Zone1 People Who Call Themselves Christian in Rapid Decline

It is not clear about an end of the earth as we know it; only about the end of the age they were living in.
"Age" may very well be the better term to use but our broken systems and anti-Christ customs will end at some point and will be replaced by God's ways.
"Age" may very well be the better term to use but our broken systems and anti-Christ customs will end at some point and will be replaced by God's ways.
Certain truths can be extrapolated from the Bible to apply to our own times and customs, certainly so if the kingdom is to persist into perpetuity. But to know the story, refrain first from inserting your own times and customs into it.
Certain truths can be extrapolated from the Bible to apply to our own times and customs, certainly so if the kingdom is to persist into perpetuity. But to know the story, refrain first from inserting your own times and customs into it.
Equally important is to refrain from applying what the Bible says to our current times. Especially based on what we can see with our own eyes. Never in the history of mankind has evil men been able to surveil our every move. There are cameras in space that can pinpoint our homes and cars. There are cameras on countless street corners. The NSA has access to our cell phone and computers and email correspondence. Banks record our every financial transaction. Never in the history of mankind have we found ourselves in the current situation.

The Bible uses metaphoric language (parables, etc.) to describe the events to come. The Bible tells us to be "watchmen on the wall" and to discern the times and the seasons. If we're paying attention, we know of the WEF, IMF, United Nations, the Neo-Vatican, and many other Globalist organizations that are moving the entire world into a situation where only a handful of the most powerful elitists will control every aspect of our lives. We're almost to a point where a computer chip will contain every tidbit of information about you and me (name, address, bank account number, social security number, social networks, political affiliation, etc.). I personally believe that the plan is to make every person accept a "mark" in order to buy or sell. That's a biblical prophecy. Will it be a computer chip implanted on or in our person? Will it be a barcode tattooed on our person? I can't say for sure, but we WILL be required to accept a mark in order to buy and/or sell, and the Bible makes it very clear that Christians NOT accept that mark. And since I can think of no other time in history where taking a "mark" was required to buy or sell, and I can only conclude that it's a future event.
Equally important is to refrain from applying what the Bible says to our current times. Especially based on what we can see with our own eyes. Never in the history of mankind has evil men been able to surveil our every move. There are cameras in space that can pinpoint our homes and cars. There are cameras on countless street corners. The NSA has access to our cell phone and computers and email correspondence. Banks record our every financial transaction. Never in the history of mankind have we found ourselves in the current situation.

The Bible uses metaphoric language (parables, etc.) to describe the events to come. The Bible tells us to be "watchmen on the wall" and to discern the times and the seasons. If we're paying attention, we know of the WEF, IMF, United Nations, the Neo-Vatican, and many other Globalist organizations that are moving the entire world into a situation where only a handful of the most powerful elitists will control every aspect of our lives. We're almost to a point where a computer chip will contain every tidbit of information about you and me (name, address, bank account number, social security number, social networks, political affiliation, etc.). I personally believe that the plan is to make every person accept a "mark" in order to buy or sell. That's a biblical prophecy. Will it be a computer chip implanted on or in our person? Will it be a barcode tattooed on our person? I can't say for sure, but we WILL be required to accept a mark in order to buy and/or sell, and the Bible makes it very clear that Christians NOT accept that mark. And since I can think of no other time in history where taking a "mark" was required to buy or sell, and I can only conclude that it's a future event.

The mark of the beast was Roman coin with the head of Nero embossed on it. It was the currency of the whole Roman empire.
The mark of the beast was Roman coin with the head of Nero embossed on it. It was the currency of the whole Roman empire.
Wrong! People could still buy or sell with or without a particular coin. The actual "mark" will make it impossible for people to buy or sell in any traditional manner. The people who reject the mark will have to have prepared for this coming situation and will have to learn to barter with others of like mind. The vast majority of earth's inhabitants will gladly accept the mark.
Revelation 13:16-17, "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Revelaton 14:9-11, "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."

Revelation 16:2, “And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.”

The mark will be ON the people of that time.
The Scofield Bible was written to promote Christian Zionism. That's where your futurism comes from.
I don't use the Scofield Bible and never would. Not sure why you brought that up but I'm no fan of Scofield or Zionism. That has nothing to do with "the mark of the beast."
I don't use the Scofield Bible and never would. Not sure why you brought that up but I'm no fan of Scofield or Zionism. That has nothing to do with "the mark of the beast."

Dispensationists, Dominionists and Evangelicals are using Scofield without realizing what it is and where it came from.
God didn't bless America. We raped and killed millions to get to where we are. Where was God in all that?
^^ Coming from someone typing on a computer in the comfort of a home with good food in the refrigerator. ^^

Be grateful for what God has provided and stop with the virtue signalling. Nobody is impressed.
Dispensationists, Dominionists and Evangelicals are using Scofield without realizing what it is and where it came from.
That's their problem. I use the Companion Bible in the King James Version. I differ from most modern Christians and reject several of the more popular (albeit false) doctrines. I reject the idea that modern Israelis are "God's chosen." I reject the "rapture" theory. I reject the idea that ALL mankind will be ultimately saved. I reject the modern notion that gays and lesbians can preach from the pulpit. Etc. I, in no way, shape, or manner, am a modernist.
Depending upon the poll those calling themselves Christians has declined 20-30% in the past two decades.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance. Psalm 33:12

God blesses a nation because of its prayers, not its power. He blesses a nation because of its character, not its commerce. He blesses a nation because of its trust in Him, not its advanced technology. God blesses a nation because of its fear of the Lord, and not its fear of man. God blesses a nation who loves God and expresses that love in caring for the impoverished and diseased. God blesses a nation because of His church, not the size of that nation’s economy. Prosperity may be the result of a God-fearing nation, but it is not the cause. People believe in God when they get enough of themselves and realize there has to be more to this life than simply meeting their every need. God blesses a nation when individuals gather corporately in vibrant Christian worship.


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Liberals want the oppsite of this so they have have absolute power

2 Chronicles 7:14
King James Version​

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

People are ashamed of what Christianity has turned into. Cheeeesus would turn over in his grave, if he were in it. Evangelicals are perverting a religion
People are ashamed of what Christianity has turned into. Cheeeesus would turn over in his grave, if he were in it. Evangelicals are perverting a religion
Christians of many denominations are "perverting" Christianity. Southern Baptists, Evangelicals, Catholics, Unitarians, Mormons, Lutherans, Presbyterians, etc. Many are allowing gays or women behind the pulpit. Many teach false doctrine. Some embrace the Globalist agenda. Etc. Few teach the Bible line by line, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book from start to finish. Many church leaders are in it for the money as opposed to the spiritual significance of what Jesus Christ did for mankind. Many no longer teach the importance of repentance. The current church is a mess.
I think godless libs will miss the Church Age when there are not enough Christians remaining to sustain it

Because thats when the secular world unravels and threatens to tear itself apart
I think godless libs will miss the Church Age when there are not enough Christians remaining to sustain it

Because thats when the secular world unravels and threatens to tear itself apart
The true Church will always exist. It won't be one denomination or another. It will be folks who believe in the Bible and have faith in Christ regardless of some man's pet doctrine or ornate building. The gates of hell shall not prevail over Christ's church. However, the numbers will dwindle and the faithful few will have little influence over "the world" and the political or social direction it takes.
Christians of many denominations are "perverting" Christianity. Southern Baptists, Evangelicals, Catholics, Unitarians, Mormons, Lutherans, Presbyterians, etc. Many are allowing gays or women behind the pulpit. Many teach false doctrine. Some embrace the Globalist agenda. Etc. Few teach the Bible line by line, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book from start to finish. Many church leaders are in it for the money as opposed to the spiritual significance of what Jesus Christ did for mankind. Many no longer teach the importance of repentance. The current church is a mess.
Could I ask you your issue with Southern Baptist
The true Church will always exist. It won't be one denomination or another. It will be folks who believe in the Bible and have faith in Christ regardless of some man's pet doctrine or ornate building. The gates of hell shall not prevail over Christ's church. However, the numbers will dwindle and the faithful few will have little influence over "the world" and the political or social direction it takes.

2 Thessalonians 2:3
The New King James Version
3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come dunless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,​


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