Pediatric Group Calls for Children to Return to School As the World is Doing.

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015

"Pediatricians say students should be in classrooms for in-person learning as soon as possible – the most full-throated endorsement yet for getting children back into schools amid the coronavirus pandemic and one that was included in a set of recommendations released by the American Academy of Pediatrics for how schools should safely reopen. "

With the rest of the world sending their children back to school experts are saying it's "Kafkaesque" to ignore the science on the matter and keep American kids at home, as some leftist politicians are advocating when the rest of the world is doing just the

As usual the left is playing Chicken Little with the pandemic issue warning doom and dire consequences if we send our kids back to school. But this flies in the face of long time left wing policy, following the leader when it comes to these things.

They have been frequently wrong (remember the drastic spike in Covid cases that supposedly the Trump rally in Tulsa would cause? Where is the spike?).

Surely anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain can see the left wants keep the nation in Corona lockdown as much as possible. Could anyone be as dishonest as the left? Not possible!
Ruining the economy and people's lives in order to remove Trump from office is a trade they are perfectly willing to make and they have already made the choice to do so.

But children belong in school. And Trump belongs in the White House. And the pukes that would ruin the country and degrade it for political gain can go fuck themselves! They are beneath contempt!
Why is anyone insisting that centers for conformity be returned to?
Follow the money, see the agenda.

"Pediatricians say students should be in classrooms for in-person learning as soon as possible – the most full-throated endorsement yet for getting children back into schools amid the coronavirus pandemic and one that was included in a set of recommendations released by the American Academy of Pediatrics for how schools should safely reopen. "

With the rest of the world sending their children back to school experts are saying it's "Kafkaesque" to ignore the science on the matter and keep American kids at home, as some leftist politicians are advocating when the rest of the world is doing just the

As usual the left is playing Chicken Little with the pandemic issue warning doom and dire consequences if we send our kids back to school. But this flies in the face of long time left wing policy, following the leader when it comes to these things.

They have been frequently wrong (remember the drastic spike in Covid cases that supposedly the Trump rally in Tulsa would cause? Where is the spike?).

Surely anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain can see the left wants keep the nation in Corona lockdown as much as possible. Could anyone be as dishonest as the left? Not possible!
Ruining the economy and people's lives in order to remove Trump from office is a trade they are perfectly willing to make and they have already made the choice to do so.

But children belong in school. And Trump belongs in the White House. And the pukes that would ruin the country and degrade it for political gain can go fuck themselves! They are beneath contempt!

When we have a declining infection rate (as most of the rest of the world has), testing that can be turned around quickly (as most of the rest of the world has), and governmental guidelines issued competently (as most of the rest of the world has), then yes, we can send kids back to school where they belong. But since we have none of those and the school year is coming up fast, districts will have to make the call...and a lot of them are beginning the year online. As they should. If things head in the opposite direction, kids will be sent back.. But it seems all you and the rest of Trump supporting Alt-Rightville can do is bray about Fauci, rail about lefties, and commies, and lions, and tigers, and bears..oh shit. for California, the states that are seeing the biggest virus spikes right now...are all red states.

You want to send kids back into packed schools where they can not only infect their teachers, but also possibly their parents and grandparents? People that think that are the ones that are beneath contempt. And the longer you bleat on about not taking the advice of health professionals, the worse this is going to turn out to be. You people aren't very bright. But what did I expect coming from Trump supporters?
Sounds like a good reason to really ramp up home schooling. Give the kids a break from the government schools and let them really learn.
When we have a declining infection rate (as most of the rest of the world has), testing that can be turned around quickly (as most of the rest of the world has), and governmental guidelines issued competently (as most of the rest of the world has), then yes, we can send kids back to school where they belong. But since we have none of those and the school year is coming up fast, districts will have to make the call...and a lot of them are beginning the year online. As they should. If things head in the opposite direction, kids will be sent back.. But it seems all you and the rest of Trump supporting Alt-Rightville can do is bray about Fauci, rail about lefties, and commies, and lions, and tigers, and bears..oh shit. for California, the states that are seeing the biggest virus spikes right now...are all red states.

You want to send kids back into packed schools where they can not only infect their teachers, but also possibly their parents and grandparents? People that think that are the ones that are beneath contempt. And the longer you bleat on about not taking the advice of health professionals, the worse this is going to turn out to be. You people aren't very bright. But what did I expect coming from Trump supporters?
LOL...well you have a keyboard. And the gall to simply spew out whatever nonsense you think will fly.
So I guess your unsupported opinions count for more than the scientific expertise of the pediatric
experts I cited.

And I guess you know more than all the other countries in the developed world that are all sending children back to school. It would be a waste of my time to expend any energy getting angry at clowns like you.
I don't think you can help yourself or even realize what a hypocritical dope you are. Because clearly
you are dumber than a bucket of pig crap!
When we have a declining infection rate (as most of the rest of the world has), testing that can be turned around quickly (as most of the rest of the world has), and governmental guidelines issued competently (as most of the rest of the world has), then yes, we can send kids back to school where they belong. But since we have none of those and the school year is coming up fast, districts will have to make the call...and a lot of them are beginning the year online. As they should. If things head in the opposite direction, kids will be sent back.. But it seems all you and the rest of Trump supporting Alt-Rightville can do is bray about Fauci, rail about lefties, and commies, and lions, and tigers, and bears..oh shit. for California, the states that are seeing the biggest virus spikes right now...are all red states.

You want to send kids back into packed schools where they can not only infect their teachers, but also possibly their parents and grandparents? People that think that are the ones that are beneath contempt. And the longer you bleat on about not taking the advice of health professionals, the worse this is going to turn out to be. You people aren't very bright. But what did I expect coming from Trump supporters?
LOL...well you have a keyboard. And the gall to simply spew out whatever nonsense you think will fly.
So I guess your unsupported opinions count for more than the scientific expertise of the pediatric
experts I cited.

And I guess you know more than all the other countries in the developed world that are all sending children back to school. It would be a waste of my time to expend any energy getting angry at clowns like you.
I don't think you can help yourself or even realize what a hypocritical dope you are.

It isn't nonsense. This has nothing to do with your so called "experts". Use your keyboard to Google. It's real easy to see why these countries can send their children back to school. Those countries have declining infection rates and expanded testing capability. Those countries have laid down strict guidelines for students returning to school. This country has neither of those. When it happens, you'll see kids go back to school. We have the added handicap of having leadership in Washington that has it's head up its collective ass...aided and enabled by people like you.
It isn't nonsense. This has nothing to do with your so called "experts". Use your keyboard to Google. It's real easy to see why these countries can send their children back to school. Those countries have declining infection rates and expanded testing capability. Those countries have laid down strict guidelines for students returning to school. This country has neither of those. When it happens, you'll see kids go back to school. We have the added handicap of having leadership in Washington that has it's head up its collective ass...aided and enabled by people like you.
Assuming some gutless politicians will let children go back to school all "strict guidelines" are already in place...
as if children were just going to be turned loose like a Lord of the Flies scenario?

As for those "declining infection rates" I suggest you read the citations I provided. All experts,
not you...experts, agree children belong back in school.

Clearly you are out of your league.
It isn't nonsense. This has nothing to do with your so called "experts". Use your keyboard to Google. It's real easy to see why these countries can send their children back to school. Those countries have declining infection rates and expanded testing capability. Those countries have laid down strict guidelines for students returning to school. This country has neither of those. When it happens, you'll see kids go back to school. We have the added handicap of having leadership in Washington that has it's head up its collective ass...aided and enabled by people like you.
Assuming some gutless politicians will let children go back to school all "strict guidelines" are already in place...
as if children were just going to be turned loose like a Lord of the Flies scenario?

As for those "declining infection rates" I suggest you read the citations I provided. All experts,
not you...experts, agree children belong back in school.

Clearly you are out of your league.

No, you aren't making an argument. And in the context of the virus, your "experts" opinions don't mean jack. I'm not disagreeing that children shouldn't be back in school. I'm saying that other countries that have planned to send their kids back have already flattened their virus curve and have issued strict guidelines about sending those kids back. We haven't. Until that happens, you won't see kids back in school en masse. My own town here in NH is planning a split school day two or three days a week to allow for social distancing in classrooms. The remaining days will be online. We're fortunate up here that we've kept our virus numbers from going up, we're staying essentially flat (our population isn't as large or as dense as the bigger states having issues).

"Pediatricians say students should be in classrooms for in-person learning as soon as possible – the most full-throated endorsement yet for getting children back into schools amid the coronavirus pandemic and one that was included in a set of recommendations released by the American Academy of Pediatrics for how schools should safely reopen. "

With the rest of the world sending their children back to school experts are saying it's "Kafkaesque" to ignore the science on the matter and keep American kids at home, as some leftist politicians are advocating when the rest of the world is doing just the

As usual the left is playing Chicken Little with the pandemic issue warning doom and dire consequences if we send our kids back to school. But this flies in the face of long time left wing policy, following the leader when it comes to these things.

They have been frequently wrong (remember the drastic spike in Covid cases that supposedly the Trump rally in Tulsa would cause? Where is the spike?).

Surely anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain can see the left wants keep the nation in Corona lockdown as much as possible. Could anyone be as dishonest as the left? Not possible!
Ruining the economy and people's lives in order to remove Trump from office is a trade they are perfectly willing to make and they have already made the choice to do so.

But children belong in school. And Trump belongs in the White House. And the pukes that would ruin the country and degrade it for political gain can go fuck themselves! They are beneath contempt!

When we have a declining infection rate (as most of the rest of the world has), testing that can be turned around quickly (as most of the rest of the world has), and governmental guidelines issued competently (as most of the rest of the world has), then yes, we can send kids back to school where they belong. But since we have none of those and the school year is coming up fast, districts will have to make the call...and a lot of them are beginning the year online. As they should. If things head in the opposite direction, kids will be sent back.. But it seems all you and the rest of Trump supporting Alt-Rightville can do is bray about Fauci, rail about lefties, and commies, and lions, and tigers, and bears..oh shit. for California, the states that are seeing the biggest virus spikes right now...are all red states.

You want to send kids back into packed schools where they can not only infect their teachers, but also possibly their parents and grandparents? People that think that are the ones that are beneath contempt. And the longer you bleat on about not taking the advice of health professionals, the worse this is going to turn out to be. You people aren't very bright. But what did I expect coming from Trump supporters?
Where’s your data?

"Pediatricians say students should be in classrooms for in-person learning as soon as possible – the most full-throated endorsement yet for getting children back into schools amid the coronavirus pandemic and one that was included in a set of recommendations released by the American Academy of Pediatrics for how schools should safely reopen. "

With the rest of the world sending their children back to school experts are saying it's "Kafkaesque" to ignore the science on the matter and keep American kids at home, as some leftist politicians are advocating when the rest of the world is doing just the

As usual the left is playing Chicken Little with the pandemic issue warning doom and dire consequences if we send our kids back to school. But this flies in the face of long time left wing policy, following the leader when it comes to these things.

They have been frequently wrong (remember the drastic spike in Covid cases that supposedly the Trump rally in Tulsa would cause? Where is the spike?).

Surely anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain can see the left wants keep the nation in Corona lockdown as much as possible. Could anyone be as dishonest as the left? Not possible!
Ruining the economy and people's lives in order to remove Trump from office is a trade they are perfectly willing to make and they have already made the choice to do so.

But children belong in school. And Trump belongs in the White House. And the pukes that would ruin the country and degrade it for political gain can go fuck themselves! They are beneath contempt!

When we have a declining infection rate (as most of the rest of the world has), testing that can be turned around quickly (as most of the rest of the world has), and governmental guidelines issued competently (as most of the rest of the world has), then yes, we can send kids back to school where they belong. But since we have none of those and the school year is coming up fast, districts will have to make the call...and a lot of them are beginning the year online. As they should. If things head in the opposite direction, kids will be sent back.. But it seems all you and the rest of Trump supporting Alt-Rightville can do is bray about Fauci, rail about lefties, and commies, and lions, and tigers, and bears..oh shit. for California, the states that are seeing the biggest virus spikes right now...are all red states.

You want to send kids back into packed schools where they can not only infect their teachers, but also possibly their parents and grandparents? People that think that are the ones that are beneath contempt. And the longer you bleat on about not taking the advice of health professionals, the worse this is going to turn out to be. You people aren't very bright. But what did I expect coming from Trump supporters?
Where’s your data?

What data would you like to see? Go to Google and you can pull up articles about other countries sending their kids back to school and what they are doing to make that happen.
No, you aren't making an argument. And in the context of the virus, your "experts" opinions don't mean jack. I'm not disagreeing that children shouldn't be back in school. I'm saying that other countries that have planned to send their kids back have already flattened their virus curve and have issued strict guidelines about sending those kids back. We haven't. Until that happens, you won't see kids back in school en masse. My own town here in NH is planning a split school day two or three days a week to allow for social distancing in classrooms. The remaining days will be online. We're fortunate up here that we've kept our virus numbers from going up, we're staying essentially flat (our population isn't as large or as dense as the bigger states having issues).
Okay I'm done with your repeated claiming you know more than pediatric health experts allready cited.
Catch me when you have a specific precise area where your knowledge of the matter overwhelms theirs
(all of them). Until then go pound sand.

Referring someone to Google to find some nugget of knowledge you cannot cite or offer is bullshit.
It's really the lowest trick of a keyboard warrior. You don't know Jack, jack.
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No, you aren't making an argument. And in the context of the virus, your "experts" opinions don't mean jack. I'm not disagreeing that children shouldn't be back in school. I'm saying that other countries that have planned to send their kids back have already flattened their virus curve and have issued strict guidelines about sending those kids back. We haven't. Until that happens, you won't see kids back in school en masse. My own town here in NH is planning a split school day two or three days a week to allow for social distancing in classrooms. The remaining days will be online. We're fortunate up here that we've kept our virus numbers from going up, we're staying essentially flat (our population isn't as large or as dense as the bigger states having issues).
Okay I'm done with your repeated claiming you know more than pediatric health experts.
Catch me when you have a specific precise area where your knowledge of the matter overwhelms theirs
(all of them). Until then go pound sand.

Referring someone to Google to find some nugget of knowledge you cannot cite or offer is bullshit.
It's really the lowest trick of a keyboard warrior.

You can have all the science walked right up to you and you'll still ignore it. Your original post was full of bullshit about left this, left that and other conspiracy theories. Just another Trump bootlicker.
Here's your bottom line. Until our infection rate declines you won't see kids back in school on a regular basis. No administrator is going order their children back to school unless there is reasonable risk
and strict guidelines in place.

"Pediatricians say students should be in classrooms for in-person learning as soon as possible – the most full-throated endorsement yet for getting children back into schools amid the coronavirus pandemic and one that was included in a set of recommendations released by the American Academy of Pediatrics for how schools should safely reopen. "

With the rest of the world sending their children back to school experts are saying it's "Kafkaesque" to ignore the science on the matter and keep American kids at home, as some leftist politicians are advocating when the rest of the world is doing just the

As usual the left is playing Chicken Little with the pandemic issue warning doom and dire consequences if we send our kids back to school. But this flies in the face of long time left wing policy, following the leader when it comes to these things.

They have been frequently wrong (remember the drastic spike in Covid cases that supposedly the Trump rally in Tulsa would cause? Where is the spike?).

Surely anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain can see the left wants keep the nation in Corona lockdown as much as possible. Could anyone be as dishonest as the left? Not possible!
Ruining the economy and people's lives in order to remove Trump from office is a trade they are perfectly willing to make and they have already made the choice to do so.

But children belong in school. And Trump belongs in the White House. And the pukes that would ruin the country and degrade it for political gain can go fuck themselves! They are beneath contempt!

When we have a declining infection rate (as most of the rest of the world has), testing that can be turned around quickly (as most of the rest of the world has), and governmental guidelines issued competently (as most of the rest of the world has), then yes, we can send kids back to school where they belong. But since we have none of those and the school year is coming up fast, districts will have to make the call...and a lot of them are beginning the year online. As they should. If things head in the opposite direction, kids will be sent back.. But it seems all you and the rest of Trump supporting Alt-Rightville can do is bray about Fauci, rail about lefties, and commies, and lions, and tigers, and bears..oh shit. for California, the states that are seeing the biggest virus spikes right now...are all red states.

You want to send kids back into packed schools where they can not only infect their teachers, but also possibly their parents and grandparents? People that think that are the ones that are beneath contempt. And the longer you bleat on about not taking the advice of health professionals, the worse this is going to turn out to be. You people aren't very bright. But what did I expect coming from Trump supporters?
Where’s your data?

What data would you like to see? Go to Google and you can pull up articles about other countries sending their kids back to school and what they are doing to make that happen.
You do it. You’re making the assertions about how so many countries are so much better. You provide the data.
You can have all the science walked right up to you and you'll still ignore it. Your original post was full of bullshit about left this, left that and other conspiracy theories. Just another Trump bootlicker.
Here's your bottom line. Until our infection rate declines you won't see kids back in school on a regular basis. No administrator is going order their children back to school unless there is reasonable risk
and strict guidelines in place.
More b.s. You don't make this worth my while.
When we have a declining infection rate (as most of the rest of the world has), testing that can be turned around quickly (as most of the rest of the world has), and governmental guidelines issued competently (as most of the rest of the world has), then yes, we can send kids back to school where they belong. But since we have none of those and the school year is coming up fast, districts will have to make the call...and a lot of them are beginning the year online. As they should. If things head in the opposite direction, kids will be sent back.. But it seems all you and the rest of Trump supporting Alt-Rightville can do is bray about Fauci, rail about lefties, and commies, and lions, and tigers, and bears..oh shit. for California, the states that are seeing the biggest virus spikes right now...are all red states.

You want to send kids back into packed schools where they can not only infect their teachers, but also possibly their parents and grandparents? People that think that are the ones that are beneath contempt. And the longer you bleat on about not taking the advice of health professionals, the worse this is going to turn out to be. You people aren't very bright. But what did I expect coming from Trump supporters?
LOL...well you have a keyboard. And the gall to simply spew out whatever nonsense you think will fly.
So I guess your unsupported opinions count for more than the scientific expertise of the pediatric
experts I cited.

And I guess you know more than all the other countries in the developed world that are all sending children back to school. It would be a waste of my time to expend any energy getting angry at clowns like you.
I don't think you can help yourself or even realize what a hypocritical dope you are.

It isn't nonsense. This has nothing to do with your so called "experts". Use your keyboard to Google. It's real easy to see why these countries can send their children back to school. Those countries have declining infection rates and expanded testing capability. Those countries have laid down strict guidelines for students returning to school. This country has neither of those. When it happens, you'll see kids go back to school. We have the added handicap of having leadership in Washington that has it's head up its collective ass...aided and enabled by people like you.

Do you even read your own links jack off? What strict guidelines are the rest of the world using?????

From your own fucking link..

Some schools imposed strict limits on contact between children, while others let them play freely. Some required masks, while others made them optional. Some closed temporarily if just one student was diagnosed with COVID-19; others stayed open even when multiple children or staff were affected, sending only ill people and direct contacts into quarantine.

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