People are going to have to face the reality that there's NO GOD

But "transitional fossils" (a somewhat nonsensical term) satisfying any silly or arbitrary constraint handed down by any know-nothing hack have still been found. That should clue them in as to how wrong they are.... even when their goofy conditions are granted, they are still wrong, in the end....

But there aren't any examples of transitional fossils. It's not a nonsensical term unless you believe entirely new genus taxon just suddenly poof into existence through some kind of evolutionary magic.

I'm sorry you think it's a goofy condition to ask for evidence but that's how science works. If you just want someone to accept your faith-based philosophy, buy some air time on the community access channel for Sunday mornings, select a pontiff and give him a funny hat to wear or shave your heads, put on robes and go shake your tambourine down at the airport. I've heard these are very good ways to get others to believe your faith-based dogma. With science, you are required to submit valid, testable and falsifiable evidence we can evaluate.

If you don't have the evidence but you believe something is a likely explanation, just say that... I can respect that. You may be right! But what you're NOT going to do is parade around with a science book and pretend you've proven your theory when you haven't.

But there aren't any examples of transitional fossils.


Archaeopteryx - Wikipedia

List of transitional fossils - Wikipedia
"If the natural living landscape is transformed in a relatively brief period (evolutionary wise)"

Nonsensical statement. "Evolutionary wise" can mean many things, depending on one's view of graduation and punctuation, and the overlap. You are selling snake oil, friend. You picked the wrong mark this time. And it's misleading, in that even those pushing punctuated evolution admit gradualism.

No, it does not "almost" look like an "act of God". Bullshit. That's you trying to cram magical nonsense in the gaps of our understanding. Same bullshit for 1000s of years. Nor do the examples of phyletic gradualism rule out an act of God. You are simply taking an overlay of magical bullshit and laying it on top of a scientific theory.

Yes, the story of Genesis, as it relates to human origin, is far off; as in, as far off as it gets. No, our genetic "Adan and Eve" did not meet. We know this. It is clearly 100% wrong .

I think what flacaltenn was referring to in genesis is the actual creation story of the heavens, earth and life. Which actually is not far off considering all the other creation stories from the thousands of other religions out there. This one came from a time where they didn't comprehend the earth was a sphere, or that the sun was a star, or what an actual star was. They didn't understand the concept of gravity, what blood did, what lightning was. No concept of energy, or matter, or disease was caused by microbes, or that microbes even existed, or that light has a speed. Schools didn't even exist, and they didn't even have the language or terms for half the shit I'm talking about. So that being considered, how close they got it does raise eyebrows, at least for me. Now you could say even a blind squirrel to that, absolutely. It doesn't prove anything one way or the other. I mean if a God was going to contact people, THESE PEOPLE, who thought the warm ball of light in the sky was spinning around THEM...and explain to them how of all this came about, to people who''d scratch their head at the basic concept of we'll do you think they'd comprehend and explain that story to others? I mean they described a great void, then a burst of existence, then light, then a formation of heavens and earth, then a geo forming on earth with lands and sea, then plants, then fish, then animals, then humans (I think, I'm just going off of memory, haven't practiced since I was a kid). I mean try to explain what we know now to a five year old, and see how well they can recite it to 5 others, then see how those 5 explain it could sound something a lot like that. Again you could say even a blind squirrel absolutely...but it is something that I, and I'm sure others find interesting.

I mean I find the Phoenix lights interesting. that doesn't mean I think aliens are among us and infiltrating government and abducting people and stuff. But that shit did not look like flares to me. I don't know what it was, could've been some government secret project or something, but if that doesn't raise your eyebrows...

And like it or not, there a still tons of questions that have our greatest minds scratching their heads, even when it comes to existence and life. Like the jump from non life to life, then the jump from prokaryotic life to eukaryotic life (which might even be more statistically rare than life to non life), and the jump of the mammal to human brain, which is a pretty significant jump compared to the rest of the field. To say that science has completely disproven god is ridiculous. If there is one, it's certainly outside of our realm of existence...since it created it, which includes our current and probably future reach of science. I also don't think you can prove god.
Oh, I agree there is much we do not yet know about evolution, and the universe in general. To know it, it would be helpful for all of these people trying to stuff god into these gaps in our knowledge to stay the fk out of the way. ;)

"but if that doesn't raise your eyebrows..."

Yes, but only because I don't, personally, understand it. It would not then rationally follow that nobody understands it, or that it cannot be understood. In fact, the reasonable assumption would be to assume it can be understood, and that this understanding likely does not involve some extraordinary or new concept or claim.

And I don't think they looked like flares. they looked like planes to me. And, voila, that's exactly what they were.

the second event of lights that evening were indeed, flares.

the Phoenix lights were long ago explained. as in, literally days after they were witnessed. Don't you find it odd that this "faux mystery" is still presented as a mystery?
Oh, didn't hear that explanation for the lights, nor saw that they were indeed's a very odd formation for planes, but I certainly do not rule out planes. I was just going off of memory from the time (I think I was maybe 10), and all I remember is that they said they were flares, and even at ten I said the fuck they are. But still did not assume aliens. I kind of thought since then, they were military planes, testing some new surveillance tech and technique or something because of that very far apart but very consistent formation they were flying. I mean I take a bunch of friends out on my boat for the blue angles at the shore every year. They fly very precise, but not perfect....they're also much closer to me, and much closer together, and I'm also seeing them in person, not some 20 year old video. Anyway that's just the first example that I went to (looking for Halloween movies recently, theres one based on that event, made me think of it) too show something else eye raising, or sort of in the same category.

Which every once in a while those things come up. Like this apparent star system that's appears to be mostly covered by something we can't explain. Some suggest A Dyson sphere, or it could be some other natural event we just haven't thought of. Eye raising still.

Or a couple years back I read a story, from a reputable source, (I should try to find it, this story is in season now). But a mother from middle America somewhere, claimed her house was haunted and her kids were getting possessed. And (fuzzy on the details), but she either took them to a hospital, or got forced too, and the hospital thought with her claims that she was unfit parent with her mental health. Had a social worker there and a few nurses/staff who all apparently swear up and down they saw one of the kids walking sideways up a wall, talking in a way too deep voice and different language. And I guess the staff didn't want to go back to that floor the next few days and we're pretty freaked out, and pretty much told the mom we can't help you. Eye raising. True or not no clue. Bizarre shit, either a hoax that they were all in on (or the story was somehow fake and sources thought it was real), or maybe there is stuff like that out there. Thinking about it now the fake news part seems most likely, but 3 (or more) seeming strangers all being in on a hoax doesn't seem likely (especially since I don't think there was much publicity or money made off of it). I don't know how you'd fake walking up a wall in a hospital room you've never been too.
"Like this apparent star system that's appears to be mostly covered by something we can't explain. Some suggest A Dyson sphere, or it could be some other natural event we just haven't thought of. Eye raising still."

yes, it's fascinating, but even those suggesting the Dyson sphere admit it's a bit of a silly leap.

And I tune out of any story the moment "haunted" or "ghost" is mentioned. i don't buy any of that stuff for a second.
It is a silly leap. I don't think alien life is that silly of a leap, especially simple forms, and who the bleep knows when it comes to more advance forms. That doesn't mean I buy into the x files version. But I find it surprising that we're not able to explain this yet. I mean is it some mini, mostly consumed nebula around a very new star. That's my best explanation. I find it odd that this is apparently that rare of an event that we haven't encountered yet or even theoretically conceived yet. I mean we conceived black holes, and dark matter and energy before we even discovered strong evidence of those. And I get that it might not even be that rare, we just don't really see the light indicating "HEY THERES A STAR HERE," so just over look it.

Hmm, if I may go on an severely amateur astronomer tangent. And as I'm writing this I think I'm already remembering why this isn't the case...but what if there really isn't dark matter that's been causing this gravity we haven't been able to account for. What if it's these star systems that are covered by whatever it is covering that system, and we just haven't been picking it up on telescopes?
"But I find it surprising that we're not able to explain this yet. "

That is likely due more to a lack of data than it is any shortcoming of our existing theories.
"If the natural living landscape is transformed in a relatively brief period (evolutionary wise)"

Nonsensical statement. "Evolutionary wise" can mean many things, depending on one's view of graduation and punctuation, and the overlap. You are selling snake oil, friend. You picked the wrong mark this time. And it's misleading, in that even those pushing punctuated evolution admit gradualism.

No, it does not "almost" look like an "act of God". Bullshit. That's you trying to cram magical nonsense in the gaps of our understanding. Same bullshit for 1000s of years. Nor do the examples of phyletic gradualism rule out an act of God. You are simply taking an overlay of magical bullshit and laying it on top of a scientific theory.

Yes, the story of Genesis, as it relates to human origin, is far off; as in, as far off as it gets. No, our genetic "Adan and Eve" did not meet. We know this. It is clearly 100% wrong .

I think what flacaltenn was referring to in genesis is the actual creation story of the heavens, earth and life. Which actually is not far off considering all the other creation stories from the thousands of other religions out there. This one came from a time where they didn't comprehend the earth was a sphere, or that the sun was a star, or what an actual star was. They didn't understand the concept of gravity, what blood did, what lightning was. No concept of energy, or matter, or disease was caused by microbes, or that microbes even existed, or that light has a speed. Schools didn't even exist, and they didn't even have the language or terms for half the shit I'm talking about. So that being considered, how close they got it does raise eyebrows, at least for me. Now you could say even a blind squirrel to that, absolutely. It doesn't prove anything one way or the other. I mean if a God was going to contact people, THESE PEOPLE, who thought the warm ball of light in the sky was spinning around THEM...and explain to them how of all this came about, to people who''d scratch their head at the basic concept of we'll do you think they'd comprehend and explain that story to others? I mean they described a great void, then a burst of existence, then light, then a formation of heavens and earth, then a geo forming on earth with lands and sea, then plants, then fish, then animals, then humans (I think, I'm just going off of memory, haven't practiced since I was a kid). I mean try to explain what we know now to a five year old, and see how well they can recite it to 5 others, then see how those 5 explain it could sound something a lot like that. Again you could say even a blind squirrel absolutely...but it is something that I, and I'm sure others find interesting.

I mean I find the Phoenix lights interesting. that doesn't mean I think aliens are among us and infiltrating government and abducting people and stuff. But that shit did not look like flares to me. I don't know what it was, could've been some government secret project or something, but if that doesn't raise your eyebrows...

And like it or not, there a still tons of questions that have our greatest minds scratching their heads, even when it comes to existence and life. Like the jump from non life to life, then the jump from prokaryotic life to eukaryotic life (which might even be more statistically rare than life to non life), and the jump of the mammal to human brain, which is a pretty significant jump compared to the rest of the field. To say that science has completely disproven god is ridiculous. If there is one, it's certainly outside of our realm of existence...since it created it, which includes our current and probably future reach of science. I also don't think you can prove god.
Oh, I agree there is much we do not yet know about evolution, and the universe in general. To know it, it would be helpful for all of these people trying to stuff god into these gaps in our knowledge to stay the fk out of the way. ;)

"but if that doesn't raise your eyebrows..."

Yes, but only because I don't, personally, understand it. It would not then rationally follow that nobody understands it, or that it cannot be understood. In fact, the reasonable assumption would be to assume it can be understood, and that this understanding likely does not involve some extraordinary or new concept or claim.

And I don't think they looked like flares. they looked like planes to me. And, voila, that's exactly what they were.

the second event of lights that evening were indeed, flares.

the Phoenix lights were long ago explained. as in, literally days after they were witnessed. Don't you find it odd that this "faux mystery" is still presented as a mystery?
Oh, didn't hear that explanation for the lights, nor saw that they were indeed's a very odd formation for planes, but I certainly do not rule out planes. I was just going off of memory from the time (I think I was maybe 10), and all I remember is that they said they were flares, and even at ten I said the fuck they are. But still did not assume aliens. I kind of thought since then, they were military planes, testing some new surveillance tech and technique or something because of that very far apart but very consistent formation they were flying. I mean I take a bunch of friends out on my boat for the blue angles at the shore every year. They fly very precise, but not perfect....they're also much closer to me, and much closer together, and I'm also seeing them in person, not some 20 year old video. Anyway that's just the first example that I went to (looking for Halloween movies recently, theres one based on that event, made me think of it) too show something else eye raising, or sort of in the same category.

Which every once in a while those things come up. Like this apparent star system that's appears to be mostly covered by something we can't explain. Some suggest A Dyson sphere, or it could be some other natural event we just haven't thought of. Eye raising still.

Or a couple years back I read a story, from a reputable source, (I should try to find it, this story is in season now). But a mother from middle America somewhere, claimed her house was haunted and her kids were getting possessed. And (fuzzy on the details), but she either took them to a hospital, or got forced too, and the hospital thought with her claims that she was unfit parent with her mental health. Had a social worker there and a few nurses/staff who all apparently swear up and down they saw one of the kids walking sideways up a wall, talking in a way too deep voice and different language. And I guess the staff didn't want to go back to that floor the next few days and we're pretty freaked out, and pretty much told the mom we can't help you. Eye raising. True or not no clue. Bizarre shit, either a hoax that they were all in on (or the story was somehow fake and sources thought it was real), or maybe there is stuff like that out there. Thinking about it now the fake news part seems most likely, but 3 (or more) seeming strangers all being in on a hoax doesn't seem likely (especially since I don't think there was much publicity or money made off of it). I don't know how you'd fake walking up a wall in a hospital room you've never been too.
"Like this apparent star system that's appears to be mostly covered by something we can't explain. Some suggest A Dyson sphere, or it could be some other natural event we just haven't thought of. Eye raising still."

yes, it's fascinating, but even those suggesting the Dyson sphere admit it's a bit of a silly leap.

And I tune out of any story the moment "haunted" or "ghost" is mentioned. i don't buy any of that stuff for a second.
It is a silly leap. I don't think alien life is that silly of a leap, especially simple forms, and who the bleep knows when it comes to more advance forms. That doesn't mean I buy into the x files version. But I find it surprising that we're not able to explain this yet. I mean is it some mini, mostly consumed nebula around a very new star. That's my best explanation. I find it odd that this is apparently that rare of an event that we haven't encountered yet or even theoretically conceived yet. I mean we conceived black holes, and dark matter and energy before we even discovered strong evidence of those. And I get that it might not even be that rare, we just don't really see the light indicating "HEY THERES A STAR HERE," so just over look it.

Hmm, if I may go on an severely amateur astronomer tangent. And as I'm writing this I think I'm already remembering why this isn't the case...but what if there really isn't dark matter that's been causing this gravity we haven't been able to account for. What if it's these star systems that are covered by whatever it is covering that system, and we just haven't been picking it up on telescopes?
I'm one of those "the universe is teeming with life" folks.

I also watch Ancient Aliens and I know the truth!

There is nothing to explain so you are following along with the rest of us as a chorus. We have only been looking for a few years and intelligent life is very far away. Primitive life is what I believe we will find everywhere like at least once in every sun-like solar system at least. It takes a lot of energy to send a signal far into the universe so it has to be directed to make it very far and with our technology, it just costs too much and the return signal will arrive after we are dead.

Ancient civilizations appear to have God myths that can be interpreted as alien visitation, so we are not exactly without evidence. Even the Christian God could be an alien visitation.

I am also of the belief that intelligence is far from a positive selective evolutionary trait. We humans might turn out to be the shortest-lived species ever to appear on the earth.
I think what flacaltenn was referring to in genesis is the actual creation story of the heavens, earth and life. Which actually is not far off considering all the other creation stories from the thousands of other religions out there. This one came from a time where they didn't comprehend the earth was a sphere, or that the sun was a star, or what an actual star was. They didn't understand the concept of gravity, what blood did, what lightning was. No concept of energy, or matter, or disease was caused by microbes, or that microbes even existed, or that light has a speed. Schools didn't even exist, and they didn't even have the language or terms for half the shit I'm talking about. So that being considered, how close they got it does raise eyebrows, at least for me. Now you could say even a blind squirrel to that, absolutely. It doesn't prove anything one way or the other. I mean if a God was going to contact people, THESE PEOPLE, who thought the warm ball of light in the sky was spinning around THEM...and explain to them how of all this came about, to people who''d scratch their head at the basic concept of we'll do you think they'd comprehend and explain that story to others? I mean they described a great void, then a burst of existence, then light, then a formation of heavens and earth, then a geo forming on earth with lands and sea, then plants, then fish, then animals, then humans (I think, I'm just going off of memory, haven't practiced since I was a kid). I mean try to explain what we know now to a five year old, and see how well they can recite it to 5 others, then see how those 5 explain it could sound something a lot like that. Again you could say even a blind squirrel absolutely...but it is something that I, and I'm sure others find interesting.

I mean I find the Phoenix lights interesting. that doesn't mean I think aliens are among us and infiltrating government and abducting people and stuff. But that shit did not look like flares to me. I don't know what it was, could've been some government secret project or something, but if that doesn't raise your eyebrows...

And like it or not, there a still tons of questions that have our greatest minds scratching their heads, even when it comes to existence and life. Like the jump from non life to life, then the jump from prokaryotic life to eukaryotic life (which might even be more statistically rare than life to non life), and the jump of the mammal to human brain, which is a pretty significant jump compared to the rest of the field. To say that science has completely disproven god is ridiculous. If there is one, it's certainly outside of our realm of existence...since it created it, which includes our current and probably future reach of science. I also don't think you can prove god.
Oh, I agree there is much we do not yet know about evolution, and the universe in general. To know it, it would be helpful for all of these people trying to stuff god into these gaps in our knowledge to stay the fk out of the way. ;)

"but if that doesn't raise your eyebrows..."

Yes, but only because I don't, personally, understand it. It would not then rationally follow that nobody understands it, or that it cannot be understood. In fact, the reasonable assumption would be to assume it can be understood, and that this understanding likely does not involve some extraordinary or new concept or claim.

And I don't think they looked like flares. they looked like planes to me. And, voila, that's exactly what they were.

the second event of lights that evening were indeed, flares.

the Phoenix lights were long ago explained. as in, literally days after they were witnessed. Don't you find it odd that this "faux mystery" is still presented as a mystery?
Oh, didn't hear that explanation for the lights, nor saw that they were indeed's a very odd formation for planes, but I certainly do not rule out planes. I was just going off of memory from the time (I think I was maybe 10), and all I remember is that they said they were flares, and even at ten I said the fuck they are. But still did not assume aliens. I kind of thought since then, they were military planes, testing some new surveillance tech and technique or something because of that very far apart but very consistent formation they were flying. I mean I take a bunch of friends out on my boat for the blue angles at the shore every year. They fly very precise, but not perfect....they're also much closer to me, and much closer together, and I'm also seeing them in person, not some 20 year old video. Anyway that's just the first example that I went to (looking for Halloween movies recently, theres one based on that event, made me think of it) too show something else eye raising, or sort of in the same category.

Which every once in a while those things come up. Like this apparent star system that's appears to be mostly covered by something we can't explain. Some suggest A Dyson sphere, or it could be some other natural event we just haven't thought of. Eye raising still.

Or a couple years back I read a story, from a reputable source, (I should try to find it, this story is in season now). But a mother from middle America somewhere, claimed her house was haunted and her kids were getting possessed. And (fuzzy on the details), but she either took them to a hospital, or got forced too, and the hospital thought with her claims that she was unfit parent with her mental health. Had a social worker there and a few nurses/staff who all apparently swear up and down they saw one of the kids walking sideways up a wall, talking in a way too deep voice and different language. And I guess the staff didn't want to go back to that floor the next few days and we're pretty freaked out, and pretty much told the mom we can't help you. Eye raising. True or not no clue. Bizarre shit, either a hoax that they were all in on (or the story was somehow fake and sources thought it was real), or maybe there is stuff like that out there. Thinking about it now the fake news part seems most likely, but 3 (or more) seeming strangers all being in on a hoax doesn't seem likely (especially since I don't think there was much publicity or money made off of it). I don't know how you'd fake walking up a wall in a hospital room you've never been too.
"Like this apparent star system that's appears to be mostly covered by something we can't explain. Some suggest A Dyson sphere, or it could be some other natural event we just haven't thought of. Eye raising still."

yes, it's fascinating, but even those suggesting the Dyson sphere admit it's a bit of a silly leap.

And I tune out of any story the moment "haunted" or "ghost" is mentioned. i don't buy any of that stuff for a second.
It is a silly leap. I don't think alien life is that silly of a leap, especially simple forms, and who the bleep knows when it comes to more advance forms. That doesn't mean I buy into the x files version. But I find it surprising that we're not able to explain this yet. I mean is it some mini, mostly consumed nebula around a very new star. That's my best explanation. I find it odd that this is apparently that rare of an event that we haven't encountered yet or even theoretically conceived yet. I mean we conceived black holes, and dark matter and energy before we even discovered strong evidence of those. And I get that it might not even be that rare, we just don't really see the light indicating "HEY THERES A STAR HERE," so just over look it.

Hmm, if I may go on an severely amateur astronomer tangent. And as I'm writing this I think I'm already remembering why this isn't the case...but what if there really isn't dark matter that's been causing this gravity we haven't been able to account for. What if it's these star systems that are covered by whatever it is covering that system, and we just haven't been picking it up on telescopes?
I'm one of those "the universe is teeming with life" folks.

I also watch Ancient Aliens and I know the truth!

There is nothing to explain so you are following along with the rest of us as a chorus. We have only been looking for a few years and intelligent life is very far away. Primitive life is what I believe we will find everywhere like at least once in every sun-like solar system at least. It takes a lot of energy to send a signal far into the universe so it has to be directed to make it very far and with our technology, it just costs too much and the return signal will arrive after we are dead.

Ancient civilizations appear to have God myths that can be interpreted as alien visitation, so we are not exactly without evidence. Even the Christian God could be an alien visitation.

I am also of the belief that intelligence is far from a positive selective evolutionary trait. We humans might turn out to be the shortest-lived species ever to appear on the earth.

"We humans might turn out to be the shortest-lived species ever to appear on the earth"

Nope, but the majority of "useless eaters" are being targeted and I hate to tell ya this, but you are considered to be one of them. God exists and so does satan and your beloved "leaders" are becoming more brazen about their faith.
You know nothing of actual science, but you are a dedicated and obedient Stalinist.
Ironically Stalin was a denier of evolution too. He supported Lamarck. I guess that makes you a Stalinist.

Lysenko, Comrade. Stalin would be a perfect advocate of AGW, his thugs completely ignored evidence and fact, favoring instead "consensus." Stalin ensured 95% of "scientists" agreed with Lysinkoism. (by butchering the rest - such is the way of the left)
You know nothing of actual science, but you are a dedicated and obedient Stalinist.
Ironically Stalin was a denier of evolution too. He supported Lamarck. I guess that makes you a Stalinist.

Lysenko, Comrade. Stalin would be a perfect advocate of AGW, his thugs completely ignored evidence and fact, favoring instead "consensus." Stalin ensured 95% of "scientists" agreed with Lysinkoism. (by butchering the rest - such is the way of the left)
As if who "likes" any scientific idea has any bearing on the truth of it... it doesn't get any dumber than this, folks.
You know nothing of actual science, but you are a dedicated and obedient Stalinist.
Ironically Stalin was a denier of evolution too. He supported Lamarck. I guess that makes you a Stalinist.

Lysenko, Comrade. Stalin would be a perfect advocate of AGW, his thugs completely ignored evidence and fact, favoring instead "consensus." Stalin ensured 95% of "scientists" agreed with Lysinkoism. (by butchering the rest - such is the way of the left)
As if who "likes" any scientific idea has any bearing on the truth of it... it doesn't get any dumber than this, folks.

Look retard; you have no grasp of the concepts you recite. You fuck up the names of those whom you cite due to the fact that you have no real grasp of what is going on. You advocate what you think promotes the party, You have no idea of the concepts involved.
You know nothing of actual science, but you are a dedicated and obedient Stalinist.
Ironically Stalin was a denier of evolution too. He supported Lamarck. I guess that makes you a Stalinist.

Lysenko, Comrade. Stalin would be a perfect advocate of AGW, his thugs completely ignored evidence and fact, favoring instead "consensus." Stalin ensured 95% of "scientists" agreed with Lysinkoism. (by butchering the rest - such is the way of the left)
As if who "likes" any scientific idea has any bearing on the truth of it... it doesn't get any dumber than this, folks.

Look retard; you have no grasp of the concepts you recite. You fuck up the names of those whom you cite due to the fact that you have no real grasp of what is going on. You advocate what you think promotes the party, You have no idea of the concepts involved.
haha, okay dummy.

I'm not the one who believes that just because there's a 90% consensus among scientists for a theoretical model that can't stand up to the data collected and still believe that it's correct... That would be someone like you. Most people would call that...

...Wait for it...




"I'm not the one who believes that just because there's a 90% consensus among scientists for a theoretical model that can't stand up to the data collected and still believe that it's correct... That would be someone like you."

That's not why I accept the dominant theories, not do i think they can all be called "facts". that's just you, being dishonest, as one would expect from a snake oil salesman. And you are also lying about accepted theories not standing up to the facts.... more embarrassing bullshit dogma that you have fooled yourself into believing is compelling.logic.

View attachment 153313

Yes! Yes! Seek out the witches and unbelievers so you can torture and sacrifice them on your almighty alter of scientific consensus! You don't care if the ice caps were supposed to be gone for... what?... a decade now?,,, You have consensus and the almighty power of the consensus must prevail!



"Seek out the witches and unbelievers so you can torture and sacrifice them on your almighty alter of scientific consensus! You don't care if the ice caps were supposed to be gone for... what?... a decade now?"

Let's unpack the stupidity here:

First of all, ya paranoid freak, nobody is suggesting anything of the sort. Stop trying to make yourself some sort of "martyr", when really you are just a cackling peddler of anti-scientific nonsense. Lending yourself faux martyr status doesn't suddenly make your bullshit, "true".

Secondly, not a single scientist claimed the ice caps would be gone by now, so your comment shows not only utter ignorance of the topic, but the fact that you know less than nothing about the topic. That's right, less than nothing. I.E., not only do you know nothing about the topic, the things you think you know are all wrong. Yes, you have net negative knowledge about the topic. In other words, a teacher would have to spend time simply correcting your dishonest, incorrect bullshit just to get you to the point where your knowledge of the topic is the same as an newborn baby. How embarrassing for you... and it's made even more embarrassing by your aggressiveness. "Aggressively stupid"... it's worse than stupid.


I may be a tad aggressive but I'm not the one being aggressive and abusive. As for the ice caps being gone...

...One of your ^^^high priests^^^ proclaimed in 2009 that the ice caps were supposed to be gone in five years. Now that would have been 2014 that all those polar bears would have no habitat and here we are almost four years later. Did I miss something about how that global warming theory magically divined all of this? Maybe if you manipulate the data 'just so' the next time it won't blow up in your face.



That's yet another shameless lie by you. He said the models predicted it as possible, which was accurate to say. One of these days, you cackling deniers are going to come to the realization that your own ignorance and misunderstanding of simple words and scientific topics is not everyone else's fault.


So now you're saying that the words of prophesy of global warming were misguided because your high priest was filling in the gaps with theological untruths. It would appear that the only ignorance here is your inability to believe that you can not sway the masses with your theology of global warming when the untruths of your dogma are uncovered. I'm sure that as you kneel to the great alter of scientific consensus one of these days you'll have a prophesy that might even come true... After all even a clock is right two times a day.


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"I'm not the one who believes that just because there's a 90% consensus among scientists for a theoretical model that can't stand up to the data collected and still believe that it's correct... That would be someone like you."

That's not why I accept the dominant theories, not do i think they can all be called "facts". that's just you, being dishonest, as one would expect from a snake oil salesman. And you are also lying about accepted theories not standing up to the facts.... more embarrassing bullshit dogma that you have fooled yourself into believing is compelling.logic.

View attachment 153313

Yes! Yes! Seek out the witches and unbelievers so you can torture and sacrifice them on your almighty alter of scientific consensus! You don't care if the ice caps were supposed to be gone for... what?... a decade now?,,, You have consensus and the almighty power of the consensus must prevail!



"Seek out the witches and unbelievers so you can torture and sacrifice them on your almighty alter of scientific consensus! You don't care if the ice caps were supposed to be gone for... what?... a decade now?"

Let's unpack the stupidity here:

First of all, ya paranoid freak, nobody is suggesting anything of the sort. Stop trying to make yourself some sort of "martyr", when really you are just a cackling peddler of anti-scientific nonsense. Lending yourself faux martyr status doesn't suddenly make your bullshit, "true".

Secondly, not a single scientist claimed the ice caps would be gone by now, so your comment shows not only utter ignorance of the topic, but the fact that you know less than nothing about the topic. That's right, less than nothing. I.E., not only do you know nothing about the topic, the things you think you know are all wrong. Yes, you have net negative knowledge about the topic. In other words, a teacher would have to spend time simply correcting your dishonest, incorrect bullshit just to get you to the point where your knowledge of the topic is the same as an newborn baby. How embarrassing for you... and it's made even more embarrassing by your aggressiveness. "Aggressively stupid"... it's worse than stupid.


I may be a tad aggressive but I'm not the one being aggressive and abusive. As for the ice caps being gone...

...One of your ^^^high priests^^^ proclaimed in 2009 that the ice caps were supposed to be gone in five years. Now that would have been 2014 that all those polar bears would have no habitat and here we are almost four years later. Did I miss something about how that global warming theory magically divined all of this? Maybe if you manipulate the data 'just so' the next time it won't blow up in your face.



That's yet another shameless lie by you. He said the models predicted it as possible, which was accurate to say. One of these days, you cackling deniers are going to come to the realization that your own ignorance and misunderstanding of simple words and scientific topics is not everyone else's fault.


So now you're saying that the words of prophesy were misguided because your high priest was filling in the gaps with theological untruths. It would appear that the only ignorance here is your inability to believe that you can not sway the masses with your theology of global warming when the untruths of your dogma are uncovered. I'm sure that as you kneel to the great alter of scientific consensus one of these days you'll have a prophesy that might even come true... After all even a clock is right two times a day.



"So now you're saying that the words of prophesy were misguided because your high priest was filling in the gaps with theological untruths. "

No, you shameless, embarrassing little liar, i said nothing like that. I said gore said that the models now predicted the possibility that the Northern sea ice could melt away completely at some point during the year by 2014. And saying so was accurate on his part, as this was an outlier in the models. Just take a hike, I have no use for your crazy or for your lies.
You know nothing of actual science, but you are a dedicated and obedient Stalinist.
Ironically Stalin was a denier of evolution too. He supported Lamarck. I guess that makes you a Stalinist.

Lysenko, Comrade. Stalin would be a perfect advocate of AGW, his thugs completely ignored evidence and fact, favoring instead "consensus." Stalin ensured 95% of "scientists" agreed with Lysinkoism. (by butchering the rest - such is the way of the left)
As if who "likes" any scientific idea has any bearing on the truth of it... it doesn't get any dumber than this, folks.
The point wasn't who likes, it was the similarity of methods of forcing things such as scientific consensus. Sure at different levels of force, but that was the point there.
View attachment 153313

Yes! Yes! Seek out the witches and unbelievers so you can torture and sacrifice them on your almighty alter of scientific consensus! You don't care if the ice caps were supposed to be gone for... what?... a decade now?,,, You have consensus and the almighty power of the consensus must prevail!



"Seek out the witches and unbelievers so you can torture and sacrifice them on your almighty alter of scientific consensus! You don't care if the ice caps were supposed to be gone for... what?... a decade now?"

Let's unpack the stupidity here:

First of all, ya paranoid freak, nobody is suggesting anything of the sort. Stop trying to make yourself some sort of "martyr", when really you are just a cackling peddler of anti-scientific nonsense. Lending yourself faux martyr status doesn't suddenly make your bullshit, "true".

Secondly, not a single scientist claimed the ice caps would be gone by now, so your comment shows not only utter ignorance of the topic, but the fact that you know less than nothing about the topic. That's right, less than nothing. I.E., not only do you know nothing about the topic, the things you think you know are all wrong. Yes, you have net negative knowledge about the topic. In other words, a teacher would have to spend time simply correcting your dishonest, incorrect bullshit just to get you to the point where your knowledge of the topic is the same as an newborn baby. How embarrassing for you... and it's made even more embarrassing by your aggressiveness. "Aggressively stupid"... it's worse than stupid.


I may be a tad aggressive but I'm not the one being aggressive and abusive. As for the ice caps being gone...

...One of your ^^^high priests^^^ proclaimed in 2009 that the ice caps were supposed to be gone in five years. Now that would have been 2014 that all those polar bears would have no habitat and here we are almost four years later. Did I miss something about how that global warming theory magically divined all of this? Maybe if you manipulate the data 'just so' the next time it won't blow up in your face.



That's yet another shameless lie by you. He said the models predicted it as possible, which was accurate to say. One of these days, you cackling deniers are going to come to the realization that your own ignorance and misunderstanding of simple words and scientific topics is not everyone else's fault.


So now you're saying that the words of prophesy were misguided because your high priest was filling in the gaps with theological untruths. It would appear that the only ignorance here is your inability to believe that you can not sway the masses with your theology of global warming when the untruths of your dogma are uncovered. I'm sure that as you kneel to the great alter of scientific consensus one of these days you'll have a prophesy that might even come true... After all even a clock is right two times a day.



"So now you're saying that the words of prophesy were misguided because your high priest was filling in the gaps with theological untruths. "

No, you shameless, embarrassing little liar, i said nothing like that. I said gore said that the models now predicted the possibility that the Northern sea ice could melt away completely at some point during the year by 2014. And saying so was accurate on his part, as this was an outlier in the models. Just take a hike, I have no use for your crazy or for your lies.

And knowing what we "know" now...that doesn't seem like a scare tactic to you? How is it we have such a different model predicting this same event at soonest 50 years away...only 10 years later?
You know nothing of actual science, but you are a dedicated and obedient Stalinist.
Ironically Stalin was a denier of evolution too. He supported Lamarck. I guess that makes you a Stalinist.

Lysenko, Comrade. Stalin would be a perfect advocate of AGW, his thugs completely ignored evidence and fact, favoring instead "consensus." Stalin ensured 95% of "scientists" agreed with Lysinkoism. (by butchering the rest - such is the way of the left)
As if who "likes" any scientific idea has any bearing on the truth of it... it doesn't get any dumber than this, folks.
The point wasn't who likes, it was the similarity of methods of forcing things such as scientific consensus. Sure at different levels of force, but that was the point there.
"it was the similarity of methods of forcing things such as scientific consensus. "

And how is this relevant to the scientific consensus on, say, evolution? the data says what it says. No, I reject your rhetoric as simply a way for anyone to deny any scientific consensus at any time, as you do not qualify it nor tie it to any of today's accepted scientific theories.
"Seek out the witches and unbelievers so you can torture and sacrifice them on your almighty alter of scientific consensus! You don't care if the ice caps were supposed to be gone for... what?... a decade now?"

Let's unpack the stupidity here:

First of all, ya paranoid freak, nobody is suggesting anything of the sort. Stop trying to make yourself some sort of "martyr", when really you are just a cackling peddler of anti-scientific nonsense. Lending yourself faux martyr status doesn't suddenly make your bullshit, "true".

Secondly, not a single scientist claimed the ice caps would be gone by now, so your comment shows not only utter ignorance of the topic, but the fact that you know less than nothing about the topic. That's right, less than nothing. I.E., not only do you know nothing about the topic, the things you think you know are all wrong. Yes, you have net negative knowledge about the topic. In other words, a teacher would have to spend time simply correcting your dishonest, incorrect bullshit just to get you to the point where your knowledge of the topic is the same as an newborn baby. How embarrassing for you... and it's made even more embarrassing by your aggressiveness. "Aggressively stupid"... it's worse than stupid.


I may be a tad aggressive but I'm not the one being aggressive and abusive. As for the ice caps being gone...

...One of your ^^^high priests^^^ proclaimed in 2009 that the ice caps were supposed to be gone in five years. Now that would have been 2014 that all those polar bears would have no habitat and here we are almost four years later. Did I miss something about how that global warming theory magically divined all of this? Maybe if you manipulate the data 'just so' the next time it won't blow up in your face.



That's yet another shameless lie by you. He said the models predicted it as possible, which was accurate to say. One of these days, you cackling deniers are going to come to the realization that your own ignorance and misunderstanding of simple words and scientific topics is not everyone else's fault.


So now you're saying that the words of prophesy were misguided because your high priest was filling in the gaps with theological untruths. It would appear that the only ignorance here is your inability to believe that you can not sway the masses with your theology of global warming when the untruths of your dogma are uncovered. I'm sure that as you kneel to the great alter of scientific consensus one of these days you'll have a prophesy that might even come true... After all even a clock is right two times a day.



"So now you're saying that the words of prophesy were misguided because your high priest was filling in the gaps with theological untruths. "

No, you shameless, embarrassing little liar, i said nothing like that. I said gore said that the models now predicted the possibility that the Northern sea ice could melt away completely at some point during the year by 2014. And saying so was accurate on his part, as this was an outlier in the models. Just take a hike, I have no use for your crazy or for your lies.

And knowing what we "know" now...that doesn't seem like a scare tactic to you? How is it we have such a different model predicting this same event at soonest 50 years away...only 10 years later?

" How is it we have such a different model predicting this same event at soonest 50 years away...only 10 years later?"

Simple... by gathering more data, given the benefit of time. Just as the part of a model of a hurricane's path over a location in the middle of the model becomes more narrow and accurate, as the hurricane approaches. How can you not puzzle this out for yourself?
Not necessarily incompatible as the combatants make it out to be. In the years since Darwin, science has realized that "evolution" didn't muddle along at a snail's pace all the time. With all adaptations being based on survival. If that were true -- everything on the planet would have BIG TEETH and the ability to kill it's competition.

NOW we know that DNA is the key. And that expression of genes or the sequence of CATG is what moves evolution along. And we also know that is affected by cosmic rays, enviro stress, chemical exposure and rapid changes in climate. ALL of those things can be looked at by State Farm or Farmers as legal "acts of God". And during these periods, evolution moves quite quickly. Just as it does in the lab when you irradiate a jar of fruit flies.

It's NOT the Darwinian view anymore. It's a LOT more nuanced. And it allows for accelerated evolution where nobody should be expected to dig up a lot of "missing links". Because possibly -- there are none.
"Not necessarily incompatible"

Of course not! Agreed wholeheartedly. One can point at anything, and say, "God did that!" Okay, fine.

If the natural living landscape is transformed in a relatively brief period (evolutionary wise), which is documented several times in the fossil record -- it kinda, sorta, almost starts looking like a cosmic ray storm or violent event is indeed an "act of God". That's what the insurance companies call it --- RIGHT?

Point is, the tree of life didn't "plod along" at a constant rate of growth and diversity.

Besides, if you look at the story of Creation in Genesis, it's REALLY NOT that far off from the researchsy, sciency version of events. How did they get that far before science began?
"If the natural living landscape is transformed in a relatively brief period (evolutionary wise)"

Nonsensical statement. "Evolutionary wise" can mean many things, depending on one's view of graduation and punctuation, and the overlap. You are selling snake oil, friend. You picked the wrong mark this time. And it's misleading, in that even those pushing punctuated evolution admit gradualism.

No, it does not "almost" look like an "act of God". Bullshit. That's you trying to cram magical nonsense in the gaps of our understanding. Same bullshit for 1000s of years. Nor do the examples of phyletic gradualism rule out an act of God. You are simply taking an overlay of magical bullshit and laying it on top of a scientific theory.

Yes, the story of Genesis, as it relates to human origin, is far off; as in, as far off as it gets. No, our genetic "Adan and Eve" did not meet. We know this. It is clearly 100% wrong .

I think what flacaltenn was referring to in genesis is the actual creation story of the heavens, earth and life. Which actually is not far off considering all the other creation stories from the thousands of other religions out there. This one came from a time where they didn't comprehend the earth was a sphere, or that the sun was a star, or what an actual star was. They didn't understand the concept of gravity, what blood did, what lightning was. No concept of energy, or matter, or disease was caused by microbes, or that microbes even existed, or that light has a speed. Schools didn't even exist, and they didn't even have the language or terms for half the shit I'm talking about. So that being considered, how close they got it does raise eyebrows, at least for me. Now you could say even a blind squirrel to that, absolutely. It doesn't prove anything one way or the other. I mean if a God was going to contact people, THESE PEOPLE, who thought the warm ball of light in the sky was spinning around THEM...and explain to them how of all this came about, to people who''d scratch their head at the basic concept of we'll do you think they'd comprehend and explain that story to others? I mean they described a great void, then a burst of existence, then light, then a formation of heavens and earth, then a geo forming on earth with lands and sea, then plants, then fish, then animals, then humans (I think, I'm just going off of memory, haven't practiced since I was a kid). I mean try to explain what we know now to a five year old, and see how well they can recite it to 5 others, then see how those 5 explain it could sound something a lot like that. Again you could say even a blind squirrel absolutely...but it is something that I, and I'm sure others find interesting.

I mean I find the Phoenix lights interesting. that doesn't mean I think aliens are among us and infiltrating government and abducting people and stuff. But that shit did not look like flares to me. I don't know what it was, could've been some government secret project or something, but if that doesn't raise your eyebrows...

And like it or not, there a still tons of questions that have our greatest minds scratching their heads, even when it comes to existence and life. Like the jump from non life to life, then the jump from prokaryotic life to eukaryotic life (which might even be more statistically rare than life to non life), and the jump of the mammal to human brain, which is a pretty significant jump compared to the rest of the field. To say that science has completely disproven god is ridiculous. If there is one, it's certainly outside of our realm of existence...since it created it, which includes our current and probably future reach of science. I also don't think you can prove god.
Oh, I agree there is much we do not yet know about evolution, and the universe in general. To know it, it would be helpful for all of these people trying to stuff god into these gaps in our knowledge to stay the fk out of the way. ;)

"but if that doesn't raise your eyebrows..."

Yes, but only because I don't, personally, understand it. It would not then rationally follow that nobody understands it, or that it cannot be understood. In fact, the reasonable assumption would be to assume it can be understood, and that this understanding likely does not involve some extraordinary or new concept or claim.

And I don't think they looked like flares. they looked like planes to me. And, voila, that's exactly what they were.

the second event of lights that evening were indeed, flares.

the Phoenix lights were long ago explained. as in, literally days after they were witnessed. Don't you find it odd that this "faux mystery" is still presented as a mystery?


The problem with your understanding here is that I'm not attempting to stuff God into any gaps.


Oh, I agree there is much we do not yet know about evolution, and the universe in general. To know it, it would be helpful for all of these people trying to stuff god into these gaps in our knowledge to stay the fk out of the way. ;)

"but if that doesn't raise your eyebrows..."

Yes, but only because I don't, personally, understand it. It would not then rationally follow that nobody understands it, or that it cannot be understood. In fact, the reasonable assumption would be to assume it can be understood, and that this understanding likely does not involve some extraordinary or new concept or claim.

And I don't think they looked like flares. they looked like planes to me. And, voila, that's exactly what they were.

the second event of lights that evening were indeed, flares.

the Phoenix lights were long ago explained. as in, literally days after they were witnessed. Don't you find it odd that this "faux mystery" is still presented as a mystery?
Oh, didn't hear that explanation for the lights, nor saw that they were indeed's a very odd formation for planes, but I certainly do not rule out planes. I was just going off of memory from the time (I think I was maybe 10), and all I remember is that they said they were flares, and even at ten I said the fuck they are. But still did not assume aliens. I kind of thought since then, they were military planes, testing some new surveillance tech and technique or something because of that very far apart but very consistent formation they were flying. I mean I take a bunch of friends out on my boat for the blue angles at the shore every year. They fly very precise, but not perfect....they're also much closer to me, and much closer together, and I'm also seeing them in person, not some 20 year old video. Anyway that's just the first example that I went to (looking for Halloween movies recently, theres one based on that event, made me think of it) too show something else eye raising, or sort of in the same category.

Which every once in a while those things come up. Like this apparent star system that's appears to be mostly covered by something we can't explain. Some suggest A Dyson sphere, or it could be some other natural event we just haven't thought of. Eye raising still.

Or a couple years back I read a story, from a reputable source, (I should try to find it, this story is in season now). But a mother from middle America somewhere, claimed her house was haunted and her kids were getting possessed. And (fuzzy on the details), but she either took them to a hospital, or got forced too, and the hospital thought with her claims that she was unfit parent with her mental health. Had a social worker there and a few nurses/staff who all apparently swear up and down they saw one of the kids walking sideways up a wall, talking in a way too deep voice and different language. And I guess the staff didn't want to go back to that floor the next few days and we're pretty freaked out, and pretty much told the mom we can't help you. Eye raising. True or not no clue. Bizarre shit, either a hoax that they were all in on (or the story was somehow fake and sources thought it was real), or maybe there is stuff like that out there. Thinking about it now the fake news part seems most likely, but 3 (or more) seeming strangers all being in on a hoax doesn't seem likely (especially since I don't think there was much publicity or money made off of it). I don't know how you'd fake walking up a wall in a hospital room you've never been too.
"Like this apparent star system that's appears to be mostly covered by something we can't explain. Some suggest A Dyson sphere, or it could be some other natural event we just haven't thought of. Eye raising still."

yes, it's fascinating, but even those suggesting the Dyson sphere admit it's a bit of a silly leap.

And I tune out of any story the moment "haunted" or "ghost" is mentioned. i don't buy any of that stuff for a second.
It is a silly leap. I don't think alien life is that silly of a leap, especially simple forms, and who the bleep knows when it comes to more advance forms. That doesn't mean I buy into the x files version. But I find it surprising that we're not able to explain this yet. I mean is it some mini, mostly consumed nebula around a very new star. That's my best explanation. I find it odd that this is apparently that rare of an event that we haven't encountered yet or even theoretically conceived yet. I mean we conceived black holes, and dark matter and energy before we even discovered strong evidence of those. And I get that it might not even be that rare, we just don't really see the light indicating "HEY THERES A STAR HERE," so just over look it.

Hmm, if I may go on an severely amateur astronomer tangent. And as I'm writing this I think I'm already remembering why this isn't the case...but what if there really isn't dark matter that's been causing this gravity we haven't been able to account for. What if it's these star systems that are covered by whatever it is covering that system, and we just haven't been picking it up on telescopes?
I'm one of those "the universe is teeming with life" folks.

I also watch Ancient Aliens and I know the truth!

There is nothing to explain so you are following along with the rest of us as a chorus. We have only been looking for a few years and intelligent life is very far away. Primitive life is what I believe we will find everywhere like at least once in every sun-like solar system at least. It takes a lot of energy to send a signal far into the universe so it has to be directed to make it very far and with our technology, it just costs too much and the return signal will arrive after we are dead.

Ancient civilizations appear to have God myths that can be interpreted as alien visitation, so we are not exactly without evidence. Even the Christian God could be an alien visitation.

I am also of the belief that intelligence is far from a positive selective evolutionary trait. We humans might turn out to be the shortest-lived species ever to appear on the earth.

"We humans might turn out to be the shortest-lived species ever to appear on the earth"

Nope, but the majority of "useless eaters" are being targeted and I hate to tell ya this, but you are considered to be one of them. God exists and so does satan and your beloved "leaders" are becoming more brazen about their faith.
Your God gives us free will to destroy ourselves. The last time he came to save you, you murdered him by choosing Barabbas, so I doubt he cares about this world any longer. You wonder why he broke his promise to come back soon? Thar ya go, Hoss. You voting for the heathen trump does not help your case. Hillary was the true Christian. You know it and so do I.

Since God is a Democrat, he will be fine with me. No hypocrisy. He also loves evolution.
"Not necessarily incompatible"

Of course not! Agreed wholeheartedly. One can point at anything, and say, "God did that!" Okay, fine.

If the natural living landscape is transformed in a relatively brief period (evolutionary wise), which is documented several times in the fossil record -- it kinda, sorta, almost starts looking like a cosmic ray storm or violent event is indeed an "act of God". That's what the insurance companies call it --- RIGHT?

Point is, the tree of life didn't "plod along" at a constant rate of growth and diversity.

Besides, if you look at the story of Creation in Genesis, it's REALLY NOT that far off from the researchsy, sciency version of events. How did they get that far before science began?
"If the natural living landscape is transformed in a relatively brief period (evolutionary wise)"

Nonsensical statement. "Evolutionary wise" can mean many things, depending on one's view of graduation and punctuation, and the overlap. You are selling snake oil, friend. You picked the wrong mark this time. And it's misleading, in that even those pushing punctuated evolution admit gradualism.

No, it does not "almost" look like an "act of God". Bullshit. That's you trying to cram magical nonsense in the gaps of our understanding. Same bullshit for 1000s of years. Nor do the examples of phyletic gradualism rule out an act of God. You are simply taking an overlay of magical bullshit and laying it on top of a scientific theory.

Yes, the story of Genesis, as it relates to human origin, is far off; as in, as far off as it gets. No, our genetic "Adan and Eve" did not meet. We know this. It is clearly 100% wrong .

I think what flacaltenn was referring to in genesis is the actual creation story of the heavens, earth and life. Which actually is not far off considering all the other creation stories from the thousands of other religions out there. This one came from a time where they didn't comprehend the earth was a sphere, or that the sun was a star, or what an actual star was. They didn't understand the concept of gravity, what blood did, what lightning was. No concept of energy, or matter, or disease was caused by microbes, or that microbes even existed, or that light has a speed. Schools didn't even exist, and they didn't even have the language or terms for half the shit I'm talking about. So that being considered, how close they got it does raise eyebrows, at least for me. Now you could say even a blind squirrel to that, absolutely. It doesn't prove anything one way or the other. I mean if a God was going to contact people, THESE PEOPLE, who thought the warm ball of light in the sky was spinning around THEM...and explain to them how of all this came about, to people who''d scratch their head at the basic concept of we'll do you think they'd comprehend and explain that story to others? I mean they described a great void, then a burst of existence, then light, then a formation of heavens and earth, then a geo forming on earth with lands and sea, then plants, then fish, then animals, then humans (I think, I'm just going off of memory, haven't practiced since I was a kid). I mean try to explain what we know now to a five year old, and see how well they can recite it to 5 others, then see how those 5 explain it could sound something a lot like that. Again you could say even a blind squirrel absolutely...but it is something that I, and I'm sure others find interesting.

I mean I find the Phoenix lights interesting. that doesn't mean I think aliens are among us and infiltrating government and abducting people and stuff. But that shit did not look like flares to me. I don't know what it was, could've been some government secret project or something, but if that doesn't raise your eyebrows...

And like it or not, there a still tons of questions that have our greatest minds scratching their heads, even when it comes to existence and life. Like the jump from non life to life, then the jump from prokaryotic life to eukaryotic life (which might even be more statistically rare than life to non life), and the jump of the mammal to human brain, which is a pretty significant jump compared to the rest of the field. To say that science has completely disproven god is ridiculous. If there is one, it's certainly outside of our realm of existence...since it created it, which includes our current and probably future reach of science. I also don't think you can prove god.
Oh, I agree there is much we do not yet know about evolution, and the universe in general. To know it, it would be helpful for all of these people trying to stuff god into these gaps in our knowledge to stay the fk out of the way. ;)

"but if that doesn't raise your eyebrows..."

Yes, but only because I don't, personally, understand it. It would not then rationally follow that nobody understands it, or that it cannot be understood. In fact, the reasonable assumption would be to assume it can be understood, and that this understanding likely does not involve some extraordinary or new concept or claim.

And I don't think they looked like flares. they looked like planes to me. And, voila, that's exactly what they were.

the second event of lights that evening were indeed, flares.

the Phoenix lights were long ago explained. as in, literally days after they were witnessed. Don't you find it odd that this "faux mystery" is still presented as a mystery?


The problem with your understanding here is that I'm not attempting to stuff God into any gaps.



Ok, good. I will hold you to that.
But "transitional fossils" (a somewhat nonsensical term) satisfying any silly or arbitrary constraint handed down by any know-nothing hack have still been found. That should clue them in as to how wrong they are.... even when their goofy conditions are granted, they are still wrong, in the end....

So what you're saying is that you want to 'fill in the gaps' without irrefutable proof.



I may be a tad aggressive but I'm not the one being aggressive and abusive. As for the ice caps being gone...

...One of your ^^^high priests^^^ proclaimed in 2009 that the ice caps were supposed to be gone in five years. Now that would have been 2014 that all those polar bears would have no habitat and here we are almost four years later. Did I miss something about how that global warming theory magically divined all of this? Maybe if you manipulate the data 'just so' the next time it won't blow up in your face.



That's yet another shameless lie by you. He said the models predicted it as possible, which was accurate to say. One of these days, you cackling deniers are going to come to the realization that your own ignorance and misunderstanding of simple words and scientific topics is not everyone else's fault.


So now you're saying that the words of prophesy were misguided because your high priest was filling in the gaps with theological untruths. It would appear that the only ignorance here is your inability to believe that you can not sway the masses with your theology of global warming when the untruths of your dogma are uncovered. I'm sure that as you kneel to the great alter of scientific consensus one of these days you'll have a prophesy that might even come true... After all even a clock is right two times a day.



"So now you're saying that the words of prophesy were misguided because your high priest was filling in the gaps with theological untruths. "

No, you shameless, embarrassing little liar, i said nothing like that. I said gore said that the models now predicted the possibility that the Northern sea ice could melt away completely at some point during the year by 2014. And saying so was accurate on his part, as this was an outlier in the models. Just take a hike, I have no use for your crazy or for your lies.

And knowing what we "know" now...that doesn't seem like a scare tactic to you? How is it we have such a different model predicting this same event at soonest 50 years away...only 10 years later?

" How is it we have such a different model predicting this same event at soonest 50 years away...only 10 years later?"

Simple... by gathering more data, given the benefit of time. Just as the part of a model of a hurricane's path over a location in the middle of the model becomes more narrow and accurate, as the hurricane approaches. How can you not puzzle this out for yourself?

A. How much is the current model going to be off as the hurricane approaches closer and it going to get further and further, it did make a pretty drastic change in only 10 years? And 50 years is the most aggressive model.
B. Predicting Hurricanes are not at all the same as predicting climate change...not even close. With the data we've been compiling and have compiled over the past we'll say even 50 years. If it was similar to predicting a hurricanes path, certainly with 50 years of data we should've had a vastly better idea of the "path" of climate change.
C. A simpler explanation is that it was a scare tactic, which seems to work well in a world with such a short term memory, and a constant imminent "threat" from terror, tragedy, war, and violence.

You sound a lot like an excuse maker, more than someone whose honestly curious. If that wasn't a scare tactic, I don't know what is.

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