PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas quits leadership post


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas quits leadership post

With ISIS nearly at his throat, literally, Mahmoud "I'm takin' my welfare check and gettin' while the gettin' is good" is leaving town.

Now the real fun begins.

Terrorist, torturer, turncoat make short list to succeed Palestinian chief Abbas

Terrorist, torturer, turncoat make short list to succeed Palestinian chief Abbas

As we see, the possible islamic terrorist kingpins that may succeed Abbas include lowlifes, dregs and social misfits.

In a stunning display of masterful "Palestinian" Arab thoughtful consideration to clawing their way out of their self-created hellhole, leadership transition may well fall to one of a select few folks who will be only too willing to take up the "Kill the Joooooos" banner that defines the Pal Death Cult.

It's just one of the latest examples of what a bellicose people, mired in a culture of death, can accomplish when they're not distracted by matters like building a decent society or teaching their kids to love and respect life. Yes, it's the Yasser Redux: a bold, new statement in deranged, pathological culture; brought to you by the same people who have produced the teenage suicide bomber.
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PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas quits leadership post

With ISIS nearly at his throat, literally, Mahmoud "I'm takin' my welfare check and gettin' while the gettin' is good" is leaving town.

Now the real fun begins.

Terrorist, torturer, turncoat make short list to succeed Palestinian chief Abbas

Terrorist, torturer, turncoat make short list to succeed Palestinian chief Abbas

As we see, the possible islamic terrorist kingpins that may succeed Abbas include lowlifes, dregs and social misfits.

In a stunning display of masterful "Palestinian" Arab thoughtful consideration to clawing their way out of their self-created hellhole, leadership transition may well fall to one of a select few folks who will be only too willing to take up the "Kill the Joooooos" banner that defines the Pal Death Cult.

It's just one of the latest examples of what a bellicose people, mired in a culture of death, can accomplish when they're not distracted by matters like building a decent society or teaching their kids to love and respect life. Yes, it's the Yasser Redux: a bold, new statement in deranged, pathological culture; brought to you by the same people who have produced the teenage suicide bomber.

Anotheir theif has decided he's stolen enough money from his people.
Without a clear plan for succession, the departure of Abbas is likely to lead to instability,​

Of course Fucksnews did not mention that the speaker of the parliament is the constitutional successor for president. This is a temporary appointment and elections are to be called within 60 days.

Dr. Aziz Dweik, speaker of parliament.
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Without a clear plan for succession, the departure of Abbas is likely to lead to instability,​

Of course Fucksnews did not mention that the speaker of the parliament is the constitutional successor for president. This is a temporary appointment and elections are to be called within 60 days.

Dr. Aziz Dweik, speaker of parliament.

President of what - competing Islamic terrorist syndicates?

Hamas controls their Islamo-turf in Hamas'istan and Fatah controls.... well, who knows what they do other than beg for kafir welfare dollars.

This has all the makings of an Islamo-street fight as these mini, wannabe caliphates despise each other and with billions of dollars of kafir welfare dollars at stake, control of UNRWA money spigot is paramount.
Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I believe that P F Tinmore is correct. Title III Basic Law makes it clear:
Article 37
The office of the President shall be considered vacant in any of the following cases:

a. Death;
b. Resignation submitted to the Palestinian Legislative Council, if accepted by two-thirds of its members;
c. Loss of legal capacity, as per a ruling issued by the High Constitutional Court and subsequently approved by a majority of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council.
If the office of the President of the National Authority becomes vacant due to any of the above cases, the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council shall temporarily assume the powers and duties of the Presidency of the National Authority for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, during which free and direct elections to elect a new President shall take place in accordance with the Palestinian Election Law.
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.

Without a clear plan for succession, the departure of Abbas is likely to lead to instability,​

Of course Fucksnews did not mention that the speaker of the parliament is the constitutional successor for president. This is a temporary appointment and elections are to be called within 60 days.

Dr. Aziz Dweik, speaker of parliament.
President of what - competing Islamic terrorist syndicates?

Hamas controls their Islamo-turf in Hamas'istan and Fatah controls.... well, who knows what they do other than beg for kafir welfare dollars.

This has all the makings of an Islamo-street fight as these mini, wannabe caliphates despise each other and with billions of dollars of kafir welfare dollars at stake, control of UNRWA money spigot is paramount.

Whether there is any "instability" is yet to be seen. Usually, when you talk about the stability of a country, you are referring to its ability and competency to continue the administration government and performing inherent function of the state.

It remains to be seen if the absence of the PLO power base has any impact. We don't actually know if this is some sort of Palestinian theatrics, or what the intent is.

Most Respectfully
I suspect that terms and definitions we typically use in discussions centered on politics and administration will not always apply in the alternate reality of "Palestinian" Arab politics.

Abbas quits PLO leadership ahead of internal election: official

[the bolding is mine]

"The resignation of the president of the executive committee Mahmud Abbas and more than half of its members has created a legal vacuum, and therefore the Palestine National Council has been asked to meet in one month to elect a new executive committee," Yussef told AFP.

Yussef added, however, that the resignations will take effect only when the PNC meets.

Well, that's all fine and dandy, Yussef, but the PNC appears to be a body in name only that serves essentially as a distribution center for welfare dollars where the privileged few load their suitcases.

The PNC, or Palestinian parliament, has 740 members who live in the Palestinian territories and in the diaspora. It has not met in nearly 20 years.
Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I believe that P F Tinmore is correct. Title III Basic Law makes it clear:
Article 37
The office of the President shall be considered vacant in any of the following cases:

a. Death;
b. Resignation submitted to the Palestinian Legislative Council, if accepted by two-thirds of its members;
c. Loss of legal capacity, as per a ruling issued by the High Constitutional Court and subsequently approved by a majority of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council.
If the office of the President of the National Authority becomes vacant due to any of the above cases, the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council shall temporarily assume the powers and duties of the Presidency of the National Authority for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, during which free and direct elections to elect a new President shall take place in accordance with the Palestinian Election Law.​
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.

Without a clear plan for succession, the departure of Abbas is likely to lead to instability,​

Of course Fucksnews did not mention that the speaker of the parliament is the constitutional successor for president. This is a temporary appointment and elections are to be called within 60 days.

Dr. Aziz Dweik, speaker of parliament.
President of what - competing Islamic terrorist syndicates?

Hamas controls their Islamo-turf in Hamas'istan and Fatah controls.... well, who knows what they do other than beg for kafir welfare dollars.

This has all the makings of an Islamo-street fight as these mini, wannabe caliphates despise each other and with billions of dollars of kafir welfare dollars at stake, control of UNRWA money spigot is paramount.

Whether there is any "instability" is yet to be seen. Usually, when you talk about the stability of a country, you are referring to its ability and competency to continue the administration government and performing inherent function of the state.

It remains to be seen if the absence of the PLO power base has any impact. We don't actually know if this is some sort of Palestinian theatrics, or what the intent is.

Most Respectfully
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.​

That would be correct. Looking at several reports Abbas is resigning from the PLO but will remain the president of the PA.

I don't see any instability because the PLO has done virtually nothing in decades.

There has been a push to register Palestinians from all over the world to have elections for the Palestinian National Council. This would mean new representation at the UN and new negotiators with Israel.

The Palestinians could use some fresh blood in their leadership.
Without a clear plan for succession, the departure of Abbas is likely to lead to instability,​

Of course Fucksnews did not mention that the speaker of the parliament is the constitutional successor for president. This is a temporary appointment and elections are to be called within 60 days.

Dr. Aziz Dweik, speaker of parliament.

No duh!
Abbas is now going go into exile and enjoy the hundreds of millions he's managed to steal and keep in hidden bank accounts and assets. Just like Arafats wife has done with the billions Arafat stole. Strange, nobody hears a word about her, and why she hasn't sent a dime to help her so called suffering people.
Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I believe that P F Tinmore is correct. Title III Basic Law makes it clear:
Article 37
The office of the President shall be considered vacant in any of the following cases:

a. Death;
b. Resignation submitted to the Palestinian Legislative Council, if accepted by two-thirds of its members;
c. Loss of legal capacity, as per a ruling issued by the High Constitutional Court and subsequently approved by a majority of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council.
If the office of the President of the National Authority becomes vacant due to any of the above cases, the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council shall temporarily assume the powers and duties of the Presidency of the National Authority for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, during which free and direct elections to elect a new President shall take place in accordance with the Palestinian Election Law.​
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.

Without a clear plan for succession, the departure of Abbas is likely to lead to instability,​

Of course Fucksnews did not mention that the speaker of the parliament is the constitutional successor for president. This is a temporary appointment and elections are to be called within 60 days.

Dr. Aziz Dweik, speaker of parliament.
President of what - competing Islamic terrorist syndicates?

Hamas controls their Islamo-turf in Hamas'istan and Fatah controls.... well, who knows what they do other than beg for kafir welfare dollars.

This has all the makings of an Islamo-street fight as these mini, wannabe caliphates despise each other and with billions of dollars of kafir welfare dollars at stake, control of UNRWA money spigot is paramount.

Whether there is any "instability" is yet to be seen. Usually, when you talk about the stability of a country, you are referring to its ability and competency to continue the administration government and performing inherent function of the state.

It remains to be seen if the absence of the PLO power base has any impact. We don't actually know if this is some sort of Palestinian theatrics, or what the intent is.

Most Respectfully
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.​

That would be correct. Looking at several reports Abbas is resigning from the PLO but will remain the president of the PA.

I don't see any instability because the PLO has done virtually nothing in decades.

There has been a push to register Palestinians from all over the world to have elections for the Palestinian National Council. This would mean new representation at the UN and new negotiators with Israel.

The Palestinians could use some fresh blood in their leadership.
The PA has done virtually nothing in decades? That's not true at all. The PA (Islamic terrorist leadership), has managed the greatest welfare fraud ever. They have stolen, mismanaged and misappropriated billions of dollars for their personal fortunes while keeping the "refugee" status for an invented people with an invented identity occupying an invented county.
Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I believe that P F Tinmore is correct. Title III Basic Law makes it clear:
Article 37
The office of the President shall be considered vacant in any of the following cases:

a. Death;
b. Resignation submitted to the Palestinian Legislative Council, if accepted by two-thirds of its members;
c. Loss of legal capacity, as per a ruling issued by the High Constitutional Court and subsequently approved by a majority of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council.
If the office of the President of the National Authority becomes vacant due to any of the above cases, the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council shall temporarily assume the powers and duties of the Presidency of the National Authority for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, during which free and direct elections to elect a new President shall take place in accordance with the Palestinian Election Law.​
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.

Without a clear plan for succession, the departure of Abbas is likely to lead to instability,​

Of course Fucksnews did not mention that the speaker of the parliament is the constitutional successor for president. This is a temporary appointment and elections are to be called within 60 days.

Dr. Aziz Dweik, speaker of parliament.
President of what - competing Islamic terrorist syndicates?

Hamas controls their Islamo-turf in Hamas'istan and Fatah controls.... well, who knows what they do other than beg for kafir welfare dollars.

This has all the makings of an Islamo-street fight as these mini, wannabe caliphates despise each other and with billions of dollars of kafir welfare dollars at stake, control of UNRWA money spigot is paramount.

Whether there is any "instability" is yet to be seen. Usually, when you talk about the stability of a country, you are referring to its ability and competency to continue the administration government and performing inherent function of the state.

It remains to be seen if the absence of the PLO power base has any impact. We don't actually know if this is some sort of Palestinian theatrics, or what the intent is.

Most Respectfully
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.​

That would be correct. Looking at several reports Abbas is resigning from the PLO but will remain the president of the PA.

I don't see any instability because the PLO has done virtually nothing in decades.

There has been a push to register Palestinians from all over the world to have elections for the Palestinian National Council. This would mean new representation at the UN and new negotiators with Israel.

The Palestinians could use some fresh blood in their leadership.
The PA has done virtually nothing in decades? That's not true at all. The PA (Islamic terrorist leadership), has managed the greatest welfare fraud ever. They have stolen, mismanaged and misappropriated billions of dollars for their personal fortunes while keeping the "refugee" status for an invented people with an invented identity occupying an invented county.
I was talking about the PLO not the PA. Please try to keep up.

The PA is a US installed oligarchy. So, yeah, its base is corruption.
Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I believe that P F Tinmore is correct. Title III Basic Law makes it clear:
Article 37
The office of the President shall be considered vacant in any of the following cases:

a. Death;
b. Resignation submitted to the Palestinian Legislative Council, if accepted by two-thirds of its members;
c. Loss of legal capacity, as per a ruling issued by the High Constitutional Court and subsequently approved by a majority of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council.
If the office of the President of the National Authority becomes vacant due to any of the above cases, the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council shall temporarily assume the powers and duties of the Presidency of the National Authority for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, during which free and direct elections to elect a new President shall take place in accordance with the Palestinian Election Law.​
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.

Without a clear plan for succession, the departure of Abbas is likely to lead to instability,​

Of course Fucksnews did not mention that the speaker of the parliament is the constitutional successor for president. This is a temporary appointment and elections are to be called within 60 days.

Dr. Aziz Dweik, speaker of parliament.
President of what - competing Islamic terrorist syndicates?

Hamas controls their Islamo-turf in Hamas'istan and Fatah controls.... well, who knows what they do other than beg for kafir welfare dollars.

This has all the makings of an Islamo-street fight as these mini, wannabe caliphates despise each other and with billions of dollars of kafir welfare dollars at stake, control of UNRWA money spigot is paramount.

Whether there is any "instability" is yet to be seen. Usually, when you talk about the stability of a country, you are referring to its ability and competency to continue the administration government and performing inherent function of the state.

It remains to be seen if the absence of the PLO power base has any impact. We don't actually know if this is some sort of Palestinian theatrics, or what the intent is.

Most Respectfully
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.​

That would be correct. Looking at several reports Abbas is resigning from the PLO but will remain the president of the PA.

I don't see any instability because the PLO has done virtually nothing in decades.

There has been a push to register Palestinians from all over the world to have elections for the Palestinian National Council. This would mean new representation at the UN and new negotiators with Israel.

The Palestinians could use some fresh blood in their leadership.
The PA has done virtually nothing in decades? That's not true at all. The PA (Islamic terrorist leadership), has managed the greatest welfare fraud ever. They have stolen, mismanaged and misappropriated billions of dollars for their personal fortunes while keeping the "refugee" status for an invented people with an invented identity occupying an invented county.
I was talking about the PLO not the PA. Please try to keep up.

The PA is a US installed oligarchy. So, yeah, its base is corruption.
Yours is a typical, toothless complaint for terrorist huggers who want to blame the Great Satan for their own failings, incompetence and ineptitude.

The PLO is nothing more than another franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. One is no less corrupt than another.

The U.S. didn't install the PA. That's another common, toothless complaint of you terrorist huggers. The Great Satan has no need to install the social misfits that typically control Islamist nations. You Islamics do fine in that regard all your own.
Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I believe that P F Tinmore is correct. Title III Basic Law makes it clear:
Article 37
The office of the President shall be considered vacant in any of the following cases:

a. Death;
b. Resignation submitted to the Palestinian Legislative Council, if accepted by two-thirds of its members;
c. Loss of legal capacity, as per a ruling issued by the High Constitutional Court and subsequently approved by a majority of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council.
If the office of the President of the National Authority becomes vacant due to any of the above cases, the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council shall temporarily assume the powers and duties of the Presidency of the National Authority for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, during which free and direct elections to elect a new President shall take place in accordance with the Palestinian Election Law.​
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.

President of what - competing Islamic terrorist syndicates?

Hamas controls their Islamo-turf in Hamas'istan and Fatah controls.... well, who knows what they do other than beg for kafir welfare dollars.

This has all the makings of an Islamo-street fight as these mini, wannabe caliphates despise each other and with billions of dollars of kafir welfare dollars at stake, control of UNRWA money spigot is paramount.

Whether there is any "instability" is yet to be seen. Usually, when you talk about the stability of a country, you are referring to its ability and competency to continue the administration government and performing inherent function of the state.

It remains to be seen if the absence of the PLO power base has any impact. We don't actually know if this is some sort of Palestinian theatrics, or what the intent is.

Most Respectfully
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.​

That would be correct. Looking at several reports Abbas is resigning from the PLO but will remain the president of the PA.

I don't see any instability because the PLO has done virtually nothing in decades.

There has been a push to register Palestinians from all over the world to have elections for the Palestinian National Council. This would mean new representation at the UN and new negotiators with Israel.

The Palestinians could use some fresh blood in their leadership.
The PA has done virtually nothing in decades? That's not true at all. The PA (Islamic terrorist leadership), has managed the greatest welfare fraud ever. They have stolen, mismanaged and misappropriated billions of dollars for their personal fortunes while keeping the "refugee" status for an invented people with an invented identity occupying an invented county.
I was talking about the PLO not the PA. Please try to keep up.

The PA is a US installed oligarchy. So, yeah, its base is corruption.
Yours is a typical, toothless complaint for terrorist huggers who want to blame the Great Satan for their own failings, incompetence and ineptitude.

The PLO is nothing more than another franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. One is no less corrupt than another.

The U.S. didn't install the PA. That's another common, toothless complaint of you terrorist huggers. The Great Satan has no need to install the social misfits that typically control Islamist nations. You Islamics do fine in that regard all your own.
Who lost the elections in 2006?

Who controls the PA in the West Bank?

How did that happen?
Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I believe that P F Tinmore is correct. Title III Basic Law makes it clear:
Article 37
The office of the President shall be considered vacant in any of the following cases:

a. Death;
b. Resignation submitted to the Palestinian Legislative Council, if accepted by two-thirds of its members;
c. Loss of legal capacity, as per a ruling issued by the High Constitutional Court and subsequently approved by a majority of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council.
If the office of the President of the National Authority becomes vacant due to any of the above cases, the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council shall temporarily assume the powers and duties of the Presidency of the National Authority for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, during which free and direct elections to elect a new President shall take place in accordance with the Palestinian Election Law.​
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.


Whether there is any "instability" is yet to be seen. Usually, when you talk about the stability of a country, you are referring to its ability and competency to continue the administration government and performing inherent function of the state.

It remains to be seen if the absence of the PLO power base has any impact. We don't actually know if this is some sort of Palestinian theatrics, or what the intent is.

Most Respectfully
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.​

That would be correct. Looking at several reports Abbas is resigning from the PLO but will remain the president of the PA.

I don't see any instability because the PLO has done virtually nothing in decades.

There has been a push to register Palestinians from all over the world to have elections for the Palestinian National Council. This would mean new representation at the UN and new negotiators with Israel.

The Palestinians could use some fresh blood in their leadership.
The PA has done virtually nothing in decades? That's not true at all. The PA (Islamic terrorist leadership), has managed the greatest welfare fraud ever. They have stolen, mismanaged and misappropriated billions of dollars for their personal fortunes while keeping the "refugee" status for an invented people with an invented identity occupying an invented county.
I was talking about the PLO not the PA. Please try to keep up.

The PA is a US installed oligarchy. So, yeah, its base is corruption.
Yours is a typical, toothless complaint for terrorist huggers who want to blame the Great Satan for their own failings, incompetence and ineptitude.

The PLO is nothing more than another franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. One is no less corrupt than another.

The U.S. didn't install the PA. That's another common, toothless complaint of you terrorist huggers. The Great Satan has no need to install the social misfits that typically control Islamist nations. You Islamics do fine in that regard all your own.
Who lost the elections in 2006?

Who controls the PA in the West Bank?

How did that happen?
Gee whiz. No handy YouTube video to cut and paste?

Your usual sidestepping aside, please identify how the Great Satan installed Abbas.

How did that happen?
Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I believe that P F Tinmore is correct. Title III Basic Law makes it clear:
Article 37
The office of the President shall be considered vacant in any of the following cases:

a. Death;
b. Resignation submitted to the Palestinian Legislative Council, if accepted by two-thirds of its members;
c. Loss of legal capacity, as per a ruling issued by the High Constitutional Court and subsequently approved by a majority of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council.
If the office of the President of the National Authority becomes vacant due to any of the above cases, the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council shall temporarily assume the powers and duties of the Presidency of the National Authority for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, during which free and direct elections to elect a new President shall take place in accordance with the Palestinian Election Law.​
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.


Whether there is any "instability" is yet to be seen. Usually, when you talk about the stability of a country, you are referring to its ability and competency to continue the administration government and performing inherent function of the state.

It remains to be seen if the absence of the PLO power base has any impact. We don't actually know if this is some sort of Palestinian theatrics, or what the intent is.

Most Respectfully
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.​

That would be correct. Looking at several reports Abbas is resigning from the PLO but will remain the president of the PA.

I don't see any instability because the PLO has done virtually nothing in decades.

There has been a push to register Palestinians from all over the world to have elections for the Palestinian National Council. This would mean new representation at the UN and new negotiators with Israel.

The Palestinians could use some fresh blood in their leadership.
The PA has done virtually nothing in decades? That's not true at all. The PA (Islamic terrorist leadership), has managed the greatest welfare fraud ever. They have stolen, mismanaged and misappropriated billions of dollars for their personal fortunes while keeping the "refugee" status for an invented people with an invented identity occupying an invented county.
I was talking about the PLO not the PA. Please try to keep up.

The PA is a US installed oligarchy. So, yeah, its base is corruption.
Yours is a typical, toothless complaint for terrorist huggers who want to blame the Great Satan for their own failings, incompetence and ineptitude.

The PLO is nothing more than another franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. One is no less corrupt than another.

The U.S. didn't install the PA. That's another common, toothless complaint of you terrorist huggers. The Great Satan has no need to install the social misfits that typically control Islamist nations. You Islamics do fine in that regard all your own.
Who lost the elections in 2006?

Who controls the PA in the West Bank?

How did that happen?

The Palestinian people

Legally the P.A which is hamas majority, but has become a split dictatorship

The Palestinians shot themselves in the foot and split the vote too many ways.
But I do not believe that applies (I could be wrong). I think Mahmoud Abbas, is (was) both Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian President; each mutually exclusive of the other. So far, I had not heard that he resigned from the Presidency. I think he resigned from the Chairmanship of PLO, and forfeits his seat on the Executive Committee. I still think he is President of the State of Palestine.​

That would be correct. Looking at several reports Abbas is resigning from the PLO but will remain the president of the PA.

I don't see any instability because the PLO has done virtually nothing in decades.

There has been a push to register Palestinians from all over the world to have elections for the Palestinian National Council. This would mean new representation at the UN and new negotiators with Israel.

The Palestinians could use some fresh blood in their leadership.
The PA has done virtually nothing in decades? That's not true at all. The PA (Islamic terrorist leadership), has managed the greatest welfare fraud ever. They have stolen, mismanaged and misappropriated billions of dollars for their personal fortunes while keeping the "refugee" status for an invented people with an invented identity occupying an invented county.
I was talking about the PLO not the PA. Please try to keep up.

The PA is a US installed oligarchy. So, yeah, its base is corruption.
Yours is a typical, toothless complaint for terrorist huggers who want to blame the Great Satan for their own failings, incompetence and ineptitude.

The PLO is nothing more than another franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. One is no less corrupt than another.

The U.S. didn't install the PA. That's another common, toothless complaint of you terrorist huggers. The Great Satan has no need to install the social misfits that typically control Islamist nations. You Islamics do fine in that regard all your own.
Who lost the elections in 2006?

Who controls the PA in the West Bank?

How did that happen?
Gee whiz. No handy YouTube video to cut and paste?

Your usual sidestepping aside, please identify how the Great Satan installed Abbas.

How did that happen?
Of course I have a video.

The PA has done virtually nothing in decades? That's not true at all. The PA (Islamic terrorist leadership), has managed the greatest welfare fraud ever. They have stolen, mismanaged and misappropriated billions of dollars for their personal fortunes while keeping the "refugee" status for an invented people with an invented identity occupying an invented county.
I was talking about the PLO not the PA. Please try to keep up.

The PA is a US installed oligarchy. So, yeah, its base is corruption.
Yours is a typical, toothless complaint for terrorist huggers who want to blame the Great Satan for their own failings, incompetence and ineptitude.

The PLO is nothing more than another franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. One is no less corrupt than another.

The U.S. didn't install the PA. That's another common, toothless complaint of you terrorist huggers. The Great Satan has no need to install the social misfits that typically control Islamist nations. You Islamics do fine in that regard all your own.
Who lost the elections in 2006?

Who controls the PA in the West Bank?

How did that happen?
Gee whiz. No handy YouTube video to cut and paste?

Your usual sidestepping aside, please identify how the Great Satan installed Abbas.

How did that happen?
Of course I have a video.

Which is just another example of your islamonazi propaganda
The PA has done virtually nothing in decades? That's not true at all. The PA (Islamic terrorist leadership), has managed the greatest welfare fraud ever. They have stolen, mismanaged and misappropriated billions of dollars for their personal fortunes while keeping the "refugee" status for an invented people with an invented identity occupying an invented county.
I was talking about the PLO not the PA. Please try to keep up.

The PA is a US installed oligarchy. So, yeah, its base is corruption.
Yours is a typical, toothless complaint for terrorist huggers who want to blame the Great Satan for their own failings, incompetence and ineptitude.

The PLO is nothing more than another franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. One is no less corrupt than another.

The U.S. didn't install the PA. That's another common, toothless complaint of you terrorist huggers. The Great Satan has no need to install the social misfits that typically control Islamist nations. You Islamics do fine in that regard all your own.
Who lost the elections in 2006?

Who controls the PA in the West Bank?

How did that happen?
Gee whiz. No handy YouTube video to cut and paste?

Your usual sidestepping aside, please identify how the Great Satan installed Abbas.

How did that happen?
Of course I have a video.

Of course you have a YouTube video. Who cares?
Phoenall, HOLLIE , P F Tinmore, et al,

I can't help but think there is something more going on that we have yet to learn.

The Palestinian people

Legally the P.A which is hamas majority, but has become a split dictatorship

The Palestinians shot themselves in the foot and split the vote too many ways.

I still think there is a political deception or strategy being played out.

Most Respectfully,

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