Paying Your Fair Share


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Unless, of course, you're one of the elites. Then you don't have to.

Or do you.....?

Not Paying Her Fair Share: IRS Levies $70,000 Lien Against MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry

Those tampon earrings must cost a lot…

Via Breitbart:

According to the IRS, although she likely makes a substantial living anchoring a weekend MSNBC show and as a professor at Wake Forest University, the left-wing Melissa Harris-Perry does not pay her taxes. The Internal Revenue Service just placed a $70,000 tax lien against Harris-Perry.

She is the second left-wing MSNBC anchor caught not paying her fair share. Al Sharpton reportedly owes Uncle Sam upwards of $3 million.

According to Harris-Perry, a left-wing activist who frequently rails against the wealthy for not paying enough taxes, the tax bill is from 2013, and she and her husband plan to pay the lien off as quickly as possible.

Harris-Perry is most famous for her the terrible things she has said about Mitt Romney’s black grandchild, wearing tampon earrings, and telling parents that their children belong to the community.

Harris-Perry blamed the unpaid tax bill on a series of personal crises.

Hypocrisy, Perry tweeted this out 3 days ago before news of her lien hit:

dimocraps are -- Well, we all know what they are, don't we?
LOL It doesn't get much funnier than this. :biggrin:

Remember John The Traitor Kerry keeping his yacht in Rhode Island to evade Massachusetts taxes?

John Kerry still owes taxes on his 7 million yacht Fellowship of the Minds

How Charlie Rangel, who chaired the Tax-Making Body of the United States of America -- The Ways and Means Committee....

Senator Rangel Fails to Pay His Taxes - Judicial Watch

Even the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's first Treasury Secretary -- The man IN CHARGE OF THE IRS WAS A TAX CHEAT.....

Then there's Claire McCaskill, dimocrap scumbag extraordinaire and one of the richest members of the US Congress with a Net Worth of nearly $27 MILLION DOLLARS.....

Claire McCaskill admits to 287 000 in unpaid taxes on private plane - The Washington Post

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

ALL of them. Every.Last.One.Of.Them

fucking period
Unless, of course, you're one of the elites. Then you don't have to.

Or do you.....?

Not Paying Her Fair Share: IRS Levies $70,000 Lien Against MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry

Those tampon earrings must cost a lot…

Via Breitbart:

According to the IRS, although she likely makes a substantial living anchoring a weekend MSNBC show and as a professor at Wake Forest University, the left-wing Melissa Harris-Perry does not pay her taxes. The Internal Revenue Service just placed a $70,000 tax lien against Harris-Perry.

She is the second left-wing MSNBC anchor caught not paying her fair share. Al Sharpton reportedly owes Uncle Sam upwards of $3 million.

According to Harris-Perry, a left-wing activist who frequently rails against the wealthy for not paying enough taxes, the tax bill is from 2013, and she and her husband plan to pay the lien off as quickly as possible.

Harris-Perry is most famous for her the terrible things she has said about Mitt Romney’s black grandchild, wearing tampon earrings, and telling parents that their children belong to the community.

Harris-Perry blamed the unpaid tax bill on a series of personal crises.

Hypocrisy, Perry tweeted this out 3 days ago before news of her lien hit:

dimocraps are -- Well, we all know what they are, don't we?
I hate to burst your political bubble, but those claiming to be Republicans, as well as those claiming to be Democrat are, and have been, guilty of income tax evasion, and it's been going on for many decades, if not longer. Your attempt at party slander holds no water, and is extremely biased, which is obvious. It's well documented that sports figures, celebrities, and others, of both political persuasions, have been caught not paying taxes. A little research might do wonders for you, at least it should.

Just because someone is well known, or in the national spotlight, doesn't mean that they are any different than anyone else, and usually aren't when it comes to breaking laws. Republicans and Democrats alike have been guilty of breaking laws, including income tax evasion. Your political bias shines like the morning sun.
Unless, of course, you're one of the elites. Then you don't have to.

Or do you.....?

Not Paying Her Fair Share: IRS Levies $70,000 Lien Against MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry

Those tampon earrings must cost a lot…

Via Breitbart:

According to the IRS, although she likely makes a substantial living anchoring a weekend MSNBC show and as a professor at Wake Forest University, the left-wing Melissa Harris-Perry does not pay her taxes. The Internal Revenue Service just placed a $70,000 tax lien against Harris-Perry.

She is the second left-wing MSNBC anchor caught not paying her fair share. Al Sharpton reportedly owes Uncle Sam upwards of $3 million.

According to Harris-Perry, a left-wing activist who frequently rails against the wealthy for not paying enough taxes, the tax bill is from 2013, and she and her husband plan to pay the lien off as quickly as possible.

Harris-Perry is most famous for her the terrible things she has said about Mitt Romney’s black grandchild, wearing tampon earrings, and telling parents that their children belong to the community.

Harris-Perry blamed the unpaid tax bill on a series of personal crises.

Hypocrisy, Perry tweeted this out 3 days ago before news of her lien hit:

dimocraps are -- Well, we all know what they are, don't we?
I hate to burst your political bubble, but those claiming to be Republicans, as well as those claiming to be Democrat are, and have been, guilty of income tax evasion, and it's been going on for many decades, if not longer. Your attempt at party slander holds no water, and is extremely biased, which is obvious. It's well documented that sports figures, celebrities, and others, of both political persuasions, have been caught not paying taxes. A little research might do wonders for you, at least it should.

Just because someone is well known, or in the national spotlight, doesn't mean that they are any different than anyone else, and usually aren't when it comes to breaking laws. Republicans and Democrats alike have been guilty of breaking laws, including income tax evasion. Your political bias shines like the morning sun.

You have a point but in this case Harris-Perry has made it part of her career going after those that don't pay their fair share. This is (or should be) a major embarrassment for her
I hate to burst your political bubble, but those claiming to be Republicans, as well as those claiming to be Democrat are, and have been, guilty of income tax evasion, and it's been going on for many decades, if not longer. Your attempt at party slander holds no water, and is extremely biased, which is obvious. It's well documented that sports figures, celebrities, and others, of both political persuasions, have been caught not paying taxes. A little research might do wonders for you, at least it should.

Just because someone is well known, or in the national spotlight, doesn't mean that they are any different than anyone else, and usually aren't when it comes to breaking laws. Republicans and Democrats alike have been guilty of breaking laws, including income tax evasion. Your political bias shines like the morning sun.

You got names and links cockbreath?

Or are you just going to throw shit at the wall and see if it sticks?

That's what I thought, lying piece of filth.

What!?! Do you mean to tell me black people have to pay taxes?
Maybe she will start bitching about all the freeloaders now.
I hate to burst your political bubble, but those claiming to be Republicans, as well as those claiming to be Democrat are, and have been, guilty of income tax evasion, and it's been going on for many decades, if not longer. Your attempt at party slander holds no water, and is extremely biased, which is obvious. It's well documented that sports figures, celebrities, and others, of both political persuasions, have been caught not paying taxes. A little research might do wonders for you, at least it should.

Just because someone is well known, or in the national spotlight, doesn't mean that they are any different than anyone else, and usually aren't when it comes to breaking laws. Republicans and Democrats alike have been guilty of breaking laws, including income tax evasion. Your political bias shines like the morning sun.

You got names and links cockbreath?

Or are you just going to throw shit at the wall and see if it sticks?

That's what I thought, lying piece of filth.
Very childish and silly. School yard language and talk. Your age? Can't engage in civil and adult conversations? No practice at it? So, you think name calling and personal attacks is the way to discuss issues? Do you get a thrill from it? Does it make your day? Feel better now? Your remarks are very immature, and pathetic.

Oh, and yes, I do. If you're too lazy to look up celebrities, sports figures, and others that have had the spotlight at one time or another, I can provide names and links. Have you ever heard of Willie Nelson?
Unless, of course, you're one of the elites. Then you don't have to.

Or do you.....?

Not Paying Her Fair Share: IRS Levies $70,000 Lien Against MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry

Those tampon earrings must cost a lot…

Via Breitbart:

According to the IRS, although she likely makes a substantial living anchoring a weekend MSNBC show and as a professor at Wake Forest University, the left-wing Melissa Harris-Perry does not pay her taxes. The Internal Revenue Service just placed a $70,000 tax lien against Harris-Perry.

She is the second left-wing MSNBC anchor caught not paying her fair share. Al Sharpton reportedly owes Uncle Sam upwards of $3 million.

According to Harris-Perry, a left-wing activist who frequently rails against the wealthy for not paying enough taxes, the tax bill is from 2013, and she and her husband plan to pay the lien off as quickly as possible.

Harris-Perry is most famous for her the terrible things she has said about Mitt Romney’s black grandchild, wearing tampon earrings, and telling parents that their children belong to the community.

Harris-Perry blamed the unpaid tax bill on a series of personal crises.

Hypocrisy, Perry tweeted this out 3 days ago before news of her lien hit:

dimocraps are -- Well, we all know what they are, don't we?
I hate to burst your political bubble, but those claiming to be Republicans, as well as those claiming to be Democrat are, and have been, guilty of income tax evasion, and it's been going on for many decades, if not longer. Your attempt at party slander holds no water, and is extremely biased, which is obvious. It's well documented that sports figures, celebrities, and others, of both political persuasions, have been caught not paying taxes. A little research might do wonders for you, at least it should.

Just because someone is well known, or in the national spotlight, doesn't mean that they are any different than anyone else, and usually aren't when it comes to breaking laws. Republicans and Democrats alike have been guilty of breaking laws, including income tax evasion. Your political bias shines like the morning sun.

You have a point but in this case Harris-Perry has made it part of her career going after those that don't pay their fair share. This is (or should be) a major embarrassment for her
Yes, I imagine it is embarrassing.
I hate to burst your political bubble, but those claiming to be Republicans, as well as those claiming to be Democrat are, and have been, guilty of income tax evasion, and it's been going on for many decades, if not longer. Your attempt at party slander holds no water, and is extremely biased, which is obvious. It's well documented that sports figures, celebrities, and others, of both political persuasions, have been caught not paying taxes. A little research might do wonders for you, at least it should.

Just because someone is well known, or in the national spotlight, doesn't mean that they are any different than anyone else, and usually aren't when it comes to breaking laws. Republicans and Democrats alike have been guilty of breaking laws, including income tax evasion. Your political bias shines like the morning sun.

You got names and links cockbreath?

Or are you just going to throw shit at the wall and see if it sticks?

That's what I thought, lying piece of filth.
Very childish and silly. School yard language and talk. Your age? Can't engage in civil and adult conversations? No practice at it? So, you think name calling and personal attacks is the way to discuss issues? Do you get a thrill from it? Does it make your day? Feel better now? Your remarks are very immature, and pathetic.

Oh, and yes, I do. If you're too lazy to look up celebrities, sports figures, and others that have had the spotlight at one time or another, I can provide names and links. Have you ever heard of Willie Nelson?

Shut Up!

I hate to burst your political bubble, but those claiming to be Republicans, as well as those claiming to be Democrat are, and have been, guilty of income tax evasion, and it's been going on for many decades, if not longer. Your attempt at party slander holds no water, and is extremely biased, which is obvious. It's well documented that sports figures, celebrities, and others, of both political persuasions, have been caught not paying taxes. A little research might do wonders for you, at least it should.

Just because someone is well known, or in the national spotlight, doesn't mean that they are any different than anyone else, and usually aren't when it comes to breaking laws. Republicans and Democrats alike have been guilty of breaking laws, including income tax evasion. Your political bias shines like the morning sun.

You got names and links cockbreath?

Or are you just going to throw shit at the wall and see if it sticks?

That's what I thought, lying piece of filth.
Very childish and silly. School yard language and talk. Your age? Can't engage in civil and adult conversations? No practice at it? So, you think name calling and personal attacks is the way to discuss issues? Do you get a thrill from it? Does it make your day? Feel better now? Your remarks are very immature, and pathetic.

Oh, and yes, I do. If you're too lazy to look up celebrities, sports figures, and others that have had the spotlight at one time or another, I can provide names and links. Have you ever heard of Willie Nelson?

Shut Up!

Cute .... very cute ....... anything else while you're on a roll here? Your age?
Cute .... very cute ....... anything else while you're on a roll here? Your age?

Found this for you.


Thanks. I've seen it many times already. A damn good game. Ohio deserved the win, they out-played us. It was exciting all the way. Thanks anyway, very thoughtful of you. I hope we have many more exciting games in the future.
Thanks. I've seen it many times already. A damn good game. Ohio deserved the win, they out-played us. It was exciting all the way. Thanks anyway, very thoughtful of you. I hope we have many more exciting games in the future.

Not sure Nick Saban feels that way.

And consider this -- Ohio State won with their third string quarterback. And most of the team was underclassmen.

Wanna take a guess on who will be ranked #1 come August and throughout the year unless they get knocked off?

Anyway, I have two favorite College Football Teams.....

Ohio State and whoever's playing Florida State.

And my favorite College B-Ball team is whoever's playing Kentucky.

Alabama deserves mucho respect but they still don't play in the Big Ten, the toughest conference in the Country.

The new playoff format will prove that out
Thanks. I've seen it many times already. A damn good game. Ohio deserved the win, they out-played us. It was exciting all the way. Thanks anyway, very thoughtful of you. I hope we have many more exciting games in the future.

Not sure Nick Saban feels that way.

And consider this -- Ohio State won with their third string quarterback. And most of the team was underclassmen.

Wanna take a guess on who will be ranked #1 come August and throughout the year unless they get knocked off?

Anyway, I have two favorite College Football Teams.....

Ohio State and whoever's playing Florida State.

And my favorite College B-Ball team is whoever's playing Kentucky.

Alabama deserves mucho respect but they still don't play in the Big Ten, the toughest conference in the Country.

The new playoff format will prove that out
Time will tell. And, Ohio State doesn't have to play in the SEC either. College football is getting more equal from team to team each and every year. There are many very good teams to keep an eye on. This coming season will be exciting to see how the favorite teams do. My guess is that Ohio State and Alabama will be in the top five throughout the season. But, there're a lot of strong teams all across the country. I wouldn't doubt major upsets the first half of the season that shocks a lot of fans. I'm really looking forward to this coming season, as I do every season. And, very exciting games are coming in the first couple of weeks of the season also.

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