Plan coming into focus how House repubs want to cut SS and Medicare

For months repubs on here have denied the House repubs have plans to cut Social Security and Medicare. They were...of course...lying.
Link isn't working on my computer. Couldn't get connected to the article. Lucky me.
But Democrats have been hollering this old lne for years. You'd think they would come up with some new material.

For months repubs on here have denied the House repubs have plans to cut Social Security and Medicare. They were...of course...lying.
Gee, on the left are getting an early start on the lies! Usually we don't get the "THEY WANT TO PUSH GRANDMA OFF A CLIFF!!!" UNTIL A YEAR OUT FROM AN ELECTION. I guess I can't blame you...what else are you going to talk about? The border's FUBARED! Inflation is still out of control. Our Transportation Secretary couldn't organize a Soap Box Derby. And Joe Biden has once again screwed the pooch! If he got a rectal exam next week I'm pretty sure they'd find classified documents up his keister!
The Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages need to be raised to 70 and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who enacted those programs. We need to work longer. That's just plain common sense.

A smaller and smaller proportion of the working population is supporting a larger and larger proportion. It is blindingly obvious this cannot continue. Anyone with more than two brain cells can see this is unsustainable.
Same old song and dance.. Why not just say you're for cutting Medicare & Social Security and be done with it? "Conservatives" have always wanted Social Security privatized to enable greater bankster fun and profit.. exactly what it was designed to combat in the first place.. when they fought it tooth and nail. Meanwhile, Big Insurance has been busy, quietly taking over Medicare to destroy it (and thereby screwing up Social Security). Just ask Mac1958 who proudly grabs a nice chunk of the action every year. Your ilk already raised the age of eligibility once. Where are all these remaining, decrepit 65-70 year olds supposed to work? At an Amazon warehouse? Delivering packages for Amazon? Go back to school? Start a new career? Big business is reportedly still generating record profits! Economy's booming, baby! How about we all strike until they start giving their workers their due instead of just buying back their own stock? Never listed as an inflation cause:
“I hate stock buybacks,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), recently said. “I think they are one of the most self-serving things that corporate America does.”

This idea has bipartisan support. Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) tweeted in 2018, “When corporation uses profits for stock buy back it’s deciding that returning capital to shareholders is better for business than investing in their products or workers”
You're all just punch down, grabby prick, opportunists. Admit it.

A great example of self-contradictory, duplicitous BS if their ever was one..
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You control people by providing wrong information about everything , ruining their health and by forcing them to pay huge amounts for treatments that ease symptoms but do not cure causes.

Now you know what health policy will be , regardless of what you want and believe.

You can play party politics as much as you like but they will change nothing .

For months repubs on here have denied the House repubs have plans to cut Social Security and Medicare. They were...of course...lying.

Four years of trump record deficits...and not a whisper about SS or Medicare cuts.

"We have no choice but to make hard decisions"

This, of course, is a lie. The choice they have made is to bend over for the quasi libertarians in their party.

Dumbass, the article was first posted by Business Insider

Damn but you people are ignorant.

Project much?

The Republicans think their dying off boomer votes are disappearing soon and the larger millennial voters are their biggest targets now.

The Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages need to be raised to 70 and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who enacted those programs. We need to work longer. That's just plain common sense.

A smaller and smaller proportion of the working population is supporting a larger and larger proportion. It is blindingly obvious this cannot continue. Anyone with more than two brain cells can see this is unsustainable.


Threatening default is not fearmongering. Especially with insurrections in leadership positions.


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For months repubs on here have denied the House repubs have plans to cut Social Security and Medicare. They were...of course...lying.
Of course they're lying.
You're denying that during the Trump administration the Republicans lost the entire trifecta of White House, Senate, and House?

Of course, you are. You're part of the cult.
We didn't lose the Senate, we were tied with Knees Harris as the giggling tiebreaker.
As for cults, you representing the Reich brownshirts is waaaay more cultish than my love of the USA and its laws, and the only person who was enforcing them.
A smaller and smaller proportion of the working population is supporting a larger and larger proportion. It is blindingly obvious this cannot continue. Anyone with more than two brain cells can see this is unsustainable.
So not Democrats?

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