Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced For 28 Years For Selling Kids to the Prison System


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
I've been following this story for quite some time. It was really something else..a collusion between the justice system and a private firm to make cash by jailing kids. Disgusting.

In any case..looks like justice was served!

Mark Ciavarella Jr, a 61-year old former judge in Pennsylvania, has been sentenced to nearly 30 years in prison for literally selling young juveniles for cash. He was convicted of accepting money in exchange for incarcerating thousands of adults and children into a prison facility owned by a developer who was paying him under the table. The kickbacks amounted to more than $1 million.
Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced For 28 Years For Selling Kids to the Prison System
There was a Law and Order: SVU episode about this same thing - the judge accepted money to send kids guilty of very minor crimes to prison.

The judge got what he deserved.
There was a Law and Order: SVU episode about this same thing - the judge accepted money to send kids guilty of very minor crimes to prison.

The judge got what he deserved.

In my opinion he's getting off too easy. He ruined the lives of hundreds of children and their families. Many of those kids committed NO crimes at all.

This is exactly WHY for profit-prisons are evil incarnate.

It totally amazes me that people (typically rightests who claim to fear governments) typically LIKE the idea for profit prisons

What happened to the corporate executives who bribed this judge?

What happened to the corporations that run these prisons?

May they all rot in prison for the rest of their lives and then burn in hell after that.
This is exactly WHY for profit-prisons are evil incarnate.
I hear you, but many people profit off of public prisons too - union officials, wardens, contractors, etc. And wouldn't they be just as eager to push a judge into filling up the prisons?

Anyway, what this judge did was horrible.
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I've been following this story for quite some time. It was really something else..a collusion between the justice system and a private firm to make cash by jailing kids. Disgusting.

In any case..looks like justice was served!

Unfortunately not without casualties first. One kid who got wrongly sent to prison by this judge ended up committing suicide.
I've been following this story for quite some time. It was really something else..a collusion between the justice system and a private firm to make cash by jailing kids. Disgusting.

In any case..looks like justice was served!

Mark Ciavarella Jr, a 61-year old former judge in Pennsylvania, has been sentenced to nearly 30 years in prison for literally selling young juveniles for cash. He was convicted of accepting money in exchange for incarcerating thousands of adults and children into a prison facility owned by a developer who was paying him under the table. The kickbacks amounted to more than $1 million.
Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced For 28 Years For Selling Kids to the Prison System

Wow, that's so disgusting my stomach is churning. How many lives have been ruined because of the greed of these despicable people?
This case IS the POSTER CHILD for why for profit prisons are an anathema to peope who love freedom, and do not want to give government too much power or incentives to make criminals of us all.


Where is the outrage?

The ONLY freedom these GOP tools love is FREEDOM FOR CORPORATIONS to turn the rest of us into slaves or serfs.
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