Personal Purge


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
After my little medical issue last weekend Iā€™m taking the advice of my therapist and undertaking a ā€œPersonal Purgeā€.

Iā€™d never heard of such a thing until this last week. A ā€œPersonal Purgeā€ is when you remove the people, places and things in your life that serve as triggers for your Anxiety, PTSD, Depression, etc...

My wife and I have gone through our home and relocated or removed a number of objects, changed a number of things in our daily lives and now Iā€™m working on removing a large number of family members, associates, etc... from my contacts.

Iā€™m actually surprised at how well itā€™s working so far. Not an instant fix, but the part weā€™ve done thus far has reduced my anxiety level a fair amount. Hopefully removing these people from my life will help as well.
USMB isnā€™t on your list?

Lots of faggot liberals you could remove from your life pretty quickly.

USMB accounts for about 85% of my social activity outside my home/family so it was suggested that I just start ā€œignoringā€ accounts that may trigger me rather than ghosting the whole site. Iā€™m guessing my ignore list will be in the hundreds very quickly.
USMB isnā€™t on your list?

Lots of faggot liberals you could remove from your life pretty quickly.

USMB accounts for about 85% of my social activity outside my home/family so it was suggested that I just start ā€œignoringā€ accounts that may trigger me rather than ghosting the whole site. Iā€™m guessing my ignore list will be in the hundreds very quickly.

85%..yikes. That's a lot. Maybe time for a bit of detox. Always a good idea for a break once in a while. I'm considering one until the GA Senate run offs..but this place is too much fun sometimes.
USMB isnā€™t on your list?

Lots of faggot liberals you could remove from your life pretty quickly.

USMB accounts for about 85% of my social activity outside my home/family so it was suggested that I just start ā€œignoringā€ accounts that may trigger me rather than ghosting the whole site. Iā€™m guessing my ignore list will be in the hundreds very quickly.

85%..yikes. That's a lot. Maybe time for a bit of detox. Always a good idea for a break once in a while. I'm considering one until the GA Senate run offs..but this place is too much fun sometimes.
That's the ticket..regard this as fun time..and don't emotionally invest. Nothing is solved at USMB..nothing resolved. It is one of the downsides of Social Media sites such as that it gives the illusion of participation and resolution--and ignores the sad reality..that nothing here is real...period.

Which is to say..USMB, when over-indulged in--diminishes a person's effectiveness--sometimes to the point of neurotic obsession.

Don't lose yourself in the churn...just sayin'~
Thanks for the "personal purge" term.

During the last four years, I have not watched MSNBC or CNN for even a minute. A year ago, I canceled my Los Angeles Times subscription (which I had been reading since being a teenager in the 1950s.)

Whenever I see on TV detestable characters such as Nancy Pelosi, I immediately turn the channel in order to avoid being contaminated.

I have never visited social media (viz., Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and have no interest in doing so.

I even changed my political registration to "decline to state" or "Independent."

And, yes, no one is forced at this website to read or reply to anyone's comments.
Personally I don't let people places or things trigger me. IMO, once you remove all these "triggers" other things will fill in the gaps to trigger you anyway.
USMB isnā€™t on your list?

Lots of faggot liberals you could remove from your life pretty quickly.

USMB accounts for about 85% of my social activity outside my home/family so it was suggested that I just start ā€œignoringā€ accounts that may trigger me rather than ghosting the whole site. Iā€™m guessing my ignore list will be in the hundreds very quickly.

85%..yikes. That's a lot. Maybe time for a bit of detox. Always a good idea for a break once in a while. I'm considering one until the GA Senate run offs..but this place is too much fun sometimes.
That's the ticket..regard this as fun time..and don't emotionally invest. Nothing is solved at USMB..nothing resolved. It is one of the downsides of Social Media sites such as that it gives the illusion of participation and resolution--and ignores the sad reality..that nothing here is real...period.

Which is to say..USMB, when over-indulged in--diminishes a person's effectiveness--sometimes to the point of neurotic obsession.

Don't lose yourself in the churn...just sayin'~

Exactly. It's how things that were once innocuous and fun like Facebook and Instagram can become chambers that echo your worst thoughts and feelings. You sit in that stew and after a while, you can't remember feeling anything but outraged. You seek out like minds and opinions that re-enforce your blighted view of the world. Soon, all your objectivity is gone. You see the world literally in red. And then it starts to bleed out into your everyday life and relationships. I could never imagine disowning any of my family members over a political position or belief. Example, my sister in law is a YUGE, BIGLY Trump supporter. There are family members that want to literally throttle her. I just laugh, shake my head, and move on.

If you find you are spending too much non-quality time at's time to step away and get some perspective back. Always a good thing.
USMB isnā€™t on your list?

Lots of faggot liberals you could remove from your life pretty quickly.

USMB accounts for about 85% of my social activity outside my home/family so it was suggested that I just start ā€œignoringā€ accounts that may trigger me rather than ghosting the whole site. Iā€™m guessing my ignore list will be in the hundreds very quickly.

85%..yikes. That's a lot. Maybe time for a bit of detox. Always a good idea for a break once in a while. I'm considering one until the GA Senate run offs..but this place is too much fun sometimes.
That's the ticket..regard this as fun time..and don't emotionally invest. Nothing is solved at USMB..nothing resolved. It is one of the downsides of Social Media sites such as that it gives the illusion of participation and resolution--and ignores the sad reality..that nothing here is real...period.

Which is to say..USMB, when over-indulged in--diminishes a person's effectiveness--sometimes to the point of neurotic obsession.

Don't lose yourself in the churn...just sayin'~
Frivolous entertainment. If I find my blood pressure rising, time for a break.
No hearts and minds are changed by either side of the spectrum. Find myself more in the Sewer threads in the Badlands these days. Upstairs has gotten to be more of an actual sewer these days with far more unhinged posters.
85%..yikes. That's a lot. Maybe time for a bit of detox. Always a good idea for a break once in a while. I'm considering one until the GA Senate run offs..but this place is too much fun sometimes.

I think as I purge the rolls with the Ignore feature it should be fine. Unfortunately most of my normal activities are canceled due to the pandemic, so I really only go out once a week, to do our shopping run.
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Thanks for the "personal purge" term.

During the last four years, I have not watched MSNBC or CNN for even a minute. A year ago, I canceled my Los Angeles Times subscription (which I had been reading since being a teenager in the 1950s.)

Whenever I see on TV detestable characters such as Nancy Pelosi, I immediately turn the channel in order to avoid being contaminated.

I have never visited social media (viz., Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and have no interest in doing so.

I even changed my political registration to "decline to state" or "Independent."

And, yes, no one is forced at this website to read or reply to anyone's comments.

Thanks but itā€™s not my term. It belongs to my therapist. Not sure where they got it from.

Unfortunately with my general lack of in-person social interaction and such, sovidd as l media and the news outlets are necessary for me. I do my best to avoid the ā€œcommentaryā€ and just get the news, but thatā€™s difficult to do these days; even with the local media. Thst created the needs to view multiple sources to find the core truths.

The purges of my other social media (FB and Twitter) wasnā€™t too bad as my primary use of them was to stay connected with family and friends more than anything else.
After my little medical issue last weekend Iā€™m taking the advice of my therapist and undertaking a ā€œPersonal Purgeā€.

Iā€™d never heard of such a thing until this last week. A ā€œPersonal Purgeā€ is when you remove the people, places and things in your life that serve as triggers for your Anxiety, PTSD, Depression, etc...

My wife and I have gone through our home and relocated or removed a number of objects, changed a number of things in our daily lives and now Iā€™m working on removing a large number of family members, associates, etc... from my contacts.

Iā€™m actually surprised at how well itā€™s working so far. Not an instant fix, but the part weā€™ve done thus far has reduced my anxiety level a fair amount. Hopefully removing these people from my life will help as well.
Now if you could just wing yourself off of big tech period, your task would be complete. I know where you are coming from though.
After my little medical issue last weekend Iā€™m taking the advice of my therapist and undertaking a ā€œPersonal Purgeā€.

Iā€™d never heard of such a thing until this last week. A ā€œPersonal Purgeā€ is when you remove the people, places and things in your life that serve as triggers for your Anxiety, PTSD, Depression, etc...

My wife and I have gone through our home and relocated or removed a number of objects, changed a number of things in our daily lives and now Iā€™m working on removing a large number of family members, associates, etc... from my contacts.

Iā€™m actually surprised at how well itā€™s working so far. Not an instant fix, but the part weā€™ve done thus far has reduced my anxiety level a fair amount. Hopefully removing these people from my life will help as well.
Hate to say it but interactions in this forum are not on the healthy side of things. If youā€™re struggling with anxiety then taking a break or purge from politics might just be the magic ticket
Now if you could just wing yourself off of big tech period, your task would be complete. I know where you are coming from though

Unfortunately in this screwed up year social media/technology makes up about 95% of my Social interactions. I leave the house once a week and have few interactions with my neighbors. Itā€™s 100% of my conversational interactions on current events, politics, etc...
Now if you could just wing yourself off of big tech period, your task would be complete. I know where you are coming from though.
I'm weaning myself off YouTube now and switching over to Rumble. I've been done with Facebook for a while, and just registered on Mewe.

I have a sense that some censorship has been purged from my life.
WOW!!! Even with as few as 20 members on Ignore (as of now), itā€™s much more pleasant to use the site and read threads. At that rate by the time Iā€™m into triple digits on the list, it will probably be even better.
USMB isnā€™t on your list?

Lots of faggot liberals you could remove from your life pretty quickly.

USMB accounts for about 85% of my social activity outside my home/family so it was suggested that I just start ā€œignoringā€ accounts that may trigger me rather than ghosting the whole site. Iā€™m guessing my ignore list will be in the hundreds very quickly.
then why even post here?.....geezus just go to some site that agrees every thing you the Medieval sure you would fit right in....
USMB isnā€™t on your list?

Lots of faggot liberals you could remove from your life pretty quickly.

USMB accounts for about 85% of my social activity outside my home/family so it was suggested that I just start ā€œignoringā€ accounts that may trigger me rather than ghosting the whole site. Iā€™m guessing my ignore list will be in the hundreds very quickly.
Ignore is a highly undervalued option. Go for it :)

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