People are actually fleeing to Canada, and Canada is overwhelmed


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Refugees Entering Canada From US Border States Surge

Number of refugees entering Canadian provinces of Quebec and Manitoba through U.S. surged in the last two months compared to the same time last year, according to local reports Monday. Both the provinces border U.S. states of North Dakota, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

Not only this, latest figures from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada showed 2,281 refugee claims were made between Jan.1 and Feb. 21, this year. However, 1,803 asylum claims were made last year for the same time...

..Jean-Pierre Fortin, president of the Customs and Immigration Union, which represents Canada’s border officers, said on March 2 that a special force should be deployed to patrol the parts of Canadian border that are currently not guard in a bid to control the refugee surge.

Fortin noted that Canada’s border patrol is not equipped to get hold of everyone who enters the country illegally...

Canada can't even handle a few thousand illegal immigrants? Isn't that how many illegals enter America every day?
Canada can take all the liberals who move there to protest Trump. Good riddens.
Republicans are actually proud that people are fleeing political persecution in the USA. They're Stalinist, and they want everyone to know it.
Republicans are actually proud that people are fleeing political persecution in the USA. They're Stalinist, and they want everyone to know it.
I'm proud they're fleeing personal responsibility and accountability. You want anarchy and free stuff from your neighbor. Good riddance.
They should make a new version of the movie Casablanca, with Rick's Cafe in Quebec somewhere, and all the desperate Americans looking for a visa so they can escape to France.
Refugees Entering Canada From US Border States Surge

Number of refugees entering Canadian provinces of Quebec and Manitoba through U.S. surged in the last two months compared to the same time last year, according to local reports Monday. Both the provinces border U.S. states of North Dakota, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

Not only this, latest figures from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada showed 2,281 refugee claims were made between Jan.1 and Feb. 21, this year. However, 1,803 asylum claims were made last year for the same time...

..Jean-Pierre Fortin, president of the Customs and Immigration Union, which represents Canada’s border officers, said on March 2 that a special force should be deployed to patrol the parts of Canadian border that are currently not guard in a bid to control the refugee surge.

Fortin noted that Canada’s border patrol is not equipped to get hold of everyone who enters the country illegally...

Canada can't even handle a few thousand illegal immigrants? Isn't that how many illegals enter America every day?

Control it? I thought only bad racist Americans thought refugees were a problem...
Refugees Entering Canada From US Border States Surge

Number of refugees entering Canadian provinces of Quebec and Manitoba through U.S. surged in the last two months compared to the same time last year, according to local reports Monday. Both the provinces border U.S. states of North Dakota, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

Not only this, latest figures from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada showed 2,281 refugee claims were made between Jan.1 and Feb. 21, this year. However, 1,803 asylum claims were made last year for the same time...

..Jean-Pierre Fortin, president of the Customs and Immigration Union, which represents Canada’s border officers, said on March 2 that a special force should be deployed to patrol the parts of Canadian border that are currently not guard in a bid to control the refugee surge.

Fortin noted that Canada’s border patrol is not equipped to get hold of everyone who enters the country illegally...

Canada can't even handle a few thousand illegal immigrants? Isn't that how many illegals enter America every day?

Control it? I thought only bad racist Americans thought refugees were a problem...

Canada Denies Refugee Status to Black Man Who Said He Was Fleeing US Police Brutality | VICE News

Apparently, Canada only lets in Arab Muslim "refugees."
If everything is going to blow up then I still feel safe here in the Rocky Mountains.

That's cold enough and the snow is deep enough.

Canada would be way too cold and the snow way too deep.
If canada wasnt so damn cold it would be a great place to live. I almost became a citizen in my early 20's

No, you didn't; you never had even a remote chance of immigrating to Canada. They have fairly stringent requirements and they enforce them.

But I'm not surprised racists like yourself turn around and choose white western countries to run to and wouldn't be caught dead immigrating to black or brown ones, like all the other fakes and phonies who babble about 'diversity n stuff'. they also pick Canada or New Zealand or Europe, too. lollerz what a bunch of losers.
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Refugees Entering Canada From US Border States Surge

Number of refugees entering Canadian provinces of Quebec and Manitoba through U.S. surged in the last two months compared to the same time last year, according to local reports Monday. Both the provinces border U.S. states of North Dakota, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

Not only this, latest figures from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada showed 2,281 refugee claims were made between Jan.1 and Feb. 21, this year. However, 1,803 asylum claims were made last year for the same time...

..Jean-Pierre Fortin, president of the Customs and Immigration Union, which represents Canada’s border officers, said on March 2 that a special force should be deployed to patrol the parts of Canadian border that are currently not guard in a bid to control the refugee surge.

Fortin noted that Canada’s border patrol is not equipped to get hold of everyone who enters the country illegally...

Canada can't even handle a few thousand illegal immigrants? Isn't that how many illegals enter America every day?

Control it? I thought only bad racist Americans thought refugees were a problem...

Canada Denies Refugee Status to Black Man Who Said He Was Fleeing US Police Brutality | VICE News

Apparently, Canada only lets in Arab Muslim "refugees."

It isn't called the Great White North because of the snow. Another weird fact about a country that loves to brag about itself and how liberal n stuff it supposedly is compared to rayciss Amurka is how frigging tiny its hispanic community is, in a hemisphere where hispanics are a huge demographic. lol yeah right, they're 'welcoming' and embrace diversity' ... sure ... sure they do ...
Republicans are actually proud that people are fleeing political persecution in the USA. They're Stalinist, and they want everyone to know it.

Need help getting out yourself?

Maybe we can get up a GoFundMe page for all the assorted deviants and gimps here who want to leave; they can choose South American or African countries, or India. No white countries, since that would be rayciss n stuff.
Life long racists enjoy calling other people racists. Why is that?

Don't know why you're that way. Maybe your parents can afford to send you to a shrink. Why do you think all the famous and noteworthy bourgois 'progressives' bloviating about leaving 'Cuz ... TRUMP!!! overwhelmingly pick white countries to run to?

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