PETITION: Voters target Electoral College members to switch their Trump ballots, elect Clinton

Holy shit, Hillary is up much more than I thought. Another great reason to make Hillary president on December 19.

She is up by 1.8 million votes, with millions still being counted in California.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing
Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the biggest electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.
You think you are going to get nearly forty electors to jump ship? And you think you can do this without causing a civil war? Are you insane?
You think you are going to get nearly forty electors to jump ship? And you think you can do this without causing a civil war? Are you insane?

First, he is insane...or stupid.

Next, it ain't happening.

Do I like Trump ? No.

Do I like a conservative SCOTUS ? Absolutely.

The senate should impeach John Roberts the first chance it gets and replace him with someone who is not a sell out.

Ron Paul for SCOTUS.

Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

On December 19, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots. If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, they can vote for Hillary Clinton if they choose. Even in states where that is not allowed, their vote would still be counted, they would simply pay a small fine - which we can be sure Clinton supporters will be glad to pay!

We are calling on the Electors to ignore their states' votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton. Why?

Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic.

Secretary Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and should be President.

Hillary won the popular vote. The only reason Trump "won" is because of the Electoral College.

But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate. So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result?


There is no reason Trump should be President.

"It's the 'People's Will'"

No. She won the popular vote.

"Our system of government under our Constitution says he wins"

No. Our Constitution says the Electors choose.

"Too many states prohibit 'Faithless Electors'"

24 states bind electors. If electors vote against their party, they usually pay a fine. And people get mad. But they can vote however they want and there is no legal means to stop them in most states.


Electoral College Electors: Electoral College Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

Voters target Electoral College members to switch their Trump ballots, elect Clinton

Great news! There is still time to save America on December 19!


The OP wants the president elected by petition.

Let's do the truly democratic thing and allow petition decide all major issues.

How do you think the OP would fare under that format?

Back to the teepee
With wins in both Arizona and Michigan, Trump won the popular vote as well as the electoral college.

Democrats think that they can self soothe thinking they can overturn the election by petition but it isn't going to happen.

Liberals by the millions signed a petition for the government to build the Death Star. They never got that either.

Where have you seen a vote count showing Trump winning the popular vote? Every news source I've seen shows Clinton with a slight PV lead.

Since Trump won the election both Arizona and Michigan were counted. Trump won both.

You'll forgive me if I don't consider Twitter posts a reliable source. ;)
You think you are going to get nearly forty electors to jump ship? And you think you can do this without causing a civil war? Are you insane?

First, he is insane...or stupid.

Next, it ain't happening.

Do I like Trump ? No.

Do I like a conservative SCOTUS ? Absolutely.

The senate should impeach John Roberts the first chance it gets and replace him with someone who is not a sell out.

Ron Paul for SCOTUS.

My problem with Ron Paul is he is old. He is far likely to be replaced sooner than a younger conservative

Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

On December 19, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots. If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, they can vote for Hillary Clinton if they choose. Even in states where that is not allowed, their vote would still be counted, they would simply pay a small fine - which we can be sure Clinton supporters will be glad to pay!

We are calling on the Electors to ignore their states' votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton. Why?

Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic.

Secretary Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and should be President.

Hillary won the popular vote. The only reason Trump "won" is because of the Electoral College.

But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate. So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result?


There is no reason Trump should be President.

"It's the 'People's Will'"

No. She won the popular vote.

"Our system of government under our Constitution says he wins"

No. Our Constitution says the Electors choose.

"Too many states prohibit 'Faithless Electors'"

24 states bind electors. If electors vote against their party, they usually pay a fine. And people get mad. But they can vote however they want and there is no legal means to stop them in most states.


Electoral College Electors: Electoral College Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

Voters target Electoral College members to switch their Trump ballots, elect Clinton

Great news! There is still time to save America on December 19!

It's done.

We need to accept this and move on to 2018.
You think you are going to get nearly forty electors to jump ship? And you think you can do this without causing a civil war? Are you insane?

First, he is insane...or stupid.

Next, it ain't happening.

Do I like Trump ? No.

Do I like a conservative SCOTUS ? Absolutely.

The senate should impeach John Roberts the first chance it gets and replace him with someone who is not a sell out.

Ron Paul for SCOTUS.

My problem with Ron Paul is he is old. He is far likely to be replaced sooner than a younger conservative

I'll take Rand then.
More reason to sign up:

More reason to march:

They should use all that marching energy for a job.

In just a few short months, Trump will be our President and all those people that THINK they are doing something productive will realize they their time was wasted; accept those who were getting paid to do it. And the best thing? You''ll still never see his tax returns. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Who are they sending the petitions to?

The Electoral College for this election doesn't yet exist.
Since Hillary has won the popular vote - electors should switch to her!

If that's the way we should do things, we wouldn't need an electoral college at all now would we?

You leftists are unbelievable. When Gore lost his election, you on the left complained about punch card ballots, so nearly the entire country had to get rid of them. Now you're complaining about the electoral college, and you expect us to get rid of it as well. When Kerry lost, many on the left were suggesting that we should elect the President based on exit poll numbers. Unbelievable.

Maybe......just maybe, if you on the left would look at yourselves and what you did wrong instead of finding something else to blame your loss on, you might do better in other elections.

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