Pelosi discusses National Guard in DC.

She is from SF and looking at a Chinese menu list hilarious.
Can't these people just enjoy retirement?
Nancy is scared and Biden is terrified of the military.

Biden Terrified Military Will ATTACK HIM Instead of Defending Him During Inauguration

As Reported by Beltway| Ask yourself why Joe Biden, if 80,000,000 people are so in love with him and the media is right that the vast majority of the country is so jazzed up about his election … why would her need more troops that we have overseas fighting the forever wars he helped bring the United States into, to ‘protect him’?

This is the kind of stuff tyrants, who know they are illegitimate do. In fact, it is a hallmark to authoritarian regimes.
The fact that Biden and Pelosi are scared that the military will turn on them is all you need to know about how guilty their consciouses are.

Let me take this opportunity to remind everyone of what you already know. Violence is not going to help us. We need to be the calm, rational, information distributing patriots, we can not descend to the left’s levels of political violence.

Of course, be prepared for the worse, but avoid violence at all costs, and NEVER instigate it …

Interesting questions she brings up.

I'm sure this is interesting and I wish you had it in print, but I can't stand the sound of her voice, so I didn't watch it.

It's worth the first 2 minutes to see the senile drunk lose her place and have to read from the paper she is holding up.
Let me take this opportunity to remind everyone of what you already know. Violence is not going to help us. We need to be the calm, rational, information distributing patriots, we can not descend to the left’s levels of political violence.

Of course, be prepared for the worse, but avoid violence at all costs, and NEVER instigate it …


The only way violence will ensue on my part is if they come for me, my family, or my guns.


Interesting questions she brings up.

??? WTF is this crap? Is this an OLD video? Who is this pink lady anyway, I don't see any name tag on her, does she think she can operate with impunity? And what is this Floyd, Floyd, Floyd guy? He died a long time ago--- some bum 2-bit crook dead of an OD. Not one mention of MLKII? Does she have any idea this is MLK Day?

Are these really the biggest issues on her mind facing the nation today? ???
Democrats are going to be living in fear for the next 4 years. An atmosphere that they created. Seems appropriate to me.

You just never know, BG, there could be a TO (Trump Operative) hiding behind every Bush! It cold be the next Secret Service Agent, it could be any of the staff, it might be the helicopter pilot or Airforce One, hell, maybe the cook!

Where the hell is the food-taster?

It could be any one of the 25,000 troops brought in from OTHER STATES. Red States? OMG. Even Jill, Trump or some Trump Supporting Secret Insurrection and Seditionist (the TSSIS, a little like ISIS) could have gotten to her and paid her off. Joe might have to divorce her.

How will Joe even sleep at night? <creak> Shhh. What was that? I thought I heard a noise. :omg:


We might have to increase our nursing home infrastructure shortly after this inauguration after listening to the video message in the OP...




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Nancy is scared and Biden is terrified of the military.

Biden Terrified Military Will ATTACK HIM Instead of Defending Him During Inauguration

As Reported by Beltway| Ask yourself why Joe Biden, if 80,000,000 people are so in love with him and the media is right that the vast majority of the country is so jazzed up about his election … why would her need more troops that we have overseas fighting the forever wars he helped bring the United States into, to ‘protect him’?

This is the kind of stuff tyrants, who know they are illegitimate do. In fact, it is a hallmark to authoritarian regimes.
The fact that Biden and Pelosi are scared that the military will turn on them is all you need to know about how guilty their consciouses are.

Let me take this opportunity to remind everyone of what you already know. Violence is not going to help us. We need to be the calm, rational, information distributing patriots, we can not descend to the left’s levels of political violence.

Of course, be prepared for the worse, but avoid violence at all costs, and NEVER instigate it …

They denigrate the soldiers by questioning their loyalty and then turn around and expect full unbridled allegiance.
Bizarro world!

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