Placating Transgenders


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
Okay, I'll say it... I think it's a gross error in societal judgement to be placating Transgenderism. Oh, I know... I'm some sort of bigoted homophobe for saying this right? I don't think so. I'm fine with L... fine with G... fine with B... it's T that I have a problem with. I have friends who are homosexual and I think that's fine, it's their choice and their lifestyle. I don't begrudge them that... it's not for me but that's okay. I can accept them the way they are. I can even tolerate transsexuals but tolerance doesn't mean acceptance.

People who are genuinely confused about their gender are suffering from a mental illness. They're not practicing a healthy lifestyle any more than someone who thinks they are a cat or dog. It's not the same as someone having a legitimate attraction to same gender. In fact, it's kind of making a mockery of that. It's also making a joke of feminism. For years, feminists have fought for the idea that women don't have to submit to societal stereotypes of what a woman "should" be... putting on a dress doesn't make you a woman. But with the transgender, that's exactly what it means... literally.

Now the PC crowd thinks we should all just accept these people for who they are and it's cruel and intolerant to speak out against their chosen lifestyle. But we don't apply this standard to everyone. Obviously, there are certain behaviors we don't accept as a society. Pedophiles aren't allowed to indulge in who they are. Necrophiliacs aren't allowed to do so. People who like having sex with animals aren't allowed to live how they please. We draw all kinds of arbitrary lines at what is acceptable behavior.

What if there were a group of completely heterosexual males out there dressing as lesbian women because they get their rocks off having sex with lesbians? Should they be given their own letter in the growing acronym of political correctness? I've often joked that I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body. But I know that I am a heterosexual male who desires females. What is a transsexual? They don't know if they are heterosexual or homosexual? Does it change daily or by the hour?

The most concerning aspect of this is what we're now doing with our youth. Children as young as 12 and 13 are being pumped full of dangerous hormones and encouraged to embrace their confusion about their gender instead of being legitimately treated for a mental illness. Those who have a problem with this are hooted down as bigoted and backward-thinking mouth-breathers. We can't even engage in a civil dialogue.. the PC crowd will have none of that.
Our society has to placate Christians and other assholes every day.

Really? When's the last time YOU placated a Christian? Do tell!

Also, it's a 1st Amendment right to have freedom of religious expression. There is no Constitutional right to be confused about your sexual gender and force society to accept your confusion. Sorry... Guess Madison, Adams and Jefferson didn't think about that one.
Yes and it's none of your business.

Oh but yes it certainly IS my business once we start making public policy.
It isn't a public policy but it IS a global conversation. One that is unnecessary and people like you are prolonging it.

No... it's being made into public policy all across the nation. My problem is there is a LACK of conversation.... we're NOT having one. There's no conversation because the PC Police shut it down and holler BIGOT!
Yes and it's none of your business.

Oh but yes it certainly IS my business once we start making public policy.
It isn't a public policy but it IS a global conversation. One that is unnecessary and people like you are prolonging it.

No... it's being made into public policy all across the nation. My problem is there is a LACK of conversation.... we're NOT having one. There's no conversation because the PC Police shut it down and holler BIGOT!
No. The PC police are conducting the discussion to use transgenders as a scapegoat so they can convert you daughter into a lesbian.

There is NO public policy to protect trans people. Sorry. There isn't. They are, however, being severely discriminated against at the moment because of all this negative awareness.
Obviously, there are certain behaviors we don't accept as a society. Pedophiles aren't allowed to indulge in who they are. Necrophiliacs aren't allowed to do so. People who like having sex with animals aren't allowed to live how they please. We draw all kinds of arbitrary lines at what is acceptable behavior.
For how long though?

It's only a matter of time before we, as a society,
are told there is something wrong with us, for not accepting individuals,
who like to fuck kids, dead people & animals...
and everything else inbetween!
Honestly I don't get why a person's sex life etc has to be a constant topic to start with. We are all about more than sexual orientations. That is a portion of us as a human being.
And honestly, we mostly end up discussing homosexuality, or transgenders...etc.

I don't spend my life being about nothing but sexual. This is all merely IMO..and not for argument.
I have yet to see any indication that the 'public policy ' being implemented has any impact on me, or anyone else.
Could you perhaps let us know just how this official tolerance for people with conflicted sexuality troubles you?
Are you being harassed at the urinal by men with a vagina, asking for a leg-up?
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No. The PC police are conducting the discussion to use transgenders as a scapegoat so they can convert you daughter into a lesbian.

There is NO public policy to protect trans people. Sorry. There isn't. They are, however, being severely discriminated against at the moment because of all this negative awareness.

Point me in the direction of the discussion you think is happening. I don't see one in sight. I see the PC Police chastising anyone who raises an issue with transgenders in any way and seeking to ram this down our throats through guilt and intimidation... and on the back of civil liberties!

You can't "convert" someone to lesbian or homosexual. And yes, there IS public policy... the bathroom issue... have you forgotten about that? The letter "T" has quietly slipped in there behind LGB to assume an equal role and that's deplorable to me. I don't have a problem with homosexuality, but propping up a mental illness as if it's on equal footing is ridiculous and someone needs to point that out.
Public policy in America, as outlined by our constitution, is equal rights for everyone. Duh.

What do you think that means? Do pedophiles have an equal right to molest little children? Do brothers and sisters have an equal right to marry each other? Like I said in the OP... what if a group of virile hetero males want to pretend they are lesbian women so they can have sex with other lesbian women... is that an equal right that needs protecting too? Meanwhile, our children are told they can't even say a prayer at a high school football game... what about their equal rights?
Public policy in America, as outlined by our constitution, is equal rights for everyone. Duh.

What do you think that means? Do pedophiles have an equal right to molest little children? Do brothers and sisters have an equal right to marry each other? Like I said in the OP... what if a group of virile hetero males want to pretend they are lesbian women so they can have sex with other lesbian women... is that an equal right that needs protecting too? Meanwhile, our children are told they can't even say a prayer at a high school football game... what about their equal rights?
Pedophiles and those engaging in incest are breaking the law. Transgenders are not breaking any laws.
As far as prayer: this is a secular nation. If your kids are in a religious school, they can pray. If they are in a public school, it is an issue of separation of church and state. Duh, and duh again. You should know this stuff.
I have yet to see any indication that the 'public policy ' being implemented has any impact on me, or anyone else.
Could you perhaps let us know just how this official tolerance for people with conflicted sexuality troubles you?
Are you being harassed at the urinal by men with a vagina, asking for a leg-up?

They don't have conflicted biological gender. I don't even know if their sexuality is conflicted. I have a big problem with society upholding this as some sort of morally-correct issue when it's an issue of mental health. I have a problem with mentally ill people exploiting the very real plight of civil liberties to enable their condition. It's no different than a drunk claiming they have the right to drink and drive because that's just who they are and we need to accept it.
Clear off, asshole.
You have a third account now, dickless?
YOU are a man with a pussy, you asshole.
There is NOTHING conservative about your lifestyle.
Seriously, what is your problem?

This is my first and only account here,
So, I am not the troll you think I may be.

I fail to see why you attacked me,
Simply because of what i posted.
Furthermore, why you have continued your assault.
Pedophiles and those engaging in incest are breaking the law. Transgenders are not breaking any laws.
As far as prayer: this is a secular nation. If your kids are in a religious school, they can pray. If they are in a public school, it is an issue of separation of church and state. Duh, and duh again. You should know this stuff.

But clearly you are now drawing lines in the sand of "equal rights for all!" So, obviously, that's NOT what you believe in. You want to wave around the Constitution and demand "equal rights for all" when it's convenient for you and deny "equal rights for all" when it's not. That makes you a two-faced hypocrite with no moral foundation.

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