Police are helpers, not the problem


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
As this video points out, 250,000 people die from hospital mistakes, yet there are no protests or riots against hospitals. Only when a cop does wrong are there calls to rid society of this supposed evil group.

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God kills everyone yet people still bow and ask him for forgiveness..Cops are paid to do a job, that job doesn't include killing people who are in cuffs....If the cops could police themselves people would be a lot happier, yet that is not the case.
Paul Harvey is gone now, but he outlines the facts about the nobility and courage of nearly all cops.

Increase training time for police, increase their pay while decreasing their number, mandate body cameras, and remove the idea that police should be able to kill or assault every once in a while because their job is hard from our culture. Police exist throughout the rest of the 1st world, and this shit doesn't happen over there.
Increase training time for police, increase their pay while decreasing their number, mandate body cameras, and remove the idea that police should be able to kill or assault every once in a while because their job is hard from our culture. Police exist throughout the rest of the 1st world, and this shit doesn't happen over there.

"Police exist throughout the rest of the 1st world, and this shit doesn't happen over there."

First of all, yes it does happen over there, you evidently have not been paying attention to the news.

Interesting question: Is it the police, or is it us? How many of those black victims would have died if they had STFU and not resisted? Is it the entire police force in this country, or is it only a few? The numbers suggest it ain't that many, and the numbers also suggest the bad cops should have been fired long ago, if not prosecuted under the law. How much better would our police forces if we actually had accountability? Obviously we have some bad cops, one of the problems is that we aren't doing anything about that.

Now ask yourself another question: Whose fault is it that we don't have that accountability? Public safety and security, law and order, these are the primary responsibilities of those we elect, true? Mayors, City Council, DAs, Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, etc. True? Doesn't much of the blame for the situation we have now reside with them? We can pass laws outlawing choke holds and whatever, but if the same people do not hold our police accountable then what difference does a new law make? What difference will it make to defund, disband, or reorganize the PD? As long as the same people (democrats) are running the show in our major cities, counties, and states, then how can anyone expect different results? As long as the police unions curry favor by donating big money to campaign funds and are allowed to keep bad cops on the force, then how will real change ever happen?
God kills everyone yet people still bow and ask him for forgiveness..Cops are paid to do a job, that job doesn't include killing people who are in cuffs....If the cops could police themselves people would be a lot happier, yet that is not the case.

And of the 800,000 plus cops in the US how many of those police do you figure kill people in cuffs?
Give an estimate. I would say that most cops try to do the job they are paid to do, and for the most part they protect the public. Their presence alone deters crime in many cases.
What we have now is sensationalism over a few incidents that are coloring an entire police force.
Imperfect as that police force is, it doesnt require defunding and dismantling in order to fix it. Nor does the case of George Floyd show that racism is systemic throughout the country. What we also have here are city and state leaders and other higher ups pointing to racism in order to divert from their own inactions over the years.
Problems with departments and police unions and how bad cops are protected are something that has been swept under the rug by these people and now they are trying to play innocent. They have known whats been going on for some time now.
BLM's marches along with the inevitable looting, arson, vandalism, and murders were to gin up opposition to the cops who are supposedly mean to certain sweet, sensitive young men.

It has succeeded to some extent: the marches attracted support of many Euro-Americans, including idealistic youth, politicians, celebrities, and -- most important of all -- an adoring media.

But it has also caused many Americans (including me) to change from a neutral/negative position on the police to one of solid support for them. BLM has shown us what we can expect if the police are unable to respond to our calls for help.
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We need to have some police appreciation marches to show that the vast majority of Americans support them.
That would be nice, but more effective and helpful to cities & police departments would be to replace Democrat mayors & city council folk with Republicans.

No doubt. The problem being...
You can lead a liberal to knowledge but you cant make em think.
We need to have some police appreciation marches to show that the vast majority of Americans support them.
That would be nice, but more effective and helpful to cities & police departments would be to replace Democrat mayors & city council folk with Republicans.

No doubt. The problem being...
You can lead a liberal to knowledge but you cant make em think.

True, but voting does not require that much thought for city dwellers. Do they want more of the same? If not, vote R up & down the ticket!
We need to have some police appreciation marches to show that the vast majority of Americans support them.
That would be nice, but more effective and helpful to cities & police departments would be to replace Democrat mayors & city council folk with Republicans.

No doubt. The problem being...
You can lead a liberal to knowledge but you cant make em think.

True, but voting does not require that much thought for city dwellers. Do they want more of the same? If not, vote R up & down the ticket!

They've been electing them for decades with piss poor results.
We'll see if the latest riots have changed any minds.
The problem is that the “good cops” are seriously overwhelmed by the bad cops. The problem of bad cops is so bad that it can’t even begin to get fixed without major overhauls of the police and their powers.

Without those overhauls, there is no way to end the abusive police tactics and lies. And taking a bad officer, and reassigning him only spreads the abuses. The new peers of that officer, instead of getting him in line, start to act that way too. It is the gang banger thing in our own police departments.

And the problem is not just a bad apple spreading the rot, it is institutional.

Now that misconduct spreads, and worse, it affects the room the barrel full of rotten apples are stored in. Say the cops patrol a neighborhood, and the misconduct, minor according to the police defenders, just a little thing, is occurring. The neighborhood does not call the cops for anything. The cops are the enemy, because if they call the cops, they’re liable to be victims of the misconduct, and sent to jail for planted drugs or whatever.

A little lie goes a long long way. When the departments investigate the complaints, and they find something did happen, they are reluctant to get rid of the problem officer until it is something egregious. The problem with that attitude is that the problem officer will eventually do something egregious and then the rest of the cops are smeared with the brush despite the fact that they did not do the egregious thing, only little minor things.

It is in many ways the Catholic Church with those perverted priests. They did not own up to the actions, and shuffled the priest around, spreading the problem to many different parishes. The problem is that by covering it up, they made a problem a major problem. Then we see the defenders of the cops out here to tell us that the misconduct and abuse is not a problem. This case is a bullshit match setting off the fires of unrest.

85,000 investigations. Roughly ten percent of the cops have been investigated for misconduct. And that is just the ones we know about because many states do not allow that information to be released like California, which means that the numbers are much much higher.

Finally, the police are not protecting us or anyone except perhaps the politicians. There have been two Supreme Court Decisions where the police argued and won that they had no constitutional duty to protect anyone.

We need an overhaul of the entire system. It is failing as it is, and we can’t afford to put another bandaid on the damned thing. We need to start over, and lay down new rules, and procedures, and policies.

No, cops are not perfect. I am one who believes you should forgive an honest mistake. But what we are looking at, is not a bunch of honest mistakes, it is a corrupt system that protects corrupt officers until they become egregiously problematic. Then the system is embarrassed and upset that this officer has smeared the image and reputations of the rest of the fine honest and dedicated cops in the department.

Those fine and upstanding and honest dedicated cops did not act to stop the bad cop before it got to this point. They made sure their union protected him, and the system protected him.
Increase training time for police, increase their pay while decreasing their number, mandate body cameras, and remove the idea that police should be able to kill or assault every once in a while because their job is hard from our culture. Police exist throughout the rest of the 1st world, and this shit doesn't happen over there.
It doesn't happen over there because they don't have the same problem with hood rats like we have over here
USA Today & PBS - fair media reps for certain. The "study" is of the London England police.
USA Today & PBS - fair media reps for certain. The "study" is of the London England police.

Yeah. Because California which is mentioned as not in the multiple state study is part of the British Police. Idiot.

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