pay attention democrats

The Clinton years; "trickle-down", "voo-doo" and "supply-side" economics

comical when the Left tries to accuse others of being "disengenous". under obama and Progressives the very richest got richer and the very poorest got poorer

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Sonny, politics should be played on the international level only… It is despicable playing politics domestically...
Take care of home first. We can't govern the whole world. As it stands now, we can't even take care of our own business. We're not big brother to the world, and can't be. We don't even have the resources to take care of ourselves, so how are we to get in the business of international governing?
Very misleading. A professional politician is a professional politician, no difference. It would be much better to show what any of them have actually done to make this a better nation, a more prosperous nation, a more independent nation, and have acted for the well-being of all citizens. Ask yourself, "what have any of them done to actually benefit every single citizen, and benefit this nation as a whole". Mentioning anything else, is nothing more than distractions, and a side show.
Why are you talking populism? Republicans, especially the tea party republicans, are not allowed to do anything that directly benefits a working class person. That's socialism. They are only allowed to give away government cash to "job creators".
The truth is the truth. Can you dispute what I have said?
The left has been asking that basic question of the republican party since the 80s as they continue to only give a shit about billionaires and preach trickle down voodoo. They pull out their disingenuous populism every election and put it away right after being sworn in. No conservative has any right to ask populist questions since they only care about 1% of the population.

Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1% - Sep ...
Sep 15, 2013 - President Obama has been loud and clear about his fight against income inequality, but he admitted that the rich have fared far better than the poor during his time in the White ...

what were you saying leftard??????

personal net worth of 330,506, first I don't believe it and second if true he definitely has been doing something wrong.
dude maks $174,000/year and only has a net worth of $330,000?

and you think this nutjob is qualified?

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