Perpetual War For Perpetual Greed -- US Threatens Iran (Again)....

Iran is dangerously IMPERIALISTIC and is an enemy to the USA------so is RUSSIA. Turkey is also imperialistic-----but ---
IMHO----not all that dangerous----just annoying

Iran is no threat to the US. Just like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on. Let's go the peace route for a change.
The scary thing here is you really believe their are no mad, power seeking men in the world

Of course there is. One is running the US into the ground as I speak.
Oh, i absolutely do not believe that. Most of the power-mad men reside in the US/West. They're doing most of the invading and killing in the world. For instance, when's the last time Iran invaded a country?
You're delusional

not really delusional-----he is quoting the standard COMMON GROUP delusion-----it is a group psychosis

Nah, just stating fact. Who's doing most of the invading and killing in the world? Think on it some.

"MOST OF IT" people like you

You obviously haven't thought about it yet. One day, take the time to research and see who's doing most of the invading and killing in this world. If you're willing to accept truth & reality, you'll find the answer.
Seek help
The only reason it hasn't attacked Israel is because Israel does have nuclear weapons and would use them.

The Iranians aren't as stupid as you seem to think they are.

So Israel can bomb and kill Iranians at will, and Iran isn't allowed to defend itself? Sounds like a pretty bad deal for Iran. No wonder they're pissed.

Oh Israel wouldn't attack unless they were attacked and Iran isn't stupid enough to do that.

As for defending itself?? Boy are you an idiot. Iran funds all major terrorist organizations out there. Catch a clue you idiot.
I'm not sure Putin would let Trump attack Iran, but the US is regularly bombing Yemen with drones and it's been going on for a while, maybe even before Trump.

Well definitely happened before, but I don't know if in support of the Saudi war before Trump's term.
I'm not sure Putin would let Trump attack Iran, but the US is regularly bombing Yemen with drones and it's been going on for a while, maybe even before Trump.

Well definitely happened before, but I don't know if in support of the Saudi war before Trump's term.

Try again THE US did a job on a few terrorists stationed in Yemen------Iranian stooges---using drones. The US is "bombing Yemen" The bloodshed in Yemen is IRANIAN
I'm not sure Putin would let Trump attack Iran, but the US is regularly bombing Yemen with drones and it's been going on for a while, maybe even before Trump.

Well definitely happened before, but I don't know if in support of the Saudi war before Trump's term.

Try again THE US did a job on a few terrorists stationed in Yemen------Iranian stooges---using drones. The US is "bombing Yemen" The bloodshed in Yemen is IRANIAN
Why does it not surprise me that you support Wahhabis?
I'm not sure Putin would let Trump attack Iran, but the US is regularly bombing Yemen with drones and it's been going on for a while, maybe even before Trump.

Well definitely happened before, but I don't know if in support of the Saudi war before Trump's term.

Try again THE US did a job on a few terrorists stationed in Yemen------Iranian stooges---using drones. The US is "bombing Yemen" The bloodshed in Yemen is IRANIAN
Why does it not surprise me that you support Wahhabis?

where do you see "WAHHABIS" ? Wahhabi is a sect of SUNNIs---
which originated in Saudi Arabia. To what "Saudi war" do you refer?
There is some conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iranian stooge
HOUTHIS in Yemen. It is a Shiite/Sunni thing -----an ongoing conflict
----more than 1000 years old. For more than the past decade---Iran has
funded and armed the Shiite minority in Yemen against the Sunni Majority.
It has nothing to do with WAHHABISM------

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