Police shoot Austin homeowner


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
A horrifying video shows Austin tech entrepreneur Rajan 'Raj' Moonesinghe being shot dead by local police as he inspected the perimeter of his home for an intruder with a rifle in his hands.

Moonesinghe, 33, a successful tech entrepreneur who had moved to the wealthy South Austin neighborhood about five years ago, was killed on the front porch of his home on November 15. As he lay dying, he said the words: 'It wasn't me.'

At around 12.30am, Moonesinghe told a neighbor that someone was in his house and he was going to call 911, the WSJ reported.

Police arrived on the scene just five minutes later, moments after Moonesinghe fired two shots into his own living room - and four shots were fired that killed the businessman.
Across the street from his home, a private security guard for his neighbor had already called the police to report what Moonesinghe was doing.

The guard said in a call to a dispatcher: 'He almost seems to be scared of something inside his house.

'He's pointing the rifle at the interior of his home,' he said, before Moonesinghe called into his living room and fired shots inside.

This was a sad tragic mistake.
The home owner should have immediately laid down his gun and put his hands in the air when the police arrived at the scene.
The police do not know who the suspect is or who the victim is.
America's police are attuned to taking extreme action against citizens who are threatening with their guns.

I would suggest it's part of the price that needs to be paid for irresponsible attitudes toward reasonable gun control measures!
America's police are attuned to taking extreme action against citizens who are threatening with their guns.

I would suggest it's part of the price that needs to be paid for irresponsible attitudes toward reasonable gun control measures!
It's the price he paid for trying to be his own cop. It wasn't necessary as he was in no danger from the supposed intruder.
It's the price he paid for trying to be his own cop.
I would agree. Far, far too many Americans are resorting to vigilante methods in desperation over the threat of far too many guns in the hands of people who have a lust to kill somebody. The chickens are coming home as a result of the Rittenhouse miscarriage of justice. Americans have a perception that they have a right to kill on the false premise of defending themselves and their property.
It wasn't necessary as he was in no danger from the supposed intruder.

The danger is present in America, and it's a choice that's been made against a rational amount of gun control.
I would agree. Far, far too many Americans are resorting to vigilante methods in desperation over the threat of far too many guns in the hands of people who have a lust to kill somebody. The chickens are coming home as a result of the Rittenhouse miscarriage of justice. Americans have a perception that they have a right to kill on the false premise of defending themselves and their property.

The danger is present in America, and it's a choice that's been made against a rational amount of gun control.
The only "miscarriage of justice" was the poor kid getting charged for rightfully & legally defending himself from lefty loons.

Gun control means hitting the target. The Imtafa terrorists found that out the hard way
The police have come to understand that the citizen with a gun is not going to hesitate, due to his/her perceived right to kill. Second amendment chickens have been coming home, long before this single incident!

"Perceived right to kill"???

Have you always been this full of shit?

Damn! I'm glad I live in a town where people do not shit themselves when they see a firearm.

America has made it's choice on gun violence and it will have to suffer the consequences of bad decisions.
Most gun deaths are understandable, justifiable, or not really problematic.

Thankfully our legislators are privy to the actual facts about gun violence, thus the overwhelming defense of gun rights (even among those southern Democrat quail hunters).
Dont know about you but If I were a criminal breaking into someone's house I'd haul ass seeing him with the AR.
Most thieves dont want to face the homeowner once they know they've been discovered.
No one saw an intruder leave.

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