Pelosi to Make Statement at 5 P.M. Following Impeachment Meeting with House Democrats

She did look drunk. One has to think while doing this, she realizes that with every word, another Dem is losing a House seat. With every sentence, Trump won another state. Then running away refusing to answer questions as her entire party goes down in flames. Basing an impeachment on third hand hearsay. This is going to get laughed out of the Senate. If the Dems even have the balls to vote for it in the House and guarantee a Republican takeover.
The older I get the less I’m affected by watching the elderly.

If you’re lucky, you’ll get to be her age one day.

And hopefully you look just as good.
Hopefully not be as stupid, like the rest of you commie retards.
Funny. You know with that front tooth missing you make kind of a hissing sound when you talk.
It makes “retards“ sound funny coming out of your mouth.
She did look drunk. One has to think while doing this, she realizes that with every word, another Dem is losing a House seat. With every sentence, Trump won another state. Then running away refusing to answer questions as her entire party goes down in flames. Basing an impeachment on third hand hearsay. This is going to get laughed out of the Senate. If the Dems even have the balls to vote for it in the House and guarantee a Republican takeover.
Pelosi has aged ten years. Trump on the other hand is looking younger.
"Such an important day at the United Nations, so much work and so much success, and the Democrats purposely had to ruin and demean it with more breaking news Witch Hunt garbage. So bad for our Country!

Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff and, of course, Maxine Waters! Can you believe this?

They never even saw the transcript of the call. A total Witch Hunt!

PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!" - President Trump going ballistic on twitter

Scalise and McCarthy hold a counter-press conference shortly...
The President asked for this
Let him pay the price

He has set up a Constitutional crisis by refusing to respond to Congress
Now let him answer as part of the impeachment process
No, dumbass! It's the Democrats who are a threat to our Constitution and national sovereignty.
Impeachment is a Constitutional process

Trumps contempt for Congressional inquiries leaves them no other venue
Can't wait to hear what the botox queen has to say. Trump is going to make them look like fools and the American people aren't going to stand for this.

Speaker Pelosi to Make Statement at 5 P.M. Following Impeachment Meeting with House Democrats
I'll betcha a chocolate chip cookie she'll once again say no to impeachment.

I am with you. This is more of a way to appease the Democrats that want impeachment.
How about appease the average American by lawbreakers getting justice?. Aren’t republicans supposed to be the party of justice?
Are there any Americans that don’t understand that asking a foreign government to interfere in our elections is illegal?
The stuttering on Fox is so over the top.

Thanks for watching. Deantard.
You’re Welcome. I think it’s important to follow the actions of the enemies of America.
We need to stay prepared. We never know where they’ll attack next. Look at Trump and the Russians.

Are you mentally ill? Honest question. You don’t even believe in due process and that someone is innocent until proven guilty. It seems to me that you’re the enemy.
Trump already said he did it. Rudy Giuliani said the state department asked him to go to the Ukraine and get this started. The secretary of state, Pompeo knew about it. The chief of staff Mulvaney knew about it. And Bill Barr the Attorney General knew about it.

I’m not sure what the argument is about. Are you arguing for people that are attacking this country?
Can't wait to hear what the botox queen has to say. Trump is going to make them look like fools and the American people aren't going to stand for this.

Speaker Pelosi to Make Statement at 5 P.M. Following Impeachment Meeting with House Democrats
I'll betcha a chocolate chip cookie she'll once again say no to impeachment.

I am with you. This is more of a way to appease the Democrats that want impeachment.
How about appease the average American by lawbreakers getting justice?. Aren’t republicans supposed to be the party of justice?
Are there any Americans that don’t understand that asking a foreign government to interfere in our elections is illegal?

We are talking about the Democratic Party looking to impeachment. I said nothing about the Republican Party. Can you not comprehend what you read or are you still in a drunken stupor from November of 2016?
About fucking time. Now we get to see just how much the GOP is willing to ignore because Trump is about to do some ignorant shit.

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