Piers Morgan get's played like a fiddle


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
He interviews the sheriff in Florida where the shooting accord at the theater After a couple of question on the shooting he veers away from the subject and goes full blown retard on gun control. Watch the sheriff put him inn his place.

[ame=http://youtu.be/H7-vl5t2Zz4]Piers Morgan interviews Florida Sheriff - YouTube[/ame]
The sheriff is totally right, we have a mental health problem and a criminal problem. But libs don't want to address that, they are just focused on their gun grabber agenda.
They don't ask:
"Hey Sheriff, do you think gun control would help the situation."

Instead they say:
"Hey Sheriff, GUN CONTROL WILL MAKE YOUR JOB EASIER YO DUMB PIECE OF SHIT, ONLY A MORON COULD DISAGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Forget the Mexicans, America needs to send Eurodweebs like Morgan back from where they came from.
The problem is they refuse to have him back.
Send him to live in downtown Chicagoland. See how long it takes for him to get his 'flop-sweaty' paws on a hand gun.

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