Pence "That is not my concern".... this is not going to age well for him.

No need to. Good ideas, but always a distant third in every race. Good place to send your vote so that people like Biden get into office.

Yep, too many people like you that have sold their soul to the duopoly that after decades of doing it still has not realized that voting for the lesser of two evils is not working.
Not the case, Mike Pence had 25 minutes to talk with Tucker Carlson

It’s a tired tactic of the Democrats and their neocon Allie’s never talk about our poor economy or The dangerous streets of the inner cities and the major cities in this country. What a lousy situation the country is in because of the politicians that got us there.

How does it feel to live in a country where huge portions of Americans Don’t feel safe to walk down the street of a major city at night. That is a disgrace and there’s no excuse for it.

People are tired of Joe Biden hosting “pride” events while our economy is tanking. They’re tired of him not standing up to the racist BLM.

The ugly situation where 10 year olds can get a sex change operation without their parents consent. I mean sex change operations for children.. were talking about here. We’re talking about boys being able to go into a girls bathroom and if people like the Democrats don’t care about it they’re monsters. If Republicans don’t care about it, they are monsters. You can laugh it off all you wanna talk about right wing nuts or people “cutting each other off” how about people cutting off the private parts of children.?

What world are Biden voters living in?

The military age male in America is not gonna stand for this pride stuff, kids getting sex changes, black lives matter, in general American people won’t stand for this type of weakness. And what we’re seeing in America is a turnaround. More and more people are going to church. More and more people are rejecting the far left. More people are rejecting the endless funding of Ukraine.

At least under trump we did not have the hyper inflation, the High home prices, the high interest rates that we have under biden. Man what a disaster the economy is right now.

thanks. First the scum pump drugs into those children. Then BlackGater badMAC DirtyBlack approve wholeheartedly to begin the cutting.
Look up the Libertarian Party and see what they stand for. You will hate them and keep voting for bigger government but at least you will be educated.
The Libertarians are for open borders and flooding America with shoeless poor foreigners
You cut his answer off before Pence was able to give it

This thread is fake news

Btw, I support aid to ukraine

So while i agree with Pence and Biden I dont think the critics of aid are Nazi’s as many people label thrm

Tucker Carlson gave a very rational reason for his position also
I addressed that.
And his full answer reiterates Tuckers point.
America is falling apart at it's seams, and there seems to be waaay too much money/emphasis/attention given to Ukraine than the catastrophes happening in nearly every major U.S. city.
Right. Tucker said "your concern is..." meaning Ukraine. And then Pence responded "that is not my concern", and he meant Ukraine too, but he made it seem like he was speaking about American cities. I'm not a Pence fan, first. But it is unfortunate when politics turns on one misspeak like this....but that's politics. He didn't have a chance at any rate.

Bottom line is that it sounds like Pence is saying it isn't his concern that American cities are in ruin. Tucker wasn't even trying to trip him up, but any candidate so easily tripped up by himself putting his foot in his mouth on honest questioning will be DESTROYED by the democrats in the general election if he were the nominee.
And voting for the distant third will?

It is better than selling my soul to the lesser of two evils.

Nothing will change, the powers that be have seen the last 30 plus years doing everything in their power to divide the nation to ensure they stay in power. As long as we the people are fighting each other over every little thing they can do whatever they wish.
Or at the very least to take enough votes away from one party to help the other to win.

Yep, the Dems swear up and down they help the Repubs win, the Repubs swear up and down they help the Dems win
Biden is evil, Harris is evil, Trump is merely an attention hound who gives himself lots of credit while slamming his opponents.

Trump is no less evil than those two. This is what the two sides have done for the past 30 years, convince their followers that the other side is pure evil to ensure now matter how bad they are you will still vote for them.
Trump is no less evil than those two. This is what the two sides have done for the past 30 years, convince their followers that the other side is pure evil to ensure now matter how bad they are you will still vote for them.
But the two sides arent fooling GG who thinks he’s smarter than all the rest of us put together

If we would listen to him we’d vote for some pothead 3rd party God hating yahoo and AMERICA WOULD BE SAVED!
So, now the party of small government thinks it is the Fed Govt's job to fix our cities.
The Constitution still requires equal protection the last time I looked. If one American is less protected from crime than another because they live in a Blue City with a bought-out prosecutor who has decided not to prosecute most crimes, and a bought-out mayor who stands by as his/her city sidewalks turn into a garbage dump, the federal government has a duty to step in.


That won't make the government any bigger. Not if at the same time, they de-fund and disband that part of the government enganged in sending arms and money to Ukraine with no plan for victory.
Really? Which wins?

They take turns, have you not noticed that.

I put the start date of them doing their best to divide the country as 1992 when Perot scared the shit out of both parties.

Since that time the Dems have held the White House for 20 years and the GOP for 12. The Senate has been split 16 years each and the House has been Repub 22 years compared to 10 for the Dems.

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