Police need "more training"?? Let's compare and discuss.

ChrisL said cops need more training. Provided 1970s era stats and not much more. But many cop haters say this and offer no details. So....let's discuss. Cops needing "more training". Most PDs have post-acadmey field training programs. CALEA recommends 14 weeks. It varies by department and there are thousands. So....let's talk basic training. 50 state standards. I'll discuss a few at a time.

I live in SC. Wasn't a cop here. But know many. They have a central state academy in Columbia. Paramilitary format. Stay in bunks overnight. March and run in formation. Classes and drills all day. Shooting. Driving. Fighting. Scenarios. Laws. All the standard.

It's 13 weeks long. 14 weeks of field training follows.

Longer than all 5 branches of the military boot camps except the Marines (USMC is equal at 13).

And it's among the shortest in America.

North Carolina requires double that. 26 weeks.

Mine in Georgia was 18 weeks.

NY is Iike 6 months.

California? I've heard it's 12 months.

I think "more training" is out the window.

Higher standards? Well....that's racist. So let's lower them and stop discussing standards.
I know 2 white cops from SC. They're both shitheads. I could easily see them being in the news one of these day for doing something stupid.

I'm sure you do.

I know 4,000,000 people in Virginia. They're all shit heads too.
They're actually the only 2 cops I've ever known. One is a former marine. And they are both absolute shitheads.

By the way asking to raise the standards is not racist. But your comment about the standards, most certainly is racist.

Ah. Explains why you don't like cops.

Any chance the Marines made him a shit head...then he became a cop?
and why they should never kill anyone who is unarmed and not trying to kill

There are instances where lethal force is used against and unarmed person.

I would be here typing all day, trying to get you and others to understand.

Unarmed, does not necessarily mean not dangerous or not a threat to life or limb.

Shadow 355
Police Training Academy | AustinTexas.gov - The Official Website of the City of Austin

Texas^. 32 weeks. Intense.

I can already predict liberals responses.
4 months. It takes people 6 times that long to get a damn associates degree from the local community college.

Which is why most reputable police departments prefer recruits to have a 2 or 4 year degree already (except ones who eliminated that requirement to boost diversity).

Army and Marine and Air Force and Navy boot camp is less time than an Associates Degree too. What's your point?
My point is that your assertion that there's no point in training cops more is the dumbest fucking thing I've heard all day.
ChrisL said cops need more training. Provided 1970s era stats and not much more. But many cop haters say this and offer no details. So....let's discuss. Cops needing "more training". Most PDs have post-acadmey field training programs. CALEA recommends 14 weeks. It varies by department and there are thousands. So....let's talk basic training. 50 state standards. I'll discuss a few at a time.

I live in SC. Wasn't a cop here. But know many. They have a central state academy in Columbia. Paramilitary format. Stay in bunks overnight. March and run in formation. Classes and drills all day. Shooting. Driving. Fighting. Scenarios. Laws. All the standard.

It's 13 weeks long. 14 weeks of field training follows.

Longer than all 5 branches of the military boot camps except the Marines (USMC is equal at 13).

And it's among the shortest in America.

North Carolina requires double that. 26 weeks.

Mine in Georgia was 18 weeks.

NY is Iike 6 months.

California? I've heard it's 12 months.

I think "more training" is out the window.

Higher standards? Well....that's racist. So let's lower them and stop discussing standards.
I know 2 white cops from SC. They're both shitheads. I could easily see them being in the news one of these day for doing something stupid.

I'm sure you do.

I know 4,000,000 people in Virginia. They're all shit heads too.
They're actually the only 2 cops I've ever known. One is a former marine. And they are both absolute shitheads.

By the way asking to raise the standards is not racist. But your comment about the standards, most certainly is racist.

Ah. Explains why you don't like cops.

Any chance the Marines made him a shit head...then he became a cop?
His best friend, the other cop, is a far bigger shithead, and never served.

And fuck you for insulting those that do.
ChrisL said cops need more training. Provided 1970s era stats and not much more. But many cop haters say this and offer no details. So....let's discuss. Cops needing "more training". Most PDs have post-acadmey field training programs. CALEA recommends 14 weeks. It varies by department and there are thousands. So....let's talk basic training. 50 state standards. I'll discuss a few at a time.

I live in SC. Wasn't a cop here. But know many. They have a central state academy in Columbia. Paramilitary format. Stay in bunks overnight. March and run in formation. Classes and drills all day. Shooting. Driving. Fighting. Scenarios. Laws. All the standard.

It's 13 weeks long. 14 weeks of field training follows.

Longer than all 5 branches of the military boot camps except the Marines (USMC is equal at 13).

And it's among the shortest in America.

North Carolina requires double that. 26 weeks.

Mine in Georgia was 18 weeks.

NY is Iike 6 months.

California? I've heard it's 12 months.

I think "more training" is out the window.

Higher standards? Well....that's racist. So let's lower them and stop discussing standards.
I know 2 white cops from SC. They're both shitheads. I could easily see them being in the news one of these day for doing something stupid.

I'm sure you do.

I know 4,000,000 people in Virginia. They're all shit heads too.
They're actually the only 2 cops I've ever known. One is a former marine. And they are both absolute shitheads.

By the way asking to raise the standards is not racist. But your comment about the standards, most certainly is racist.

Ah. Explains why you don't like cops.

Any chance the Marines made him a shit head...then he became a cop?
His best friend, the other cop, is a far bigger shithead, and never served.

And fuck you for insulting those that do.

Never did such a thing. The Marines made Lee Harvey Oswald a marksman. Does insulting him mean I insult all Marines? The USMC is intense. A few guys go through it and it changes their personality. Is what it is.
Police Training Academy | AustinTexas.gov - The Official Website of the City of Austin

Texas^. 32 weeks. Intense.

I can already predict liberals responses.
4 months. It takes people 6 times that long to get a damn associates degree from the local community college.

Which is why most reputable police departments prefer recruits to have a 2 or 4 year degree already (except ones who eliminated that requirement to boost diversity).

Army and Marine and Air Force and Navy boot camp is less time than an Associates Degree too. What's your point?
My point is that your assertion that there's no point in training cops more is the dumbest fucking thing I've heard all day.

Ok. Then with what?

Crime is dropping the past 40 years.
Police killings are statistically VERY uncommon. VERY uncommon.

As Al Pacino character in "Righteous Kill" says.....cops protect 99% of people from the other 1%; but the better job they do...the more the 99% dislike the cops.

More training? I say job well done.

What is NEEDED....is a federal public campaign to get people to stop resisting arrest. THAT is the magic formula.
Cops need to be demanded to score 4.0 GPA in at least "cop academy". "Sufficiently passing" is not enough for how much power they think they have.

How about a 3.0 / 80% ( "B" Average")

Cops are human, not a Scientist with a PhD degree.

I personally don't see nothing wrong with a 75% on most topics and classes.

I went to Paramedic School for a year, AND worked full time. I made an "A" the first semester and a "B" the second semester. I graduated with a 3.5 GPA ; and was one of the top graduates in my class. I excelled over those students...... whom were not even working full time when I was working full time. I busted my butt, litterly busted my rump to get my Paramedic Certification - and made tons of sacrifices ; even while working 12 and 14 hour days. Few people could do the stress that I put up with - Work, Paramedic Class, Ambulance ride -a - long, Clinical Rotations at Emergency Rooms, Labor and Delivery, and Peds Floor. Start over again. Sleep was most generally only about five hours a night......for a year. My drive from work was about 45 minutes in the summer, to one hour and twenty minutes in bad weather.

Alot of people in my class - simply did not make it to graduation day. But I was one whom excelled.

At one time, I was the king of EKGs and 12 lead interpretation ; I loved EKGs. I would get into a debate on the company intra-net / e-mail of EKG intepretations sent out by out training department over the email system. I argued my 12 lead EKG diagnosis and why I bnelieved I was right - still getting arguments, heated temperments and debates over the company email system. I was good. I was not perfect by no means.....but I knew my EKGs ; and I argued.....in an adult manner - my diagnosis and reasoning for the diagnosis. I actually beleive some people were jealous ; even those Paramedics whom had been Paramedics for years. I was an EMS junkie, and very good at what I done = Patient Assessment, Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis.......others. I use to love trauma, every since I was an EMT with just a CPR driver in Rural America.....nothing beat a good trauma.

Standards are standards.....but they don't need to be unreachable.

Shadow 355
Liberals want every cop to have....

Shooting skills of a SEAL
Knowledge of a lawyer
Compassion of a nun
Calmness of a monk
Strength of a bodybuilder
Morality of a saint
Mental toughness of soldier
Fighting skills of a black belt
Caring heart of a nurse
Temper of a turtle
Diversity of a college campus
Salary of a janitor

And to be able to slow time down to make exactly the right decision in the heat of the moment.

And we need about 900,000 of them out of our general population.

Libs....how do we do this?

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