People Acting Crazy Because of Full Moon?


Silver Member
Feb 4, 2017
I work with the public. I have often thought that the incidents of crazy behavior jump during the 3 days of the full moon (the calendar full moon and the day before and after). The literature says no. Dear Science: Does a full moon really change human behavior?

However, there is also anecdotal evidence that police have more calls during a full moon, but these studies do not seem to be widely accepted among those who demand strict scientific method.

These days I mark the full moon on my calendar, so I am probably predisposed to find Crazy around these times. But for years I did not do this. Many, many, many times when things got really crazy (not in volume but in dealing with angry, irrational people) I would joke that there must be a full moon. 9 times out of 10, when I checked, it was, in fact, a full moon period. I did this completely without knowledge of when the full moon actually occurred. It was uncanny. When the crazies started driving me nuts I would check online for the moon phase and sure enough, it would usually be a full moon.

I tend to accept science over mere coincidence. But it is odd how crazy and full moons coincide. There is a full moon this Saturday (2/11). So tomorrow the crazy could really ramp up. It has already been ramping up this week with some unusual things occurring, usually involving stupidity and irrational adults.

So the dilemma: do I accept that there is no scientific evidence of this and ignore anecdotal evidence and historical perceptions and beliefs? There is a reason that crazies have been referred to as "lunatics" in the past. Is history incorrect, or is there really something to this? Maybe all the idiots stay out all night staring at the bright shiny thing in the sky, then the lack of sleep makes them all tuckered out and grumpy the next day. Who knows.

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