Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Reagan promised to nominate a woman, locking out all men

Grow up. Learn to think for yourself and step back from feeling like a victim. It’s unseemly and is an embarrassment to the idea of Americans being strong
Yeah? And do you tell blacks to grow up and stop feeling like a victim? It’s an embarrassment.
And again…. The liberal misstates my objection because otherwise there’s no argument.

I do not object to anything other than Lily white. I object when manufacturers avoid ANY whites and feature blacks, and blacks only.

And you know it. But if you were to respond to THAT ^^^ , you’d have no cause. So, like a typical leftist, you make A false accusation.

I got a good one for ya!

Mixed race couples!


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Yeah? And do you tell blacks to grow up and stop feeling like a victim? It’s an embarrassment.
If they acted as ignorantly stupid as the faux white victims? I would

But you have no idea how blacks are treated poorly. Some may be hysterical and see racism everywhere. It’s a product of tbe racism itself. Not sure how I would end up if we’re born black
And in America's worst school massacre the weapon of choice was explosives. See Bath School disaster. The town lost an entire generation of kids.

NY has ALL the 'common sense' gun control laws.
Either these laws do not work or this shooting didn't happen.
Or New York needs to tighten up it`s borders. You may not be aware of this but cities and states don`t search people at borders. The laws are worthless. Anyone who wants a gun only has to open up some unlocked car doors.
I got a good one for ya!

Mixed race couples!

View attachment 645442

View attachment 645445
Why would that bother me? My niece is married to a black man, and I just love him.

You, like all nasty liberals, are making the mistake of thinking that whites who object to unfair discrimination against whites are racists, when in fact that are OBJECTING to race-based decisions.
Why would that bother me? My niece is married to a black man, and I just love him.

You, like all nasty liberals, are making the mistake of thinking that whites who object to unfair discrimination against whites are racists, when in fact that are OBJECTING to race-based decisions.

Yet you get all upset if blacks, gays or mixed race couples are depicted in advertising

Guess what?
Society is changing

Time to move on
All I did was point out the ridiculous percentage of posters and ads featuring black people, and only black people, given that they are such a minority, and bam! the wrath of liberals reigned down.
Yeah, that's one cheap trick you racist pukes like to pull: pretending every comment you make is made in a vacuum.
the left is using this shooting to advance their political agenda

just condemn the shooting, leave the politics out of it!
Yet you get all upset if blacks, gays or mixed race couples are depicted in advertising

Guess what?
Society is changing

Time to move on
JFC. I don’t get upset by that, and you f’in know it. I get upset when it’s all they show, or 80% of the ads. It’s ridiculous. These are minorities, and they’re featured as if they’re the majority in the country.

Can you imagine if all of a sudden 80% of commercials were of Orthodox Jews, ignoring the fact that most people are Christian? As I said, it would be ridiculous.

But all you can do in your deluded liberal mind is convince yourself that people who object to the degree by which whites are being intentionally excluded is racist. The truth is that you are FINE wih racism, as long as it goes against whites.
JFC. I don’t get upset by that, and you f’in know it. I get upset when it’s all they show, or 80% of the ads. It’s ridiculous. These are minorities, and they’re featured as if they’re the majority in the country.

Can you imagine if all of a sudden 80% of commercials were of Orthodox Jews, ignoring the fact that most people are Christian? As I said, it would be ridiculous.

But all you can do in your deluded liberal mind is convince yourself that people who object to the degree by which whites are being intentionally excluded is racist. The truth is that you are FINE wih racism, as long as it goes against whites.
Now you are making shit up
It is not 80 percent of commercials, not even close

I see plenty of commercials and ads that only have whites in them

You are still safe
Now you are making shit up
It is not 80 percent of commercials, not even close

I see plenty of commercials and ads that only have whites in them

You are still safe
Blah, blah, blah…..in my original example, it was practically 100%. As I said, this overcompensating by “woke” companies is ridiculous.
Rep Jamaal Bowman: i feel hunted, under attack as black American...we need to look white nationalists in the eye and deal with them


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