Pirro: The Right's Newest Hero Or Just the Craziest?

Has anyone else noticed it's always the looney wackos from the left who think or claim this person or that person is the rights hero rarely if ever someone on the right? I don't know about anyone else here but I stopped having hero's in grade school there are people who I admire and respect but hero worship ended a long time ago.

Look who created the thread.

Spot on assessment.

This President CREATED and ARMED ISIS while the whole World watched , and now we have to fight them.

ISIS began in 2004, when President Obama was in the Illinois state senate.

Obama armed them and gave them more power than they'd ever have had otherwise.

He owns it, you own it.

They are the RICHEST, most ORGANIZED, and dangerous group in the world today, all thanks to Obama.

They are the Al Qaeda..of today and they belong to your asshole.
Spot on assessment.

This President CREATED and ARMED ISIS while the whole World watched , and now we have to fight them.

ISIS began in 2004, when President Obama was in the Illinois state senate.

Obama armed them and gave them more power than they'd ever have had otherwise.

He owns it, you own it.

They are the RICHEST, most ORGANIZED, and dangerous group in the world today, all thanks to Obama.

They are the Al Qaeda..of today and they belong to your asshole.

ISIS began in 2004. Do you wish to apologize for lying about that?
Wow...and to think a few days ago the teabaggers on here were touting this nutcase as a presidential candidate!

I haven't been a big follower of hers, but wow, if she gets you people this upset, maybe she's worth more attention.

As for crazy rants, if you think this is even a shadow of a Keith Olberman or an Al Sharpton rant, than all I can do is laugh at you. This is Rachel Maddow or Ed Schultz on a daily basis. Ed's flagrant hypocrisy rants are the funniest where he blasts Republicans for what the Democrats do all the time to his silence. At first, it was so flagrant that I thought it was a joke. I've learned long ago it's not.

The only news worth watching BTW is CNBC. Though this isn't a news show, it's a commentary show. Did you ever figure that out?
ISIS began in 2004, when President Obama was in the Illinois state senate.

Obama armed them and gave them more power than they'd ever have had otherwise.

He owns it, you own it.

They are the RICHEST, most ORGANIZED, and dangerous group in the world today, all thanks to Obama.

They are the Al Qaeda..of today and they belong to your asshole.

ISIS began in 2004. Do you wish to apologize for lying about that?

LMAO, you are more interested in my apology than making your King own his fuck up?

You are one sick puppy.

your Enemies List grows every day!!

are you going to put on your list every single American that isnt a brainwashed lemming and sees obama and the Dem Party for the failures they are?

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