Pay the Russians $5,000,000 in BitCoin for their ransomware attack (Poll)

Do you support paying the Russian ransom to unlock the Colonial Pipeline?

  • Yes, Russians are a lot smarter than Americans, in America math is "racist", ransoms are "equitable"

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, we should NEVER pay ransoms

    Votes: 13 100.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
FECKLESS. Describes the Xiden administration perfectly.
Feeble or ineffective.
Spiritless; weak; useless; worthless.

Stupid Russians probably could have gotten a lot more than $5m (crime pays!!).
Maybe they have even richer chumps lined up for their next ransomware attack?
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When they gotz you by the ballz whatz you gonna dood?

The company was lax on protocol and cybersecurity, I bet they make changes now and buy that McAfee program...
Never negotiate with terrorists, kidnappers, or hackers. Hunt them down and kill/punish them instead. Otherwise, like you mentioned, they get enriched and learn that crime pays, and others are motivated to do similar, instead of being deterred.

This fact seems to be lost on not only the Biden Admin, but also prior Democratic administrations.

They send money to Iran, who then swarms US vessels in international waters and take American troops hostage.

They send money to Hamas, who then uses it to fire hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilians.

Rather than address the Southern border invasion, they propose sending money to countries in Central America for things like "planting trees."

It seems they will never learn. You don't reward undesirable behavior, you punish it harshly, otherwise you get more of it (e.g. unemployment, welfare).

The converse is also true. Rewarding desirable behavior results in more of it. The Dems fail to do this as well (e.g. higher taxes on the successful).
I hate the thought of paying the 5M, but if I were the CEO calling the shots, I'd say pay it. 5 million is pocket change for Colonial Pipeline. I'm sure that the cost per day of having the pipeline shut off and of working around the ransomware quickly dwarfed 5 million.

Got to hate it when the bad guys win, but sometimes its best to pick your battles and cut your losses. This battle is loss, it was time to tap out and get back to business.

Having said that, a battle was loss, but the war is not over. Joe Biden needs to sick the CIA on Darkside as if they were Osama Bin Laden. They need to know that there is a target on their backs and the 5 million isn't worth it.
Man, I learned how to beat those guys years ago when they would take over your computer, I am surprised that people who are professionals that actually get paid to take care of computer systems couldn't handle ransomware.
I hate the thought of paying the 5M, but if I were the CEO calling the shots, I'd say pay it. 5 million is pocket change for Colonial Pipeline. I'm sure that the cost per day of having the pipeline shut off and of working around the ransomware quickly dwarfed 5 million.

Got to hate it when the bad guys win, but sometimes its best to pick your battles and cut your losses. This battle is loss, it was time to tap out and get back to business.

Having said that, a battle was loss, but the war is not over. Joe Biden needs to sick the CIA on Darkside as if they were Osama Bin Laden. They need to know that there is a target on their backs and the 5 million isn't worth it.
Yeah, like Pootin will actually work with the US to do it.
FECKLESS. Describes the Xiden administration perfectly.
Feeble or ineffective.
Spiritless; weak; useless; worthless.

Stupid Russians probably could have gotten a lot more than $5m (crime pays!!).
Maybe they have even richer chumps lined up for their next ransomware attack?
It payed, this time. If I were a criminal, had a scam that worked and was located somewhere, where I couldn't be touched, I'd run the same scam again. There's not much downside for the Russian scammers. Looks like they figured Colonial Pipeline company about right. $5,000,000 Dollars is a nice sale in anybody's book and the profit margin on the transaction was through the roof. Hey, $5 Million on a transaction here, $5 Million on a transaction there, sooner or later it adds up to real money.
I hate the thought of paying the 5M, but if I were the CEO calling the shots, I'd say pay it. 5 million is pocket change for Colonial Pipeline. I'm sure that the cost per day of having the pipeline shut off and of working around the ransomware quickly dwarfed 5 million.

Got to hate it when the bad guys win, but sometimes its best to pick your battles and cut your losses. This battle is loss, it was time to tap out and get back to business.

Having said that, a battle was loss, but the war is not over. Joe Biden needs to sick the CIA on Darkside as if they were Osama Bin Laden. They need to know that there is a target on their backs and the 5 million isn't worth it.
Yeah, like Pootin will actually work with the US to do it.
Pootin may very well be behind it. But we can at least send Maxwell Smart and Agent 99 after them.
I hate the thought of paying the 5M, but if I were the CEO calling the shots, I'd say pay it. 5 million is pocket change for Colonial Pipeline. I'm sure that the cost per day of having the pipeline shut off and of working around the ransomware quickly dwarfed 5 million.

Got to hate it when the bad guys win, but sometimes its best to pick your battles and cut your losses. This battle is loss, it was time to tap out and get back to business.

Having said that, a battle was loss, but the war is not over. Joe Biden needs to sick the CIA on Darkside as if they were Osama Bin Laden. They need to know that there is a target on their backs and the 5 million isn't worth it.
It's a practical approach for someone with deep pockets, but it encourages more illegal activity.

Kind of like the small business owners that would pay a mafia shakedown for "fire insurance" premiums.

The right approach is of course, to secure critical infrastructure from such attacks. While this is not foolproof, any large business should also have disaster plans in place, with full anf frequent backups of critical computer systems.

I read that although Colonial paid the ransom, the key they received did not work. So they probably did what they were supposed to do anyway, and restore their computers from backup.
Never negotiate with terrorists, kidnappers, or hackers. Hunt them down and kill/punish them instead. Otherwise, like you mentioned, they get enriched and learn that crime pays, and others are motivated to do similar, instead of being deterred.

This fact seems to be lost on not only the Biden Admin, but also prior Democratic administrations.

They send money to Iran, who then swarms US vessels in international waters and take American troops hostage.

They send money to Hamas, who then uses it to fire hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilians.

Rather than address the Southern border invasion, they propose sending money to countries in Central America for things like "planting trees."

It seems they will never learn. You don't reward undesirable behavior, you punish it harshly, otherwise you get more of it (e.g. unemployment, welfare).

The converse is also true. Rewarding desirable behavior results in more of it. The Dems fail to do this as well (e.g. higher taxes on the successful).
Are you on the right wing? Appealing to ignorance is what right wingers do best.

Our drug war is worthless, why not abolish that purely discretionary, wasteful spending since it only creates refugees for right wingers to also complain about.

Promoting and providing for the general welfare not the general badfare is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitutional form of federal Government.
Man, I learned how to beat those guys years ago when they would take over your computer, I am surprised that people who are professionals that actually get paid to take care of computer systems couldn't handle ransomware.
Worst case, wipe it clean, and restore from backup.
Someone is going to pay for this. A Russian pipeline is going to rupture or a power grid is going to burn out. America will never say if we did it but one thing is certain, we no longer have to wonder why Putin gets a free pass to fuck with America.
FECKLESS. Describes the Xiden administration perfectly.
Feeble or ineffective.
Spiritless; weak; useless; worthless.

Stupid Russians probably could have gotten a lot more than $5m (crime pays!!).
Maybe they have even richer chumps lined up for their next ransomware attack?

'There Is No Evidence Biden Directly Knew / Knows These Ransom Attacks Are Going on Under His Rule/Protection'.

A recent security brief reportedly stated many of the members of these groups operating in Russia are either former Russian military / govt cyber-experts or they are current members 'moonlighting' =, working for these groups part time.

It is IMPOSSIBLE Putin doe not know this is going on.

It is most probable that these groups are operating under the permission of Putin, as finding US cyber vulnerabilities that can be exploited during hostilities / a war would be invaluable.

'Infrastructure'? These cyber-extortionists just proved that a pipeline providing 45+% of the East Coasts' gasoline and jet fuel is more important than paving a road or funding Democrat pork.
crypto currency is going to change the way business is done- hopefully it'll put the federal reserve out of business- I won't hold my breath though- them jews (and their victimization role playing) is a hard nut to crack- especially when alleged christians in an alleged christian nation kiss their "chosen" asses at every opportunity-
Upgrading pipelines will do little unless cybersecurity is massively upgraded and nations are held accountable for these cyber-blackmailers'/extortionists' crimes. Putin should be called on the carpet for this....and when they say 'not my problem', withhold a couple billion in foreign aide, start imposing sanctions....
Upgrade the pipeline and connect it with Keystone.
Keystone is a oil pipeline meant to deliver crude from Canada's oil shale operation to ports on the Gulf of Mexico. Not sure why you would want to connect it to a gasoline pipeline.
Upgrade the pipeline and connect it with Keystone.
Keystone is a oil pipeline meant to deliver crude from Canada's oil shale operation to ports on the Gulf of Mexico. Not sure why you would want to connect it to a gasoline pipeline.
The Colonial pipeline is already there and can deliver to the entire southeast.
When they gotz you by the ballz whatz you gonna dood?

The company was lax on protocol and cybersecurity, I bet they make changes now and buy that McAfee program...
Solid, frequent backups and tested restore scenarios are a good solution to this kind of problem. Cost less $ than the outage + the ransom. Unfortunately, that is one area that many companies do not take seriously enough to spend on.

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