Perfect example of ignorance in politics/media


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Brett Favre expressed an opinion and because it differs with the author in terms of the current social justice/equity rhetoric the media is feeding. She lashes out. How dare Favre disagree that the country is systemically racist. How dare Favre vote for Donald Trump. How dare Favre not accept the media's constant virtue signaling? How dare Favre say we should stand for the anthem?

It is the fact that the author won't listen to a counter POV and immediately play the racist/ignorant card that makes the social justice warriors so annoying and divisive to this country. It is OK to have a difference of opinion. It is OK to believe that the country is NOT systemically racist. After all what legal rights does a black American citizen have that a white American citizen does not?

The majority of our media is a divisive cesspool. I cannot even read a sports page without someone virtue signaling like a complete asshole. And my kids have to grow up in this environment.

Can’t get over the irony of the people who complain of divisiveness.

Those that complain the loudest are sometimes those that contribute the most to it.
Can’t get over the irony of the people who complain of divisiveness.

Those that complain the loudest are sometimes those that contribute the most to it.
Do you have anything to add to the OP or just trolling per usual?
Can’t get over the irony of the people who complain of divisiveness.

Those that complain the loudest are sometimes those that contribute the most to it.

How's that, because they refuse to accept the commie narrative? They won't goose step with you creeps?


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