People of Oregon form militia's

No, it's not. The causation is closing the forests in the 70s, followed by a bribe meant to hide the fact that the economy was that bribe is all used up.

And the economy was, indeed, destroyed.

My comment was in regard to police funding.

How exactly is the economy destroyed? The rich (me) are doing historically well! The middle-class and poor, not so well, because you morons keep voting for Republicans.
Actually, we're not doing so well because the ghetto dwellers keep voting for Dems, and Dems keep putting employers out of business, and shutting down industry.
But you should read up on the death of the lumber industry in the area this thread is about. It's riveting. Perhaps you should read up on it before you post again. Please.
Read up on the history of the lumber industry in Oregon, and the history of the subsidy, the expiration of which is the cited reason Josephine County is cutting back on sheriff patrols.
Actually, we're not doing so well because the ghetto dwellers keep voting for Dems, and Dems keep putting employers out of business, and shutting down industry.

How are 'Dems' putting employers out of business and shutting down industry?

Well who is more likely to be a tree hugger global warmer cultist?
Republican or democrat?
Actually, no. The budget cuts are specifically attributed to the expiration of the lumber subsidies, which were paid directly into county coffers.

Try again.

"The cuts were forced by the expiration of a federal subsidy that paid timber counties millions of dollars to make up for revenues they lost when logging was cut on national forests to protect fish and wildlife."

70 percent of the land in Josephine County is owned by the feds. When they decided to stop logging, which has supported the economy since the area was settled, they recognized that it was going to destroy the economy and the culture, which was entirely built upon logging. The forest must be preserved so that wealthy elitists can vacation there, and enjoy the pristine forests without having to listen to log trucks, or be subject to the smell of paper mills.

In order to offset it, they agreed to pay a subsidy to the county. That subsidy has now expired.

And the few people who live there, struggling to make it while being completely restricted in their capability to develop, contruct, or earn money, are not able to pay more in property taxes.

So the sheriff's office shoulders the cut, and the people who live there will pull together and look out for each other.

Is that simple enough for you?

Is this the first time you have ever heard any of this?
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Actually, no. The budget cuts are specifically attributed to the expiration of the lumber subsidies, which were paid directly into county coffers.

Try again.

"The cuts were forced by the expiration of a federal subsidy that paid timber counties millions of dollars to make up for revenues they lost when logging was cut on national forests to protect fish and wildlife."

3 Oregon timber counties seek tax increases |

70 percent of the land in Josephine County is owned by the feds. When they decided to stop logging, which has supported the economy since the area was settled, they recognized that it was going to destroy the economy and the culture, which was entirely built upon logging. The forest must be preserved so that wealthy elitists can vacation there, and enjoy the pristine forests without having to listen to log trucks, or be subject to the smell of paper mills.

In order to offset it, they agreed to pay a subsidy to the county. That subsidy has now expired.

And the few people who live there, struggling to make it while being completely restricted in their capability to develop, contruct, or earn money, are not able to pay more in property taxes.

So the sheriff's office shoulders the cut, and the people who live there will pull together and look out for each other.

Is that simple enough for you?

Is this the first time you have ever heard any of this?

Didn't timber sales drop in 2008?
Read up on the history of the lumber industry in Oregon, and the history of the subsidy, the expiration of which is the cited reason Josephine County is cutting back on sheriff patrols.

Budget cuts due to the 2008 Bush/Republican/wall street fiasco?

You can't read, can you or maybe you can't comprehend what you read.
He's just spouting garbage that has nothing to do with anything that's being discussed here. Trying to somehow blame Republicans for the horribly depressed state of areas that Dems shut down.
Actually, no. The budget cuts are specifically attributed to the expiration of the lumber subsidies, which were paid directly into county coffers.

Try again.

"The cuts were forced by the expiration of a federal subsidy that paid timber counties millions of dollars to make up for revenues they lost when logging was cut on national forests to protect fish and wildlife."

3 Oregon timber counties seek tax increases |

70 percent of the land in Josephine County is owned by the feds. When they decided to stop logging, which has supported the economy since the area was settled, they recognized that it was going to destroy the economy and the culture, which was entirely built upon logging. The forest must be preserved so that wealthy elitists can vacation there, and enjoy the pristine forests without having to listen to log trucks, or be subject to the smell of paper mills.

In order to offset it, they agreed to pay a subsidy to the county. That subsidy has now expired.

And the few people who live there, struggling to make it while being completely restricted in their capability to develop, contruct, or earn money, are not able to pay more in property taxes.

So the sheriff's office shoulders the cut, and the people who live there will pull together and look out for each other.

Is that simple enough for you?

Is this the first time you have ever heard any of this?

Didn't timber sales drop in 2008?

"Rural Oregonians acted in good faith and believed in their elected leaders when they helped negotiate President Clinton's 1994 Northwest Forest Plan, but since then teams of environmental lawyers have blocked the timber sales, closed the mills, and thwarted alternative recreation plans, leaving rural Oregon underemployed and dependent on government hand-outs. "

"During the 1980s and '90s timber revenues from federal forests in rural Oregon counties plummeted. Well-funded eco-elites shut down Oregon's timber harvests by obtaining federal court rulings over the endangered species listing of the spotted owl. More than 100 mills closed. Thousands of family-wage jobs were eliminated, drying up incomes and businesses in small mill towns across our state. Annual timber harvests now hover at around 10 percent of levels associated with a more thriving Oregon. Rather than correcting the misuse of the Endangered Species Act, Congress approved the Secure Rural Schools Act. Instead of continuing to fund county services from timber harvest revenues, rural counties were paid hundreds of millions of dollars in federal welfare payments.

"The counties were ordered to develop alternative economic plans. Having achieved their goals of making Oregon's rich forests of renewable timber legally off-limits and unavailable to be managed or harvested, Portland's urban eco-elites promptly turned their backs and abandoned the counties to fend for themselves with meager resources."

"The truth stares rural folks in the face day and night. There are no alternatives. There is no replacement economy. There is only the forest -- one of the richest, greenest, fastest-growing forests in the world.

There is only one solution -- it's vast, green and sustainable. The particulars of a new Oregon timber policy must be hammered out in Salem and in Washington, D.C. Management and control of Oregon's federal forests should be placed with the counties in which they are located. And, safeguards must be included that will stop the use of our federal courts as an eco-elitist weapon against responsible timber harvesting.

"The time has come to reopen Oregon's forests in a responsible manner."

Ending federal timber payments to Oregon: Rural economic collapse will harm metro area, too |

The 2008 downturn was a drop in the bucket, and recouped in 2009.
Is that the best you can do? If it is you'll be placed on ignore. Hate the battle of wit when my opponent is shooting blanks.

Uh-oh, looks like bigLARPer is fixin' ta break out his Civil War reenactment gear! :eek:

Shut the fuck up bitch or I'll bitch slap you like I always do.

Oh, did you roll a scepter of bitch slappery on your turn at the magic elf cauldron of pretend to have balls fantasy role play game? How special for you!
Is that the best you can do? If it is you'll be placed on ignore. Hate the battle of wit when my opponent is shooting blanks.

Uh-oh, looks like bigLARPer is fixin' ta break out his Civil War reenactment gear! :eek:

Lol, dude, why do you keep hating on LARPers and re-enactors?

A lot of people around here do one of those two things.

You sound kind of stuck up when you do that.

Are such people beneath you and so you have contempt for them?

Oh no, they're just adorable! Grown men playing dress up and taking themselves oh-so-seriously is truly, truly admirable. And when bigLARPer tries to pretend his dress-up games make him an historian, it's even funnier.
heaven forbid any historical knowledge be preserved or passed down.

I've met civil war enactors. They're history buffs, and usually also involved in some other skilled hobby or trade...they are either knowlegeable about horses, about weaponry,'s aldways something. On TOP of their superior understanding of history.

Quite knowlegeable and civilized.
At least they aren't fully brain dead out west.

Outraged residents in rural Oregon have formed amateur armed patrol groups to replace the budget-stricken police department.
The unusual move comes after Josephine County sheriff announced officials will now only respond to life-threatening situations after losing necessary government grants.
But county governors, fearful of anarchy, have condemned the organisation, urging citizens to hike their taxes instead.
The conflict arose after the national government stopped paying the county's federal timber subsidies - reimbursment for working on the forest - and proposed a tax hike instead.

Residents form 'vigilante groups' after cuts to sheriff department's budget mean police only respond to life-threatening incidents | Mail Online

Vigilantism is a serious problem. You cannot control such a group. They are the type of people who hanged people in the Old West, w/o trial, who lynched blacks in the south. It's very problematic to put any Tom, Dick and Harry in charge of carrying out justice. Someone is going to end up hurt or dead for no good reason, an innocent person. And please don't tell me I know nothing about this or these people: I am from Oregon, my people were loggers. I know exactly what these people are like. I find it ironic that they are up in arms (pun intended) because their subsidies, what is essentially welfare, from the government have been cut off. They are unwilling to work in other areas outside of the timber industry, so they are broke.

Criminal gang are even worse

There isn't any criminal gang activity in this area. These are little podunk towns/villages in the middle of no fucking where full of rednecks. If there is any criminal activity, it is someone's cousin, brother, or best friend doing it.
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My God but you're an avowed brain dead liberal. Incredible! :cuckoo:

So prior to 2007 they didn't have the budget?

When did the logging subsidies start? (AKA blood money for stopping the economy in its tracks).

I lived in the PNW timber country for 50 years. There were logging subsidies for as long as I can remember, so at least 20-30 years, maybe longer. A long, long time, possibly as long as there have been farming subsidies. A long time.

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