Per Capita Charitable Giving Between Blue and Red State Residents


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2004
I was listening to the Michael Medved show, and he read a study on the air that showed that indicated that Red State residents give more to charities than Blue State residents.

In fact Mississippi, the poorest of our 50 states has the highest level of per capita giving to charities.

Massachussetts actually was the lowest in per capita giving, yet it has one of the highest per capita income levels of any of the 50 states.

Why do Red State people give more of their income to charities, yet they have much lower incomes to live on?

Any ideas why?

Regards, Eightballsidepocket
Because Democrats prefer to give other people money away. that way they can feel good about themselves and not lose their own money.
In the democrat mind, its the good intentions that they hold that are of real substance to them. They want to save the world and help everyone. They dont actually go about doing that physically or through charitable givings but they want to help real bad. That to them is more helpful then actually doing something.

After all their gift is their intellect as they have told us over the last 2 weeks. We're all dumb and need to give our money to them so that they can decide whats best for all of us. :lame2:
insein said:
In the democrat mind, its the good intentions that they hold that are of real substance to them. They want to save the world and help everyone. They dont actually go about doing that physically or through charitable givings but they want to help real bad. That to them is more helpful then actually doing something.

After all their gift is their intellect as they have told us over the last 2 weeks. We're all dumb and need to give our money to them so that they can decide whats best for all of us. :lame2:

SO SO TRUE---wish I had a nickle everytime a lib says "somebody outta help------". When I ask them why not do the helping yourself, they disappear.
The problem is your data. you "heard someone say" and didn't look into it yourself. You just listened to a conservative talk show host read a biased study. In it, he was quoting the "Generosity Index" which has been shown to have may flaws in it. Forbes published a more comprehensive study done by the Center on Wealth and Philanthropy that took into account more variables such as cost of living differences by state. In this study, NY ranked #3, CT ranked #4, and CA #5, and MA #11. Pretty blue states to be high on the list. Maybe liberals really do give a lot to charities.
I was listening to the Michael Medved show, and he read a study on the air that showed that indicated that Red State residents give more to charities than Blue State residents.

That's a fine conservative urban legend, based on the Arthur C. Brooks crap, all his rigged psuedoscience. It's been making the rounds of conservative talk for years. Conservatives almost always believe it without question, because it tells them what they want to hear. That's the same reasoning that had them believing the polls were biased against Romney.

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