Paul Ryan Reverses Stance On Gay Adoption

hes a moralless shill.

how much of a compassionate conservative did Bush turn out to be.

That was Bushies whole STICK in 2000

He expanded government spending on Medicaid and welfare, he implemented the most extensive program to combat AIDS in Africa the world has ever seen, and he is not sniping at Obama for calling him names. I think that answers your question.
And he just went against the doctrine of the church because his conscious bothered him.

I guess that proves that you are dumber than he is.
I think you read more into those two words than was intended.

I read into them that you think he is a hypocrite for not supporting gay marriage, which is only true if he is both gay and married. Since I doubt you believe that, i mocked you for agreeing with someone who misused the word hypocrite.

Ha! You took a lot form two words.
Not according to all the experts that tell me it is about the base.

I doubt he could win a national election without both:)

And he needs the base first, which means he is supposed to run to the right.

He's already considered by many very right. I don't see this move as hurting him with his base at all. Saying gay parents are better than no parents gains him much more than he loses.
I doubt he could win a national election without both:)

And he needs the base first, which means he is supposed to run to the right.

He's already considered by many very right. I don't see this move as hurting him with his base at all. Saying gay parents are better than no parents gains him much more than he loses.

Doesn't matter, does it? He will be attacked from the social right for supporting gay adoptions, something everyone knows. The experts say you cannot win a primary by going for independents, something he knows. If he really wanted to run for president he wouldn't announce this.
And he needs the base first, which means he is supposed to run to the right.

He's already considered by many very right. I don't see this move as hurting him with his base at all. Saying gay parents are better than no parents gains him much more than he loses.

Doesn't matter, does it? He will be attacked from the social right for supporting gay adoptions, something everyone knows. The experts say you cannot win a primary by going for independents, something he knows. If he really wanted to run for president he wouldn't announce this.

ah - okay. Now I see your point. And you are correct. If you weren't, we'd be hearing Hail to the Chief whenever Jon Huntsman walked into a room.
what took him so long ...

in lite of his conversion why continue to cling to the above hypocrisy ?

He's catholic.

And he just went against the doctrine of the church because his conscious bothered him.

Point of order, the Pope and the Bishops and some American Priests are homophobic...

But the "Church" that is the Catholics themselves, they're pretty much "live and let live."

Gays will likely never marry in a Catholic ceremony, that's okay the Episcopal Church (Catholic-light) is ready to do the service.

I guess that proves that you are dumber than he is.[/QUOTE]
hes a moralless shill.

how much of a compassionate conservative did Bush turn out to be.

That was Bushies whole STICK in 2000

Your bias continues to blind you to the good he has done.

Liberals and conservatives alike applauded the Bush-backed bill, and Democrats gave the President a rare kudos for his initiative. Senator Joseph Biden (D-Delaware), told the Associated Press that PEPFAR was "the single most significant thing the President has done," saying it would save hundreds of thousands of lives — and the new legislation is even more ambitious.

The legislation "is our compact with developing nations across the globe," said Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives, in a statement last week. "It says that America stands with them in this fight, that our commitment will not waver, and shows them America’s true facge of compassion."

Bush Triples Funding for AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis | Wired Science |

Neither does he run around blaming Someone Else when faced with a challenge. I miss that.
Nah, elections are all about the independent voter.

Not according to all the experts that tell me it is about the base.

How can it possibly be about the base when the base will vote for you simply because you aren't the other guy? Of course it's all about the independent voter.

Is that why the base voted for Newt Gingrich?

Has everyone forgotten about primaries all of a sudden? Do you remember that Hillary actually ran against Obama, called him unqualified, and tried to tell people about what would happen when he got a 3 AM phone call?

Why the fuck didn't you idiots listen to her?
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He's catholic.

And he just went against the doctrine of the church because his conscious bothered him.

Point of order, the Pope and the Bishops and some American Priests are homophobic...

But the "Church" that is the Catholics themselves, they're pretty much "live and let live."

Gays will likely never marry in a Catholic ceremony, that's okay the Episcopal Church (Catholic-light) is ready to do the service.

I guess that proves that you are dumber than he is.


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