was innocent, I only said why he doesn't get the same reaction as ole Adolf, ya fucktard.

You mean cause the average Liberal is to STUPID to know history and understand that Lenin is the REASON Stalin gained the position and power to murder millions?

I got a strong bet you didn't spend a lot of time in college?

Sorry to disappoint dumb ass I did a paper on Lenin and the revolution.
I wouldn't put Obama or Bush in Lenin's class, either, though.
I would put Obama in that class of pure ideologue, who is completely insulated disconnected from the negative consequences of his ideology.

No offense meant here, Dude, but you are one of the biggest ideologues I have ever come across and I would never use Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, or any other of recent history's all-time bad as an example of who or what you are like. The point can be made without that shit.
you should figure out a way to tell black americans that they are just being stupid dumb negroes for voting with the democrats. I am SURE that your message would resonate with them. DO PLEASE give it a try.

Why? They obviously are to STUPID to understand they are busy supporting the very people that oppressed them since 1865. Democrats love ignorance, it plays so well for them.

and yet....blacks in America USED to overwhelmingly vote for republicans. And then, starting about 1948, that all began to change. I would suggest it began to change when blacks inAmerica realized that the democratic party WAS changing and.that, along with the realization that the GOP DID have a southern strategy that sought to marginalize them made them rethink their allegiance to the GOP. Now... blacks in America vote overhwlmingly democratic. Seems like they are a lot smarter, and politically aware and astute, than you give them credit for!:razz:

Ya under democratic policies more blacks are poor, without work, in broken families, criminals and homeless. Sure has worked out well for them hasn't it?
Anyone who even just casually looks into the Russian Revolution and Russian history since has to realize that Stalin and Hitler were in a class of evil by themselves. Lenin doesn't even rate, IMO, when put next to those two.
Lenin was Stalin's enabler....The kind of authoritarian central control that Lenin professed almost invariably attracts to it evil tyrants like Stalin.

But Lenin wanted Trotsky to take over when he died. It was in his will.
Tyrants like Stalin don't care what anyone else wants.

Too bad Hayek was too young to be able to have a little confab with Lenin and 'splain to him why the worst always get on top. ;)
Lenin was Stalin's enabler....The kind of authoritarian central control that Lenin professed almost invariably attracts to it evil tyrants like Stalin.

But Lenin wanted Trotsky to take over when he died. It was in his will.
Tyrants like Stalin don't care what anyone else wants.

Which is why the Retard Sarge is tarded for trying to lay Stalin's atrocities at the feet of Lenin.

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