Pentagon’s Strategy Won’t Rule Out Nuclear Use Against Non-Nuclear Threats


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
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What do you think of this? Do you think this is acceptable or not?

As far as myself is concerned, I find it unacceptable.
well yes skye, that's why we've>>>>




It just recognizes that there are other WMD threats besides nukes. Certain biological or even chemical weapons could conceivably kill more people than a nuke, that kind of attack would be grounds for a nuclear retaliation.

That has pretty much always been the posture AFAIK, I think Biden was just babbling again...
It was always stupid policy to unilaterally declare you will let your enemies fire off the first shot.

Given the spread of both nukes and bio-weapons to the likes of Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan, it not a matter of if those will be used but when. Hiding under your beds channeling Jane Fonda won't do shit to protect you.
As far as myself is concerned, I find it unacceptable.
Its always been US war doctrine, neither the Soviets or the Russian Federation ever adopted a similar doctrine, the US is the only nuclear power to refuse to sign on to the pledge of only in response to a nuke attack!
What do you think of this? Do you think this is acceptable or not?

I think the US government has become as erratic and dangerous as Joe Biden. Biden isn't the problem, he is just the latest symptom. All they are about is ensuring their own protection and survival and the little people are just in the way. Pay your fucking taxes, and just STFU. Now you see why they just HAD to get Trump out of there, he was messing up their entire game.
Years ago MSN's Tony Capaccio would have faced a visit from the FBI but today it seems that the concept of nuclear war is he left's new political agenda.
What do you think of this? Do you think this is acceptable or not?

I imagine they would only do it in some niche situation. They can already hit any target they want in a non nuclear nation, so a nuke isnt required (unless we want the world pissed off at us), but im sure you could come up with some weird scenario where only a nuke would work, buts its super unlikely that scenario would ever happen.
This can give an idea...

Nuclear Arsenals Around the World Comparing the stockpiles among declared and undeclared nuclear states

I imagine they would only do it in some niche situation. They can already hit any target they want in a non nuclear nation, so a nuke isnt required (unless we want the world pissed off at us), but im sure you could come up with some weird scenario where only a nuke would work, buts its super unlikely that scenario would ever happen.

I know what you mean but I believe they are itching for another world war!:(

Anything will do.
I know what you mean but I believe they are itching for another world war!:(

Anything will do.
Dont worry about WW3. If Russia has the balls to launch a nuke, i fucking promise you that no nuclear nation on Earth will retaliate with nukes. Why would we? It sucks that Ukraine gets nuked, but what is in it for us, other than our cities getting nuked too? No fucking way is anyone going to trade cities over Ukraine, or any other country for that matter. We will embargo Russia and sanction them, sure, but we arent doing WW3.
What do you think of this? Do you think this is acceptable or not?

The correct term is "Weapon of Mass Destruction". And includes not just nukes, but chemical and biological weapons as well.

The doctrine of the US for over a century has been to "respond in kind" of any use of such a weapon against its people or forces that are attacked with such a weapon. And this is absolutely nothing new, and why no such weapons were used in Europe in WWII. All nations involved had a similar policy, so nobody used them.

And the US dismantled its chemical and biological weapons programs decades ago, therefore the only thing they can use to respond to a chemical or biological attack is a nuke.

Would you be happier if we restarted our biological and chemical weapon programs, so we could respond with one of those instead?
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