Pelosi to Make Statement at 5 P.M. Following Impeachment Meeting with House Democrats

The President asked for this
Let him pay the price

He has set up a Constitutional crisis by refusing to respond to Congress
Now let him answer as part of the impeachment process
No, dumbass! It's the Democrats who are a threat to our Constitution and national sovereignty.
She did look drunk. One has to think while doing this, she realizes that with every word, another Dem is losing a House seat. With every sentence, Trump won another state. Then running away refusing to answer questions as her entire party goes down in flames. Basing an impeachment on third hand hearsay. This is going to get laughed out of the Senate. If the Dems even have the balls to vote for it in the House and guarantee a Republican takeover.

I just watched the report on this at Fox. They are so unsure of themselves and confused. The white hair guy stuttered.
Chris Wallace said that there’s a lot of meat on them bones. And then he talked about trump calling the president of the Ukraine and talking about Joe Biden and Trumps orders to block funding to the Ukraine.
Supporting Trump will cost the republicans.
After the Democrats were exposed for rigging the 2016 Primary and giving Hillary the nomination, after Hillary was exposed for paying a foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda to use to alter an election, after an exposed Obama failed coup attempt, after exposed Dem crimes, 3+ years of 'we got him now' failures that have boomeranged, and after Democrats ignoring Joe Biden's video-taped 'Extortion' confession to once again go after Trump....what is it going to 'cost' the Republicans? They will lose any chance of capturing the 'Trump-Hating Liberal' vote in 2020?

Didn't happen.
She did look drunk. One has to think while doing this, she realizes that with every word, another Dem is losing a House seat. With every sentence, Trump won another state. Then running away refusing to answer questions as her entire party goes down in flames. Basing an impeachment on third hand hearsay. This is going to get laughed out of the Senate. If the Dems even have the balls to vote for it in the House and guarantee a Republican takeover.
The older I get the less I’m affected by watching the elderly.

If you’re lucky, you’ll get to be her age one day.

And hopefully you look just as good.
Can't wait to hear what the botox queen has to say. Trump is going to make them look like fools and the American people aren't going to stand for this.

Speaker Pelosi to Make Statement at 5 P.M. Following Impeachment Meeting with House Democrats
I'll betcha a chocolate chip cookie she'll once again say no to impeachment.
I'll take that bet:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announces formal impeachment inquiry of Trump, says his actions were a ‘betrayal of national security’

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to announce a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump, a dramatic turnaround by the Democratic leader that sets up a constitutional and political clash pitting the Congress against the nation’s chief executive.
Pelosi (D-Calif.) is slated to make her announcement later on Tuesday after a closed-door meeting with her caucus, according to Democratic officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to freely describe private deliberations.
Impeachment is a rare and extraordinary step that would overturn the decision of U.S. voters in 2016 to elect Trump. Pelosi’s decision foreshadows an intensely partisan fall, triggering pushback from Trump allies with repercussions for the 2020 campaign.

Pelosi’s change of heart comes after days of consulting allies and follows reports that Trump may have pressured a foreign leader to investigate former vice president and potential 2020 campaign rival Joe Biden and his family.
Those reports over a week created a groundswell of support among Democrats for impeachment, with moderates from swing districts joining liberals in calling for an impeachment inquiry.
Pelosi said Tuesday that those allegations forced her to reconsider her position that impeachment is too divisive for the country.
“The president is making lawlessness a virtue in our country,” Pelosi said at a Tuesday afternoon event at The Atlantic. “We don’t ask foreign governments to help us in our elections. That’s what we tried to stop with Russia. It’s wrong.”
Pelosi later noted that she has long said that “as soon as we have the facts, we’re ready” for impeachment. “Now that we have the facts,” she said. “We’re ready,”"
They are going to impeach.

If GOP support it, they all lose their jobs in re-election. If the GOP Senate reject it, Trump wins in a landslide and the GOP win the House. That is how I see all of this.

it's clear this is about global socialists destroying America and making China the new sole, super power with plenty of cheap labour and elitism. They cannot do it with Trump in their way.

Just wait until China and Russia enter into military coordination and agreement, which is what I saw reported already. America cannot turn their back on confronting China, I do not care who is president. As it stands now, Trump is alone in fighting the Commies.

Supporting Trump will cost the republicans.

Yeah, record support among GOP voters and climbing approval while he reaches across demographics GOP have never had.

People should decide who is in office, not a small cabal.

Rasmussen numbers are not accurate indicators of reality.
She did look drunk. One has to think while doing this, she realizes that with every word, another Dem is losing a House seat. With every sentence, Trump won another state. Then running away refusing to answer questions as her entire party goes down in flames. Basing an impeachment on third hand hearsay. This is going to get laughed out of the Senate. If the Dems even have the balls to vote for it in the House and guarantee a Republican takeover.
The older I get the less I’m affected by watching the elderly.

If you’re lucky, you’ll get to be her age one day.

And hopefully you look just as good.
Hopefully not be as stupid, like the rest of you commie retards.
Can't wait to hear what the botox queen has to say. Trump is going to make them look like fools and the American people aren't going to stand for this.

Speaker Pelosi to Make Statement at 5 P.M. Following Impeachment Meeting with House Democrats
I'll betcha a chocolate chip cookie she'll once again say no to impeachment.
I'll take that bet:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announces formal impeachment inquiry of Trump, says his actions were a ‘betrayal of national security’

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to announce a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump, a dramatic turnaround by the Democratic leader that sets up a constitutional and political clash pitting the Congress against the nation’s chief executive.
Pelosi (D-Calif.) is slated to make her announcement later on Tuesday after a closed-door meeting with her caucus, according to Democratic officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to freely describe private deliberations.
Impeachment is a rare and extraordinary step that would overturn the decision of U.S. voters in 2016 to elect Trump. Pelosi’s decision foreshadows an intensely partisan fall, triggering pushback from Trump allies with repercussions for the 2020 campaign.
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Pelosi’s change of heart comes after days of consulting allies and follows reports that Trump may have pressured a foreign leader to investigate former vice president and potential 2020 campaign rival Joe Biden and his family.
Those reports over a week created a groundswell of support among Democrats for impeachment, with moderates from swing districts joining liberals in calling for an impeachment inquiry.
Pelosi said Tuesday that those allegations forced her to reconsider her position that impeachment is too divisive for the country.
“The president is making lawlessness a virtue in our country,” Pelosi said at a Tuesday afternoon event at The Atlantic. “We don’t ask foreign governments to help us in our elections. That’s what we tried to stop with Russia. It’s wrong.”
Pelosi later noted that she has long said that “as soon as we have the facts, we’re ready” for impeachment. “Now that we have the facts,” she said. “We’re ready,”"

I bet oldlady bakes a mean cookie.
There is a thought making its way around that Trump is behind the whole thing. We all know that he plays three dimensional chess while democrats play chinese checkers. There is nothing in the transcript or whistleblower report. This is a way to blow up the Hunter Biden story and keep it going until Biden is forced out. And it will all be the democrat's fault
She did look drunk. One has to think while doing this, she realizes that with every word, another Dem is losing a House seat. With every sentence, Trump won another state. Then running away refusing to answer questions as her entire party goes down in flames. Basing an impeachment on third hand hearsay. This is going to get laughed out of the Senate. If the Dems even have the balls to vote for it in the House and guarantee a Republican takeover.
The older I get the less I’m affected by watching the elderly.

If you’re lucky, you’ll get to be her age one day.

And hopefully you look just as good.

Sounds like deantard is drunk too. One, I'm not female. Thus I don't need or want you thinking about how good I look. My wife on the other hand looks a million times better than that hag. The blowback from calling for impeachment should start any minute now.....

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