People are Stupid and Gas Stations Suck


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2004
Near Atlanta, GA
I live in Georgia right now, about an hour from Atlanta. Atlanta is supplied by two pipelines coming from the Gulf region. Both pipelines are currently down due to power failure at the pumping stations in Mississippi and have not been damaged. Sonny Purdue (the governor) and gas companies alike have both informed the public that the southern pipeline will be running at 25% capacity in a few hours (sometime before midnight, tonight) after the Baton Rouge pump has its power cranked, and that northern power line will be good as new tomorrow. There is also a massive gas reserve in GA in case of a crisis like this.

That having been said, there has been a rumor traveling around, almost entirely by e-mail and word of mouth, that there's only one pipe and that it will be down for at least four days, during which the entire state of Georgia will completely run out of gas. Being people, and people being stupid, the urban legend is believed over the official news and people are racing to the pumps with every car, lawn mower, string trimmer, and gas can they can find to fill up with as much gas as they can hold. Ever the profiteers, many gas stations, most notoriously Citgo, have gouged their prices beyond reason and are making a bundle. Also, some gas stations which usually recieve their gas shipments on Thursdays or Fridays actually have run dry due to the panic buying, thus prepetuating this rumor.

Even my parents, normally reasonable people, joined in on the hysteria and ordered me to go fill up my tank, as well. I waited an hour in line at a 12-pump station for $2.91/gal gas. My mom waited half an hour for $3.69/gal gas at a, guess what, Citgo station. There was also a ten minute line at the BP station charging $4.99/gal. My dad was out of town or he would join in, I'm sure. I'm just going to start riding my bike everywhere. This fillup was almost $30 for short of 10 gallons of gas, and if I can help it, it'll last a month.
Ga Governor, Sonny Perdue, just froze gas prices in GA. Some are up to 5 bucks/ gallon.
This was all based on false rumors that all the stations were closing at 2 or something like that. It's pure hysteria.
Mr. P said:
He's in white county, Helen..RWA..
Good trout fishing up there...But they just got nailed with a tornado this week, sooooooooo.....

Helen's pretty cool. The Hillbilly version of Pigeon Forge, oh wait....
Actually, my Mom just teaches in White County. I'm in Hall County, Gainesville, to be precise. We dodged the bullet where the storms are concerned.
we hit $2.98 here today...i only was down to half tank, but i decided to fill up and spare myself money rather than wait until i was at 1/8th like usual. a tank lasts me about a week or up to 400 miles, so its not that bad, but the 8.6 gallons ran me $25!!! I used to fill my tank up AND get a pop and/or candy bar for that!

I am hoping this isn't permanent. It shouldn't be. It just may take a while to go down. I am maintaining a positive outlook on this, but hoping it doesn't cripple too many businesses. Even if prices stayed above $2. Hell, I can deal with prices at $2.50, which increased my gas budget about $10/week, which really isn't much...i just brown-bag it for lunch to work instead of eating out-its healthier anyhow.

My husband's boss has cut back on overtime to save money to fuel their 3 dodge 1-ton stakebeds, bucket truck, and brand new boom truck-each needing to be filled at least every 2-3 days, depending on their load sizes, where they drive, etc. the only positive side is he gets a bigger tax break when he files taxes quarterly. but it sucks for us because we put the extra money away to cover random expenses in winter, when Tim is on the bare-bones 40 hours-usually starting just before christmas.

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